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Chapter 514 How could Qiwuhai favor the world government? The ruthless disclosure of the giant king! The Atrium Kingdom!

King Fabuti's voice, full of disdain and disgust, echoed endlessly in the majestic palace like a golden palace.

Anyone can hear the giant king's rejection of the world government.

Robin, who has also read "A Brief History of the Growth of the Tree of Omniscientity", can naturally understand the first half of King Farbuti's words.

"In fact, the [Tree of Omniscience] has not been completely destroyed. I used my Devil Fruit power to transfer its budding tree species and am cultivating it carefully."

Robin first reminded King Farbuti.

When the Destiny Pirates sailed to Ohara Island in the Western Sea, Robin did use her [Flower Fruit] power to extract the [Seed of the Omniscient Tree] from the dead stump of the Omniscient Tree, and has been following it ever since.

Carry the boat with you.

Originally, Aramaki's [Sensen Fruit] can play a very good role in helping the growth of [Tree of Omniscient Tree].

But Robin refused Aramu's help and decided to slowly cultivate and cultivate the tree seeds by himself.

Give it time.

When Robin's own [Flower Fruit] is developed deeply enough, it may not be able to help the [Tree of Omniscience] grow into a complete [Tree of Omniscient].

But that’s a story for another day.

After Robin reminded King Farbuti, he immediately brought the topic to the second half of the other person's sentence.

"Dear Giant King, why do you call the World Government a 'betrayer'? Is this related to past history? And that [giant kingdom]!"

The "Briefly" accidentally discovered by the captain on O'Hara Island revealed sporadic ancient secrets to Robin, but it was too far away from the main direction of his research.

The ancient historical text that I have been pursuing has also filled in many substantial puzzle pieces for the existence called "blank history".

But generally speaking.

Robin's understanding of "history" is still more "not understanding" than "understanding".

Most areas in "Blank History" are still a mystery to Robin.

King Farbuti looked at Robin with a calm expression.

"Son of the devil, before answering this question, I want to know an answer."

King Fabuti's eyes shifted from Robin to Cui Ze.

"As an archaeologist in O'Hara, what is your identity in the Fate Pirates, the Shichibukai force recognized by the World Government?"

Robin looked at Cui Ze subconsciously.

"Robin is my archaeologist."

Cui Ze took the question from the Giant King.

"Her questions are also what interests me."


King Fabuti tightened the war hammer in his hand - yes, he still did not put down his weapon before entering the golden palace - and asked with some curiosity.

"As the King Shichibukai personally appointed by the World Government, your position should be in favor of the World Government, right?"

"It seems that King Farbuti is very concerned about the current information on the sea."

Cui Ze smiled and then asked.

"In your opinion, what kind of organization is [Ocean Shichibukai]?"

Faced with the card's question, King Fabuti's mind flashed with the figure of a king named Shichibukai.

Card, Eagle Eye, Tyrant, Sand Crocodile, Snake Lady, Magic Duck...

There is also the latest appointment and the last king of the Shichibukai - Kaixia Jinbei.

After thinking for a moment, King Fabuti finally gave a very official answer.

"The King Shichibukai is a great pirate recognized by the World Government. His most important duty is to use his own strength and reputation to fight against ordinary pirates."

The smile on Cui Ze's face was very strong, "If you put it this way, King Fabuti recognizes that His Majesty Qibukai is a pirate?"

King Fabuti nodded hesitantly.

"Since we are pirates."

Cui Ze's words were clearly conveyed to the ears of every member of the Destiny Pirates.

"Then why did King Fabuti have the illusion that our position would be biased towards the world government?"


After all, King Fabuti was a giant king who had been working for more than a hundred years. He immediately realized the meaning of the card's words and let out a short laugh, which then became louder and louder.

"Haha! Card! King Shichibukai! Hahahaha!"

King Fabuti's loud laughter reverberated throughout the Golden Palace Hall, and even the giant attendants who walked in carrying sumptuous food did not interrupt his laughter.

Obeying the name of the king, the giant guards began to prepare for the "Elbaf-style banquet".

The so-called "Elbaf-style banquet" actually has one requirement - big!

Eat meat and drink wine.

Even the smallest "wine cup" prepared by the giant guards is enough to accommodate seven little ones like Xiao Canghe, Chopper, Baroque, Luo, Runshi, Peggy Wan, and Bao Huang to take a bath at the same time!

After the giant guards had placed the food and drinks, they exited the Golden Palace Hall.

Wait for the giant elder and the members of the Destiny Pirates to take their seats respectively.

King Fabuti's laughter slowly stopped.

"Kacard, you are such an interesting human being!"

King Fabuti looked at Cui Ze with bright eyes.

"So, your dream is to become the Pirate King?"

Since the beginning of the great pirate era.

Among the ten pirates who went to sea for "ONE PIECE", eleven want to become the "New Pirate King" after Gol D. Roger!

After hearing what the Giant King said, the members of the Destiny Pirates focused their attention on the captain. They were also curious about the captain's answer.

"One Piece?"

Cui Ze curled his lips.

"My dream has nothing to do with 'One Piece'!

"Whether it is the 'Pirate King', the 'Pirate Emperor', or the 'Pirates', in my eyes, they are all just remnants of the old era!

"Besides, if you want to become the Pirate King, you need to go to the final island of Rafdru. There may be some big secret that shocks the sea hidden in Rafdru, but in the final analysis, isn't it hostile to the World Government?

"Let's continue talking about the past of world government."

King Fabuti heard the card's serious attitude.

This guy is indeed not the same type of person as the original Roger.

It's just that "I regard all pirates as remnants of the old era"...

What do you want to do with the card?

King Fabuti took a deep look at the card, and then turned the topic back to the paragraph he just skipped.

"Nico Robin, how much do you know about [The Huge Kingdom]?"

Robin's mind was working very fast, and she quickly sorted out the ancient historical information she currently had.

"In the 'blank hundred years' that were erased by the world government, there existed a prosperous 'huge kingdom'.

"The science and technology of the 'Great Kingdom' is so advanced that it even produced three ancient weapons [King of Heaven], [Pluto] and [King of the Sea].

“According to legend, in the ‘Great Kingdom’, all races lived together with each other, and the ideas of freedom and equality spread in the kingdom.

"The 'Huge Kingdom' was eventually defeated by the external coalition of twenty nations, and was completely buried in history. The coalition of twenty nations also formed the later world government."

King Farbuti listened quietly to what Robin said.

"I didn't expect O'Hara from Xihai to be able to study history to this extent. No wonder the people in the World Government are so worried..."

King Fabuti shook his head gently.

"But you just made a few mistakes.

"First, among the three ancient weapons, only [Pluto Pluto] was actually made by the 'Great Kingdom'.

[King of Heaven Uranus] and [King of Sea Poseidon] are weapons passed down from more ancient times, but later their power - to be precise, the power of [King of Heaven], fell to the "huge"

The kingdom's only in your hands."

"Second, the World Government is not 'foreign'. It is actually twenty countries that split off from the 'huge kingdom'! This is why I just called the World Government a traitor!"

Give Robin and the other members of the Destiny Pirates some buffer time.

"Maybe you are wondering why I know so many things."

King Fabuti continued.

"This is because Elbaf's predecessor was the 'huge kingdom' - [Middle Court Kingdom]!"

This chapter has been completed!
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