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Chapter 398 What is a tech madman? Bloodline factor technology!

Could it be that the appearance of Xiaocanghe, Chopper and Baroque's three cute pets can also bring some special inspiration for scientific research to Dr. Vegapunk?

Cui Ze looked at Dr. Vegapunk, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

This kind of conjecture...

It’s by no means completely impossible!

Dr. Vegapunk is almost confirmed to be the smartest man in the world of pirates. He is said to be "five hundred years ahead of the sea in wisdom".

His research on science and technology covers a wide range of areas, from cell biology to military technology, to research on Devil Fruit abilities that are difficult for ordinary people to understand...

In this context of the Age of Discovery, dominated by sailing warships and flintlock muskets.

Dr. Vegapunk's painting style is obviously different from others.

As far as Cui Ze currently knows.

I won’t mention those common technologies.

Dr. Vegapunk's many black technologies include "mechanized animals", "living weapon modification", "personality memory erasure", "artificial fire-breathing dragon" and so on.

This does not include Dr. Vegapunk's in-depth research on Devil Fruit abilities.

Things like "making inanimate objects eat Devil Fruits (animal type only)", "transferring and copying Devil Fruit abilities (Sparkling Fruits)", and even "artificial Devil Fruits"!

Humanoid plug-in, so dark!

Just when Cui Ze was recalling Dr. Vegapunk's super black technology.

Chopper, who had been hiding behind his legs just now, took a few deep breaths and took the initiative to come out. He walked up to Dr. Vegapunk on his short legs and stretched out his deer hooves.

"Hello, Dr. Vegapunk, I am Tony Tony Chopper, the scientist of the Destiny Pirates! A reindeer who ate the Human Fruit!"

Dr. Vegapunk first bent down seriously and shook hands with Chopper, and then stood up straight.

"Scientist? This is a profession cursed by knowledge. Exploring science is quite hard work."

A gentle smile appeared on Dr. Vegapunk's face.

"The Renren Fruit is a very good devil fruit. Mr. Reindeer Chopper should make good use of his ability."


Chopper nodded very seriously, and then he ran back behind Cui Ze's legs as if he was a little embarrassed, hiding his head and exposing most of his body.

Exclusive hiding method in reindeer style!

After some brief greetings.

Dr. Vegapunk invited Cui Ze and other crew members of the Destiny Pirates to visit his laboratory. As a "security force", Kizaru followed closely.

"The World Government said that you want to see me, an old man, and you want to ask me if you have any questions..."

When Dr. Vegapunk said this.

Cui Ze glanced at Boss Huang Yuan next to him, who turned his head very casually and looked to the other side.

"That's right, this is an opportunity that I had a hard time applying for from the World Government~"

Cui Ze deliberately emphasized the words "world government", secretly mocking the slick monkey next to him.

"On the one hand, it's because most of the crew members of My Destiny Pirates are Devil Fruit users. I think Dr. Vegapunk, who is very outstanding in Devil Fruit research, can give them some guidance in the direction of developing their abilities. .

"On the other hand, I have some personal questions that I would like to ask Dr. Vegapunk for advice."

between discussions.

Dr. Vegapunk led Cui Ze and others to a corner of his huge laboratory, where there are all kinds of magical props and special creatures, all of which are the "personal works" of this doctor.


"That's amazing..."

Xiao Canghe was lying in front of a glass showcase, his little face almost pressed against the cold glass, staring intently at the two small flying dragons behind the glass, one red and one green.


The two thin flying dragons, which were only as tall as an ordinary person's calves, tried their best to vibrate the dragon wings behind them, flew into the air, and spit out two thin streams of flames at Xiaolan who was stuck to the glass.

Unfortunately, the glass showcase where they were imprisoned had undergone special treatment. The dragon flames sprayed on the glass had no other effect besides startling Xiao Lan.

However, the shouting Xiao Canghe still attracted the attention of others.

Including Cui Ze, who was talking to Dr. Vegapunk, also looked here.

"Be careful, Canghe!"

Cui Ze lightly scolded Xiaolan for being rude, and then apologized to Dr. Begapunk.

"It doesn't matter. Those two little dragons are the ones I use to protect Punk Hassad Island. They will take one to two years to grow up. They are not a threat at the moment."

Dr. Vegapunk shook his head and didn't mind.

"In comparison, the more important thing is that the little girl was not really frightened."

"Xiaocanghe is very courageous."

Cui Ze didn't think Xiaolan would really be frightened by the two little dragons. She was so fierce that she wasn't even afraid of Yao Guang!

"But those two flying dragons don't seem to be natural creatures, do they?"

There are indeed some strange and bizarre creatures in the sea, among which the Neptunes are the most numerous.

But there are also some creatures that existed in legends in previous lives, but they actually exist on the sea.

For example, there is a kind of [Gryphon] that lives in the South China Sea. Unfortunately, it was regarded as a rare creature by Big Mom and imprisoned in the Library of All Nations... (Chapter 847 of the comic, P7)

"No, they are special creatures that I cultivated myself."

Dr. Vegapunk explains.

"It can be regarded as some small by-products of the devil fruit research process."

Intervening in this topic, Cui Ze could just talk about the "personal issue" he just wanted to ask.

"Flying Dragon... I have heard that the Navy Headquarters has defeated and arrested Hyakushou Kaido many times. His Devil Fruit ability seems to be the Fish Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Blue Dragon form, right?"

"That's right! In fact, these two flying dragons are unnatural creatures cultivated using Kaido's personal bloodline factors."

Dr. Vegapunk nodded and admitted directly.

"It's not just these two flying dragons. In fact, I also cultivated an artificial Devil Fruit based on the Blue Dragon Fruit based on Kaido's bloodline factor... Unfortunately, it is a defective product."

"Artificial Devil Fruit..."

Cui Ze's eyes fluctuated slightly. Among the several purposes he came to Punk Hassad Island, he also included the "Kaido Son Fruit".

"Can you take me to visit?"

"Of course no problem!"

Dr. Begapunk immediately took Cui Ze to wander around the exhibition room for a while, and came to a small instrument. In a transparent cylindrical glass cover, there was a special apple-like fruit with a skin.

There are strange patterns in the shape of circles distributed on it.

Animal type·Artificial·Red Dragon Fruit!

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