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Chapter 380 The green bull exits! Ozawa takes over! The collision of the overlord

The upper body of the huge tree man lost its support and crashed onto the ground of the Shampoo Islands.

The entire Peninsula 13 trembled slightly due to the force of the impact.

The violent roar caused by the collision spread directly to a small half of the illegal zone.

Countless bold pirates, attracted by this terrifying fighting momentum, are rushing here.

Among them are other members of the Destiny Pirates, who mainly gather in the lawless zone!

However, Ulki and the others who had not arrived yet had not expected that their meeting with the captain would happen in such a situation.

Aramaki, whose body was cut off, was also unaware of his fellow crew members who were about to arrive.

At this time, he was busy getting out of the ground and regaining his shape.

Rayleigh's extremely powerful flying slash certainly cut through the forest realm filled with forbidden hatred, but it also inflicted severe wounds on Aramaki, who transformed into a giant tree man.

However, this level of attack was not enough to truly threaten Aramu.

Just like Rayleigh used the "newspaper sword" to cut off the vines just now.

He can cut through the trunks of vines.

But it couldn't kill the life of the vines.

The forbidden forest of hatred was broken, and the giant tree man was destroyed.

For "Sensenman" Aramaki, these two items are nothing more than abilities and means to recover by spending more time and energy.

When recovering his body, Aramaki did not forget to treat Lei Li and Xia Qi.

Under the control of the power of Sensen Fruit.

A terrifying ravine was cut out of the Forbidden Forest, and the branches and vines in the forest grew and spread again, easily returning to their original form.

Then, the forest spread at an extremely fast speed, forming a turbulent and violent wave of green forest, which was about to submerge Lei Li and the proprietress Xia Qi in it.

"The methods used by these natural devil fruit users are really frightening."

Rayleigh hugged the proprietress Xia Qi again, stepped on the air, escaped from a lush green forest, and stood on a tall building on Peninsula 13.

It has long been known what kind of wilderness the first 30 islands in the Chambord Islands are, and they did not stop their attacks because of this.

The boundless sea of ​​trees continued to spread and grow, and the tough and thick tree trunks were like pythons, entangled in the extremely tall slave auction house where Lei Li and the proprietress Xia Qi temporarily settled.

Crunch - crunch -

Accompanied by the sound of shattering buildings, the slave auction house instantly became shapeless and collapsed under the strangulation of forest trunks.

The slaves, pirates, slave traders, etc. in the slave auction house were even brought out from the inside by the vine branches that grew out of the forbidden hatred at once, like wearing a candied haws.

These people were temporarily hung on the branches by Aramu's ability. The vines drained their life force, turning them into dying human beings floating in the wind. They were unable to resist at all and could only be left for subsequent processing.

However, the people in the slave auction house could not resist the strict restraint of hatred.

Reilly had no such worries.

The speed of the forest and sea of ​​trees is simply not comparable to his moving speed...

After some entanglement.

The forest created through the Sensen Fruit spreads to almost half of Peninsula 13.

However, Rayleigh was not injured at all after being attacked.

Aramaki started to attack, but he was slightly out of breath due to the frequent use of his ability.

Unwilling to give up, Aramaki once again controls the trees in the Forbidden Forest.

The vast trees were gathered together by his ability to use the dense fruits, and the branches were twisted and twisted with each other, eventually forming several spirally twisted weird weapons, and the tips of the trunks were wrapped with dark armed domineering energy.

Tsk! Tsk!

A burst of sharp sound broke through the air, and the spiral tree trunk was like the horn of a charging bull, rapidly bombarding the place where Lei Li and the proprietress Xia Qi were standing.

The bombardment speed of the spiral tree trunk is too fast for ordinary pirates to react to.

However, Rayleigh, who was proficient in the domineering power of knowledge, just jumped a few times, and he and the proprietress Xia Qi evaded Aramu's attack.

Boom! Boom!

The spiral tree trunk bombarded the place where Leili and the proprietress Xia Qi were standing, directly blasting out several deep pits with a diameter of several meters in the ground. Broken grass clippings mixed with the sticky Yarkman mangrove resin shot out in all directions.

"Damn it! His speed is too fast!"

Aramaki's figure appeared in the central area of ​​the Forbidden Forest, and he looked in the direction of Rayleigh, who had a natural expression, with dismay.

"It's not that his speed is fast, but that your speed is too slow."

Cui Ze released [Aura Blocking] and appeared next to Huang Mu.

"In addition to ability restraint, this is one of your weaknesses in combat. After the incident in the Shampoo Islands is over, you can also go to the [Gravity Chamber] to exercise for a while!"

Seeing Cui Ze, Huang Mu immediately knew that his battle was over.

Even though I was very unhappy inside.

But Aramaki knew better, there was really nothing he could do against Pluto Rayleigh.

"Got it, Captain!"

"It seems that the real owner is planning to take action..."

Standing on the top of a new building, Rayleigh took a deep breath, put down the proprietress Xia Qi in his arms, and at the same time clenched the Western sword in his hand.

Xia Qi, who knew very well what role she played in this battle, could only act as a cheerleader for Reilly.

"Kacard is just a newcomer. No matter how strong he is, can he still be stronger than Sengoku and Garp?"

"It's really hard to tell!"

Cui Ze's voice suddenly sounded from behind Lei Li and Xia Qi.

A sharp red light flashed in the eyes, and the deep and solid black armed domineering energy surged out from Rayleigh's body and wrapped around the blade of the Western sword in his hand.


Lei Li violently twisted his body, and the jet-black Western sword swung out a round arc like a black crescent moon in mid-air, and slashed straight towards the back. Around the jet-black sword body, several flashing black and red lines were faintly visible.

Terrifying arcs of light.

[Premonition] I have already been reminded of this scene.

As early as when he appeared behind Rayleigh and the two through [Destiny], Cui Ze raised his fist, wrapped it with the same weapon-colored Haki and Overlord-colored Haki, and blasted forward!

[Batang] [Nail Dragon]!


The waving sword blade and the dark iron fist did not touch each other at all. When they were still nearly half a meter away from each other, the space between them was instantly distorted, and terrifying air explosions and shock waves were directed toward them.

There were loud explosions all around.

The ground of the Shampoo Islands suddenly exploded, and the powerful and terrifying shock wave spread directly towards the sky. The high-altitude clouds were easily torn into two halves under this force.

The sky splits!


This chapter has been completed!
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