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Chapter 387 An exaggerated picture of prophecy! The sun and the moon shine, and natural disasters co

"Burned to death by the sun?"

"Cui Ze."

"Master Captain..."

With a panicked expression, Xiao Canghe directly reached out and hugged Cui Ze, holding her hands tightly around his waist, expressing her feelings with the most direct action.

Chopper on the side couldn't squeeze in, so he simply hugged Cui Ze's thigh, his face full of sorrow and tears, as if Cui Ze had been burned to death by the sun.

Compared to these two panicked little cute creatures.

Huo Banxian, who had a dull expression, directly pulled out a pile of tarot cards and began to divine on his own.

Some shuffling of the cards.

Huo Banxian put down the tarot cards and shook his head silently.

'Sure enough, I still can't figure out anything about the captain... a terrible man.'

"Haha, okay, Xiaolan, it's not that scary."

Cui Ze smiled and gently stroked Xiao Canghe's head for a while, then pulled Chopper's furry face, and then he asked Charlie with interest.

"Being burned to death by the sun, what exactly does it look like?

"Am I standing in the center of the sun? Or is the sun coming towards me? Or..."

Having said this, Cui Ze paused for a moment and then condensed a powerful flash shock wave. The shock wave was surrounded by spiral energy and crashed into a card, instantly turning into a brand new B-level card.

[Devil Penetrating Light Killing Cannon].

"It's like this.

"I was hit directly into the sun by a shock wave."

Why is this King's Shichibukai so scary?

Is this what normal people should think?!

And the shock wave he just created...

Is it a threat?

He must be threatening me!

Charlie stared at Cui Ze with a ghostly expression, as if she had seen some rare species.

"Miss Fortune Teller, aren't you ready to respond to our guests' questions?"

Cui Ze raised his hand and waved gently in front of the stunned Charlie's face.

"Or are you saying that you didn't actually see the prophecy in the crystal ball clearly?"

Charlie, who was awakened by Cui Ze's actions, immediately heard his next words and said angrily: "Of course I saw it clearly!"

"What is the specific situation?" Cui Ze asked immediately.

He was indeed a little curious about the results of Xia Li's crystal ball divination just now.

[Insights of those who know everything] The feedback message told Cui Ze that Xia Li's prediction just now was not a random fabrication.

Or rather...

Charlie did see something from the crystal ball, and regarded those pictures as things that would definitely happen in the future, and she had no doubts about it!

"The sun! Well, it's just that a super huge fireball has enveloped you in it. You have been burned into black coke, and you can't see the exact shape."

Very obvious.

After being asked to describe the prophetic scene in detail.

The mysterious diviner aura that enveloped Xia Li's body was instantly torn to pieces.

But even so.

Xiao Canghe and Chopper were two cute pets, but they were still frightened by her words.

The captain was not only burned to death, but also reduced to charcoal!

How scary!

Cui Ze was speechless at Xia Li's explanation...

"...Since you can't see my shape clearly, why can you tell that it's me?"

"This is my divination for you. Of course you will be the only one burned to death by the sun!"

Charlie said in a honey-confident tone.

"Okay, this explanation is enough."

Cui Ze shook his head and continued to ask about the details of the prophetic picture.

"Where was the sun at that time?"

"Up in the sky!"

"Besides the sun, what other scenes are there?"

"The cracked and broken earth, the people wailing and fleeing, and you being burned to death by the sun!"

Charlie simply recounted all the scenes she had just predicted.

She looked at Cui Ze with a slightly pleased look, obviously satisfied with this disastrous prophetic picture.

But then again.

The result predicted this time was the most exaggerated that Xia Li had ever predicted in her life.

Back then, when the era of great pirates was coming, there were only scenes like the fish-man island in flames, pirates looting and so on.

"Sounds like a disaster movie..."

Cui Ze touched his chin.

"Besides these, is there anything else?"

"Anything else?"

Charlie frowned and tried to think back for a while.

"The dim sky, the low moon, the dilapidated buildings...there is nothing else worth mentioning."

"Forget it, let me see it myself!"

Cui Ze stretched out his right hand.

"Miss Charlie, would you mind shaking your hand?"

"Huh? Is this some kind of human etiquette?"

Charlie looked at her palm and stretched it out hesitantly.

"The prophecy picture just now? That's it!"

Cui Ze's palm was released as soon as he touched it.

[Exploration of Memory] has obtained the prophetic picture he wanted.

In the gloomy and dark sky, an unusually white moon hangs low.

The withered red earth under the moonlight was cracked and broken, and many locations seemed to have been wiped out out of thin air, as if they had been baptized by some natural disaster. Thick crowds of people were running and escaping on the ground, their body language full of panic.

In the sky opposite the bright moon, there is a blazing sun hanging in flames.

A lake-like figure stood out of thin air in the middle of the fireball. The black shadow on his right arm looked a bit weird and slender, and he seemed to be holding some kind of weapon.

The intense light emitted by the sun can still only illuminate a small area of ​​the sky around it, and the overall environment is still filled with dim colors.

Staring at this prophetic picture, Cui Ze fell into deep thought.

The captain fell silent.

The vice-captain is also somewhat interested in so-called divination.

"Miss Mermaid, can you help me divine the future?"

Yixiao asked Charlie with a sincere expression.

"I also want to know... what my future will be like."

Through this close contact.

Charlie actually feels that the [Destiny Pirates] are not as scary as the rumors on Fish-Man Island say.

At least these people, including the Card Master, don't look like the legendary vicious pirates who like to kill and torture fishmen...

But there is a relationship like Aaron.

Charlie still hopes to see the Destiny Pirates meet a tragic ending.

She did not refuse Yixiao's request for divination.

The crystal ball once again emitted a faint light.

After a while.

Charlie took back the palm that was resting on the crystal ball and looked at it with a sympathetic smile.

"This vicious-looking human uncle, your experience is not much better than that of your captain.

"Your captain will be burned to death by the sun, and you will be killed by a meteorite."

The smile that was full of expectation just now suddenly froze.


Can you be killed by a meteorite?

Cui Ze...did he find the wrong person?

After hearing Xia Li's new divination results, the one who showed strange emotions was not just a smile.

Even Domino, who was deeply obsessed with Miss Mermaid Fortune Teller's busty bust, forced herself to retract her gaze and looked at Miss Mermaid's cold face in surprise.

'Rather than divination, it is better to say that she did predict a certain picture of the future, but it was a very one-sided picture, and most of it was related to disaster scenes.'

The rational Robin looked at the mermaid fortune teller quietly, and made a rough judgment about the other person's ability in his heart.

‘Foreseeing a scene of disaster, and then contacting the person who requested the prophecy... These two things are mixed together, and it is easy for people to make the association that ‘it is the person who is being prophesied who encounters a disaster’.’

The crew members with similar psychological activities include Hawkins.

Huo Banxian had no way to divine the captain, nor could he make an accurate judgment on the captain's future.

After all, the captain's behavior... really makes people confused.

But Huo Banxian knew very well that even if Vice Captain Fat Tiger jumped into the sea and drowned, he would never be killed by a mere meteorite!

Combine the judgments made twice before and after.

Huo Banxian clearly realized the level of the mermaid fellow sitting opposite.

It’s strange to be able to see the future but not be able to read it!


This chapter has been completed!
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