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Chapter 378 Returning to the Chambord! Ripping off the bar! Just want to retire

The golden air dragon flies and gallops in the sky, painting a dazzling golden thread on the blue sky.

It won't take long.

Cui Ze and Aramaki rode the golden air dragon from the Navy Headquarters to the bustling Chambord Islands, and landed on Bubble Peninsula No. 69, where naval stations and government offices are mainly located.

After gaining Cui Ze's approval and becoming a trainee crew member of the Destiny Pirates, Aramaki finally returned to his normal state.

As soon as he landed on the Bubble Islands, which was made up of the trunks of the red branches of Artichoke, the flower street prodigal raised his hands in a gesture of embracing the void.

"Hahahaha! It's such an extremely friendly atmosphere!"

Aramaki took a deep breath, inhaling the air of the Shampoo Islands almost greedily.

"My favorite types of islands are the ones made up entirely of trees like the Shampoo Islands!"

"Your Sensen Fruit ability should be able to increase to a certain extent on the Bubble Islands, right?"

While asking casually.

Cui Ze turned over his hand and took out the [Simultaneous Space] card, and faint ripples appeared in the air beside him.

Chopper, Robin and the three half-dragon maids walked out of the card space and stepped onto the ground of the Bubble Islands.

According to the previous plan, Cui Ze, Yixiao and others went to the Navy Headquarters, Urqui, Hawkins and others wandered around the Chambord Islands, while Chopper, Robin, Fisher and other members settled in the field cards.

After staying in the card for nearly three days, when several members came out, their postures were almost the same as Aramaki just now.

"Is this the Bubble Islands? It's as beautiful as the legend says."

"There are so many bubbles! Sister Dici, look over there!"

"The sticky ground is so annoying..."

"It can indeed be enhanced——"

Aramaki was about to respond to the captain's question, but then the conversation changed. He pulled his pants somewhat uncomfortably and complained to Robin again.

"Hey! Miss! Don't put the mangrove mucus on my pants!"

"Feel sorry."

Robin said casually to Huang Mu without any sincerity, then she looked at Cui Ze and asked softly.

"Captain, is the meeting between the World Government and the Navy completely over?"

“It was done very smoothly!”

Cui Ze nodded towards Robin, looking at the latter's slightly solemn expression, he waved his hand casually.

"Don't worry, neither the World Government nor the Navy Headquarters have asked me about you...

"Well, although it may seem strange to say this, the World Government and the Navy seem to think that I can exert a strong and effective restraint on you, so that you will not touch some taboo matters."


Robin's eyes fluctuated slightly.

"Captain, do you also think that studying history is taboo or even wrong?"

"I'm not the world government!"

Cui Ze shrugged his shoulders with a meaningless expression on his face.

"If I really felt that studying history was wrong, I wouldn't have taken you to see the Golden Bell in the first place."

Robin nodded slightly, no longer entangled in this problem, and turned to ask Cui Ze about his next action plan...

"With a smile, Anilu is looking for someone to fight with. As for the other crew members staying on the Chambord Islands..."

Having said this, Cui Ze's [Destiny] was instantly activated, and he immediately grasped the location information of Urki and the others, including the focused Gilder Tezzolo, who was also on the Chambord Islands at this time.

"They are scattered across various peninsulas! They are mainly concentrated in the illegal zone, which is still far away from here..."

Huang Mu, Robin, Chopper, and Xiao Canghe were all looking at Cui Ze, waiting for the captain's orders.

"Those who are willing to move freely can go and move freely! The battle between Yixiao and others will continue for some time, and it is not yet time for everyone to gather."

Cui Ze waved his hands towards everyone.

"As for those who want to follow me... I plan to find an experienced old coated shipwright. Maybe there will be a battle. Anyone who is willing to come will follow."

Aramaki, who was just about to take a step forward to go to the Bubble Islands to see something different from the custom shops in Happy Street, stopped immediately after hearing these words.

It's not a loaded gun.

But a battle with real swords and guns?

That’s quite interesting too!

And the battle can be mentioned deliberately by the captain...

Maybe there will be a surprise!

Robin and the others, who didn't have much interest in fighting, finally decided to spend some time on the Chambord Islands before waiting for the captain's call, and at the same time, they could kill the feeling of depression accumulated in the past few days.

Yaoguang, the dragon butler with a B-level overall rating, is following, as well as Pride(s) in the dark. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the safety of Robin and the others.

Cui Ze and Huang Mu headed towards the direction of Peninsula No. 13.

Destination—Xia Qi’s rip-off bar!

In Xia Qi's rip-off bar.

The charming proprietress Xia Qi was standing behind the bar with a pen in her mouth and a stack of thick bills in her hand.

"Drink money, food money, gunpowder bullet money, New World intelligence money...even monkey banana money!"


Boss Xia Qi took off the pen from her mouth, shook the bill in her hand vigorously, and complained loudly to Reilly who was sitting in front of the bar.

"Do you know how much money that brat red-haired Shanks spent in my bar for two days in total?!"

"Please deduct it from the money I paid for selling myself. As a senior, it is natural to treat the newlyweds to drinks and attend banquets."

Rayleigh responded without raising his head.

At this time, he was immersed in reading the "World Economic News" in his hand, checking the latest information about the change of leadership at the Navy Headquarters.

'A new admiral has been directly added to the navy headquarters! The strength and power of the navy have expanded again...'

'Roger, the era of pirates you launched with your life is truly admirable.'

'But the real overlord of the sea, from beginning to end, is just the navy!'

'Will the future predicted at the beginning really come in 12 years?'

"The money you paid for selling yourself has been deducted a long time ago! You worthless old man!!"

Xia Qi slapped the bill in her hand on the bar counter, grabbed Lei Li's collar with one hand, and moved her charming face directly towards the other's face, and the tips of their noses touched each other.

"Do you know! The price of an ordinary human slave is only 700,000 beli! And you, a bad old man, still need to deduct more than half of the price to sell it! Hurry up and make money for me!"

"Hahahaha! Is this the legendary Hades Silbaz Rayleigh?"

A burst of wild laughter came from the door of the rip-off bar.

The slender Aramaki, with a full expression of excitement, opened the door of the rip-off bar.

"It's completely different from what I expected. He's just an old man who was bullied by his mother-in-law until he couldn't speak."

Reilly patted the back of Xia Qi's hand a few times, then turned around and looked at the door leading into the rip-off bar.

Just when Pluto was about to respond to this strange face who somehow learned his true identity.

A familiar face appeared behind Huang Mu.

Rayleigh looked at the young man with a slightly bitter look on his face.

'His Majesty the Shichibukai! Card Master!'

'Why did this guy come to your door again?'

'I'm just an old pirate who wants to retire!'

This chapter has been completed!
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