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Chapter 434 [The Demon King of Songs]! The terrifying potential of destroying the country

"Teacher Leili's education level is not as good as the legend says."

There were layers of ripples in the void.

Cui Ze's figure walked out of the [Twin Gorges] and came to the boundless ice field riddled with holes and ravines.

Looking at the message prompts on the light screen, feeling the newly acquired ability of [Blocking of Wisdom and Hearing] and the enhancement of a small level of [Overlord Color Dominance], Cui Ze felt very satisfied in his heart.

"Even if you can't harvest bait, the value of an A-level strongman is still very high."

"Whether it is used to test abilities or to hone oneself, the effect is outstanding!"

"However, there are too few powerful and solitary pirates like Pluto Sirbaz Rayleigh in the sea..."

Some emotion.

Cui Ze put away his concern for Old Leili and carried Gordon, who he had brought out of [Twin Gorges].

This poor entertainment agent was once again stunned by the domineering aura of the Overlord in the battle just now.

Cui Ze had no intention of doing anything to the "newcomer" of the red-haired pirate group.

After all, although this man is on the Redfors, he is not an evil pirate with a bounty on his back.

It's a pity that Gordon's own strength and will are too weak, and he can't bear even the slightest aftermath of the battle. He often passes out, making it seem as if Cui Ze is constantly abusing him.

Just now in [Twin Gorges], Cui Ze also used [Legilimency] to perceive some of Gordon's past memories, and understood the reason why this manager stayed in the Red-haired Pirates.

If not for anything else, it’s because of the red-haired Shanks’ daughter—the red-and-white-haired little loli named “Uta”!

Through Gordon's memory, Cui Ze has roughly grasped the information about the little loli named "Uta".

To be precise.

Uta is not Shanks' biological daughter.

About eight or nine years ago, when the Red-Haired Pirates were still in the preparation stage, Shanks kept sailing around the four seas, looking for like-minded companions and crew members.

During a voyage in the North Sea, Shanks came across a treasure box drifting from the sea. The treasure box contained this little baby girl named Uta.

After picking up Uta, Shanks took the little baby girl with him to the Red-Haired Pirates, and during the voyage, he continued to use the remaining intelligence information in the treasure box to explore Uta's kingdom of origin. (Note


Finally after some twists and turns.

Shanks confirms that Uta's origin is the music kingdom in the new world - the Kingdom of Elegia!

Many years ago.

After the Red-Haired Pirates sailed to the New World, Shanks sent Uta back to the Kingdom of Elegia and left her on the island.

Although Uta's biological parents were not found, Shanks still tried his best to find a good family for Uta and help take care of her.

About two years ago.

The Red-Haired Pirates learned the whereabouts of the [Rubber Fruit] from nowhere. They forcibly took the Devil Fruit away from the World Government's guards, and directly left the Grand Line and headed for the East China Sea.

Perhaps in Shanks's view, issues such as "the inheritance of the Straw Hat", "the inheritance of the Sun God Fruit", "Roger's heir", etc. are more important than Uta, the adopted daughter who is already taken care of...

It's a pity that when the red-haired pirates left the new world and headed to the East China Sea to choose the successor of the [Nika Fruit].

Uta, who was left behind in the Kingdom of Elegia, unexpectedly acquired the ability of the Devil Fruit due to a coincidental experience.

That’s right!

Shanks' adopted daughter Uta is a Devil Fruit user.

Superhuman type·Gege fruit!

After accidentally acquiring the ability of the Song Fruit, the young Uta was unable to master his abilities at all.

When the red-haired pirates stayed in the East China Sea, Uta, who possessed the power of the Song Fruit, had already caused a lot of trouble in the Kingdom of Elegia.

The biggest trouble ever.

It was Uta who unconsciously activated her singing fruit ability, pulling the consciousness of all the residents of a small town in the Kingdom of Elegia into a virtual space to play with her.

If it weren't for the fact that the young Uta was unable to sustain the long-term physical exertion of the Song Fruit, causing her to lose strength and pass out.

I am afraid that all the residents in the small town where Uta is located will have their consciousnesses trapped in the virtual space for a long time and cannot go out, which will lead to the decline of external body functions and even death on the spot!

Fortunately, Uta's singing fruit ability was activated so secretly that no one in the Kingdom of Elegia was aware of her abnormality. However, a terrifying legend named "The Demon King of Song" appeared in the kingdom.

One of the purposes of the red-haired pirate group's voyage to the new world is to send Gordon, an experienced entertainment agent, to the Kingdom of Elegia so that he can train and guide Uta to avoid being too young.

The UTA caused greater damage.

It's a pity...

Before the red-haired pirate group could sail to the Kingdom of Elegia, they sank directly into the waters near the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and the entire pirate group completely returned.

And Gordon, who was supposed to be sent to the Kingdom of Elegia, fell into the hands of Cui Ze at this time.

"Superman-type song fruit, this is the embryo of a born musician!"

Information about Uta's appearance and abilities emerged in Cui Ze's mind.

"It's a pity that this little loli is still less than ten years old..."

As we all know.

Cui Ze is not interested in little lolita.

Say it again.

The front foot knocked Shanks over.

Then he went to plot someone else's adopted daughter...

This is too scumbag!

In comparison, Cui Ze was more concerned about the "Superman Song Fruit" that Uta had eaten.

"A fruit that can create a unique virtual world and bind everyone's consciousness within it... Is this really the ability that the Song Fruit should develop?"

"Shouldn't the fruit of singing be specifically expressed in terms of singing ability, voice ability, etc.?"

"As expected! The singer lady who ate the 'Superman Sound Fruit'... is still too conservative!"

Regarding Uta’s superhuman-type song fruit ability.

Cui Ze was very interested.

After all, in this sea dominated by physical monsters, "spiritual magic warriors" like Uta are indeed quite rare...

Charlotte Lingling, who was supposed to be a magic warrior, has already gone in the direction of a heavy tank...

Judging from what the Red Haired Pirates have discovered so far.

If you want to get rid of the "virtual space" created by Uta using the Song Fruit, there is no other way except for Uta himself falling asleep!

And with Uta's current level of ability control...

This little lolita, who is less than ten years old, can be called a super time bomb!

Before today, Cui Ze didn't have any information about Uta's intelligence capabilities.

He also had no idea whether the adopted daughter of red-haired Shanks would become a big bomb that would completely blow up the Kingdom of Elegia.

But for a little loli who is less than ten years old and knows nothing.

Cui Ze couldn't be so cruel as to imprison her in the "Bottom Prison".

If you can just leave it alone.

Regarding the bad reputation of the "Demon King of Song" in the Kingdom of Elegia.

God knows what unspeakable things will happen in the future. (Animation Episode 1030, the Kingdom of Elegia is destroyed and all residents are wiped out)

"In that case..."

Cui Ze thought for a moment, then threw the unconscious Gordon high in his hand. The target was the music kingdom located deep in the new world - the Kingdom of Alegia!

Seeing Gordon turning into a meteor in the sky, Cui Ze's figure disappeared instantly.

"Gordon alone is too insecure. Let Pride be a bodyguard!"

"As for the Kingdom of Alegia... you don't need to go there, but you need to include it in your priority list."

"If the opportunity is right in the future, maybe the Kingdom of Elegia can be included in the jurisdiction of the Destiny Pirates..."


This chapter has been completed!
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