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Chapter 52 Zefa's Call! Yes, I will breathe stronger!

Displayed a wave of [Armed Dominance] in public.

Cui Ze, who acted as if nothing had happened, went to the food processing room to continue killing fish as planned.

However, the subsequent impact of his incident is still fermenting.

Discussions about Cui Ze can be heard in every corner of the naval training ship, on the deck, in the cabin, in the training room, in the cafeteria.

The power of domineering looks very bad in the original work.

In the new world in the second half of the Grand Line, [Armed Haki] has become a "universal skill", and even some naval soldiers and pirate minions will be "hardened" and "entangled". (Animation version


But actually.

In this sea, three-color domineering is really a very rare high-end skill!

Except for very few cases.

Among the large navy group, basically only the "general-college level" naval admirals at the top of the military rank have the power of domineering!

In other words.

With the abilities Cui Ze has shown so far, there would be no problem at all if he was placed at the Sihai branch base and casually became the branch base commander.

The minimum requirement for branch base officers must be the "Brigadier Rank" of the Navy!

Even in the Navy Headquarters where there are many strong men, Cui Ze can still fight for the position of "Colonel of the Headquarters" by relying on his armament and domineering attitude!

Acquired domineering and incompetent domineering are two completely different levels!

Naval training ship, top office.

"Teacher Zefa! Cui Ze has really mastered the power of armed color haki!"

The excited instructor Xiu Zuo stood in front of his desk, his whole body trembling slightly.

The Navy Elite Training Camp is nominally designed to train the most elite small group of Navy recruits in the entire Navy.

But even so.

In the past ten years or so, the number of rookie sailors who have mastered the power of domineering during the opening of the elite training camp is truly rare!

Almost everyone can be called a born monster!

Sakaski, Porusalino, Kuzan, Kaki, Gion...

Now there is another Cui Ze!

And compared to the previous ones, Cui Ze has a greater disadvantage.

You must know that before joining the elite training camp, Cui Ze had no combat foundation at all, or in other words, training foundation!

At the same time, the time Cui Ze participated in the elite training camp was half the time of the previous ones!

'Could it be that Cui Ze's physical talent is stronger than that of Sakaski, Porusalino, and Kuzan?'

An incredible idea suddenly popped into Xiu Zuo's mind.

‘No! It won’t happen!…right!?’

'It should be Cui Ze's weird breathing that's at work!'

Xiu Zuo raised his head and looked at Zefa.

"Teacher Zefa, do you still remember that a few months ago, I informed you that Cui Ze's breathing rate was strange?"


Zefa, who was behind the desk, nodded slightly.

He values ​​Cui Ze very much and will naturally pay attention to Cui Ze's intelligence information.

after all……

Zefa plans to push Cui Ze out and interfere with the so-called "King Shichibukai System" as a navy undercover!

Cui Ze’s name is really suitable...

[The emperor's defeated generals] or something...

And Cui Ze has now mastered the power of armed color domineering.

This situation made Zefa even more determined about this plan.

He plans to pass this plan to the headquarters tonight and let a few old friends discuss the feasibility details of this plan.

Xiu Zuo didn't know Zefa's plan, he was still reporting the situation.

"I reported to you at the time that every time Cui Ze enters that strange breathing frequency, he will cast an iron block at the same time!"

Zefa said calmly: "So you suspect that Cui Ze's breathing frequency can help improve the progress of iron practice! Later... you also confirmed this!"

"Yes, Teacher Zefa!"

Instructor Xiu Zuo nodded heavily.

"Through the continuous observation during that period, I am very sure that Cui Ze speeded up the progress of the iron block through that strange breathing frequency!

"But now it seems that the effect of that breathing rate is not just that!

"That kind of breathing may not only help the practice of iron blocks, but may also help the practice of armed domineering!"

It can assist the practice of iron blocks and speed up the practice of domineering!

These are the strategic significance of two different concepts.

Zefa's eyes flashed with light and he gave the order directly.

"Let Cui Ze come to my office!"

I just killed a few sea beasts in the food processing room.

Cui Ze received the notice from the messenger.

'Zefa is looking for me?'

Cui Ze knew that there was no delay, so he immediately put down the fish-killing knife in his hand and rushed towards the top office.

Along the way, Cui Ze kept thinking, constantly thinking about the reason for Zefa's summons.

After thinking about it, Cui Ze can only blame it on his armed color and domineering attitude.

'Is it so important to master domineering? Not only the helpers in the food processing room, but also Zefa is so concerned about it?'

Cui Ze couldn't understand it.

In his impression, the ability of armed soldiers is really bad.

Especially in the second half of the Grand Line.

In the new world, if you don’t have domineering ability, you will be embarrassed to hang out.

But as an experienced admiral of the Navy Headquarters, how could Zefa act so anxious just because a "mere newbie" mastered domineering?

With a deep sense of confusion, Cui Ze walked into Zefa's office for the second time.

After a few words of pleasantries, Zefa directly explained his intention.

"My breath?"

Cui Ze was surprised.

He never thought that [Beast Breath] would be exposed to the eyes of the instructors at the Navy Elite Training Camp.

The ability of [Breath of the Beast] is really too obscure.

Who in the right mind would pay attention to other people’s breathing rates?

But if you think about it carefully, this kind of exposure is reasonable.

The senior instructors in the elite training camp are almost all masters of dual-color domineering.

With their eyesight, it was actually very easy to sense Cui Ze's strange breathing rate.

Especially when Cui Ze was practicing iron block, he demonstrated the ability of [Breath of the Beast] to increase his physical fitness more than once in front of Instructor Xiu Zuo.

Thinking of this, Cui Ze lost the idea of ​​hiding it.

You can't hide it anyway, so it's better to expose it proactively.

Cui Ze said frankly: "That's right! Instructor Zefa, this 'breathing method' I mastered really helped me speed up the acquisition of the ability of iron!"

"Just a piece of iron?"

A flash of disappointment flashed in Zefa's eyes.

"Can't you help me practice Armed Haki?"

"Assist in practicing domineering?"

Cui Ze shook his head.

"The breathing method is not that powerful yet."

Zefa, who has extensive experience, quickly sorted out his somewhat disappointed mentality and asked proactively.

"As for your 'breathing method', can you briefly describe its general effect?"

Even the 'breathing method' that Cui Ze has mastered is of little help to the cultivation of domineering energy.

But even if it can assist the progress of iron cultivation, it will be a big enhancement for the entire navy!

After thinking for a moment, Cui Ze explained the general effect of [Breath of the Beast].

He did not explain all the sword types of [Breath of the Beast], but focused on the two aspects of "physical fitness increase" and "explosive power increase".

When Zefa extracts elements, it suddenly feels not simple.

"To put it simply, what is this 'beast's breath' that can make people stronger just by breathing?"

Cui Ze blinked.

"Yes! Breathing will make you stronger!"

This chapter has been completed!
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