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Chapter 502 Treasure Tree Adam! Elbaf's Hidden Past! Attacking Giants!

Huang Mu's heartfelt words made Cui Ze look sideways.

But soon he also focused his attention on the [Treasure Tree Adam] standing proudly in the territory of the Elbaf Kingdom.


The toughest tree in the entire sea!

It is recognized by countless shipbuilders, pirates, and business travelers as the most suitable wooden material for shipbuilding on the sea, and it also enjoys the reputation of "the strongest tree in the world".

Regarding [Treasure Tree Adam], there is such a rumor that has been circulating in the sea.

According to legend, there is such a huge island that has always been shrouded in an atmosphere of war.

The entire island was baptized by the protracted war, and the cities and people on the island were basically destroyed, leaving only a huge "tree" standing.

No matter what happens on the island, the tree remains there.

After the war was completely over, the surviving people nestled under this tree and built new cities and countries...

The main construction material of [Sailboat A] is the branches of [Treasure Tree Adam].

Of course, Cui Ze had heard about this rumor a long time ago.

Another rumor that was born out of this rumor was that "the location of Adam the Treasure Tree is the world's most powerful kingdom - Elbaf, deep in the New World"!

A long time ago, Cui Ze confirmed the authenticity of the subsequent rumor through Plaid's dark world channel.

But at this time, Cui Ze really saw this towering ancient tree standing majestically in the Kingdom of Elbaf.

The first thought that came to his mind was not the most widely circulated rumor on the sea about "Treasure Tree Adam".

It was the "Brief History of the Growth of the Tree of Omniscient" that was fished out on O'Hara Island in the West Sea!

"Five thousand years ago, aliens from the stars drove a spaceship, descended into the sea, and planted the tree of omniscience..."

"...There are big trees at the same level as the Tree of Omniscient, as well as the Treasure Tree Adam, the Sun Tree Eve, and the Bubble Tree Arqiman..."

"...About four thousand years ago, the indigenous people from the sea surrounding Adam the Treasure Tree came to the Tree of Omniscient and plundered a large amount of knowledge and technology..." (Chapter 264)

Looking at the [Treasure Tree Adam] in Elbaf from a distance.

The brief information about this "strongest tree in the world" mentioned in the "Brief Description" kept popping up in Cui Ze's mind.

"According to the records in the "Brief Description", [Treasure Tree Adam] should be planted and cultivated by the so-called [Extraterrestrial Visitors] like the [Omniscient Tree]. After a long period of growth, it became what it is today.

Such an exaggerated posture!”

"As for the rumor about [Treasure Tree Adam] that is widely circulated in the sea, it can be basically speculated that the Elbaf Kingdom should have participated in the horrific war before the 'Blank Hundred Years'... It is even very likely that it was

Witnesses of war!"

"The [giant straw hat] treasured by the real ruler of the world government [Yin Mu] among the flowers in Pangu City, [Qiao Yin Boyin] who traveled the sea in ancient times and established friendly relations with many forces, and finally

[Ancient Weapon·King of Heaven]..."

"The world government is always paying attention, coveting the power of Elbaf's giant race, and the private experiments on [human body enlargement] have never stopped..."

"This kind of information mixed together...can it prove that [Giant Kingdom Elbaf] was rebuilt after the original world war and was the successor kingdom of the former [Giant Kingdom]?!"

Vaguely, Cui Ze felt that he had once again touched the true past of the sea!

Under the control of Ship Spirit Little Cheshire, sailing ship A moved unswervingly towards the island coast of the Elbaf Kingdom.

As it continues to approach the sea area adjacent to the Kingdom of Elbaf.

The strange and extremely hot climate that originally enveloped the sea area suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The sun is shining brightly and the sea breeze is gentle.

It’s like suddenly sailing directly into the East China Sea from a new world with a changing climate!

"What the hell is this?"

Aramu, a Sensen man, was particularly sensitive to changes in temperature and looked around with a surprised look on his face.

"The climate environment in this sea area is too weird, isn't it? Could it be that the hot climate in the previous sea area was caused by the interference of some historical force?"

"Maybe, it's like the [Thunder God Island] in the first half of the new world..."

After hearing Aramu's words, Anilu also expressed his opinion, but as he spoke, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah hahaha! Thunder God Island is just an island, this is an entire sea area!"

Yixiao did not join in the conversation between Aramaki and Eniro, but just put on his kimono silently.

Cui Ze also summoned the [Simultaneous Space] card, calling out the crew members who had escaped in advance and "escaped" from the magic cards on the field.

"The weather is finally back to normal!"

Chopper fiddled with its thick brown reindeer hair with some dissatisfaction.

"Kuri Kuri!"

The Baroque Chestnut Ball sprouted two claws from nowhere, holding up its judge-like white curly hair in a duang, duang manner.

Brooke gave a suggestion with a strange smile, "Actually, Chopper, you can take off your hair, yo ho ho ho!"

"That makes sense..."

Chopper nodded subconsciously, and then his expression changed, looking at Brooke with a fierce look on his face.

"Can this be taken off?!"

"I feel okay."

Brooke nodded seriously.

"Look at me, haven't I just 'taken' all the meat off my bones? Yo ho ho ho ho!"

Accompanied by Brooke's bone-chilling jokes, sailing boat A kept approaching the coast of the island.

The extremely conspicuous white ship immediately attracted the giant soldiers of the Elbaf Kingdom who were patrolling the coast.

"Southeast sea direction! A strange ship is approaching!"

"There's a skull flag hanging on the mast! It's a pirate ship!"

On the broad and flat coast, a group of giant soldiers discussed each other loudly.

Their expressions when looking at the sea changed from vigilance and hostility at first to joy and excitement later.

Due to the terrifying sea area on the outermost edge of the island, which can be called a sea of ​​fire.

Whether the giants of Elbaf want to sail out to sea, or the ships from outside want to enter the kingdom of giants, the difficulty is surprisingly high.

Coupled with the hostile attitude of the Elbaf Kingdom towards the World Government.

Even though the Kingdom of Elbaf does not completely pursue a closed-door policy like the Kingdom of Wano.

Over the years, the exchanges between the Kingdom of Elbaf and the outside world have remained extremely rare.

Because of this, whenever a strange ship approaches the Elbaf Kingdom, it will attract great attention from the giants on the island.

If it is a ship flying the flag of the World Government or the Navy Headquarters, the giants will directly launch a long-range attack as soon as possible and sink the ship directly on the sea!

And if it comes from a merchant guild ship that has good relations with the giants, the giants will also prepare items for trading with the other party in advance. The branches of the [Treasure Tree Adam], which is quite famous in the black market, are among them.


And if what is approaching Elbaf is a pirate ship...

"Another pirate who is not afraid of death has broken into Elbaf! Hahaha!"

"When we were pirates, these guys didn't even know where they were!"

"It's time to let them know what the power of the giants is!"

This chapter has been completed!
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