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Chapter 520 Nordic mythology world! A-level fishing! [The King of Giants]!

The golden belt materialized from the void and accurately fell into Cui Ze's palm, making a crisp "snap" sound, which was obviously heavy.

This belt is made of gold, with a primitive and rough style. The surface of the slightly rough belt is engraved with unknown symbols, large and small, and there is a mysterious power flowing back and forth among the symbols.

"[C-level item: Mejinjiod]...what the hell is this name?"

Cui Ze weighed the gold belt in his hand, his eyes lingered on the mysterious symbols on the belt for a moment, and then he shifted his gaze to the fishing harvest prompt on the light screen.

"The effect of the belt's items is quite good, and its power is doubled. Unfortunately, there are restrictions on its use..."

"It's the origin of this belt...the world of Nordic mythology!"

With a dull feeling of surprise, Cui Ze temporarily put aside his analysis of the [Mejinjiod] belt and quickly entered the [Twin Gorge].

After receiving Cui Ze's signal, the old ship's doctor Kurokas walked out of the magic card on the field, took the treatment equipment, and walked towards the seriously injured Giant King.

After arranging the mission, Cui Ze returned to the main force of the Destiny Pirates.

Cui Ze seemed to be calmly waiting for the treatment results of the old ship doctor, but in fact he was thinking about the world of origin of the [Mejinjiod] belt he had just obtained.

'Elbaf, Prince Loki...many elements of the Giant Kingdom refer to Norse mythology.'

'But I didn't expect that what Elbaf corresponds to is really the world of Nordic mythology!'

'In this case, the value of the island of Elbaf will be too great!'

There is no doubt about the power and specifications of the mythical world.

Even if Cui Ze doesn’t know much about the world of Nordic mythology.

But he can definitely understand the meaning of the word "myth"!

'In such a mythical world, the good news is that I still have an A-level bait provided by the Giant King...I will catch it later!'

Under the treatment of the old ship's doctor, King Fabuti's injury was immediately curbed.

Although he was not resurrected with full health on the spot, he finally had the strength to have a normal conversation.

"Card, it's really...ahem!"

King Fabuti covered his right rib area and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a rapid cough.

Obviously, it will take some time for the Giant King to fully recover.

King Fabuti shook his head in frustration and said to the giant elder who led him: "Elder Goge Beard, take the guests down to rest, ahem..."

Mountain Beard Aruru nodded, and then took the initiative to lead the Destiny Pirates to the guest rest area of ​​[Rainbow Tower].

Although Aluru the Mountain Beard was surprised and stunned by the defeat of the Giant King, he would never transfer his anger to the Fate Pirates.

The giants of Elbaf can be said to be the most powerful giants in this sea!

For the strong, the giants have always had only reverence!

Such reverential emotions quickly fermented as Cui Ze's figure disappeared from the sight of the giant elders.

[Confront the Giant King Fabuti head-on and defeat him. Your strength level has been recognized by everyone in Elbaf, and the effect of your B-level information entry [Friends of Giants] has been enhanced! 】

[B-level information entry: Friends of Giants]

[Entry effect: Gain a B-level boost to your influence, and in the new world Elbaf, you will automatically gain a favorability rating of reverence and above;

When facing members of the giant clan other than Elbaf, you will automatically gain respect-level favorability]

‘Why is this useless entry getting improved effect!’

The corner of Cui Ze's mouth twitched slightly as he bid farewell to Yalu Lu, whose eyes showed a hint of admiration.

The Destiny Pirates entered the gorgeous lounge carefully provided for them by the giant elder.

Obviously, the [Friends of Giants] whose effect has been enhanced is still very useful...

Enelu laughed and said: "Yeah hahaha! Captain, did you see the expression of the white-bearded giant just now?"

There are not many sailors as nervous as him.

For example, Drake frowned and asked: "Captain, we have fought the Giant Prince and the Giant King successively. Will we be hated by the other giants in Elbaf?"

"The giants of Elbaf do not hate others just because they fight."

Cui Ze shook his head, [Friends of Giants] is the best favorability reminder!

"It is estimated that Aramaki and Prince Loki will have to fight for a few more days. If everyone is interested in the giant race, we can find more giants to fight against in the next few days."

Hearing the captain's words, the crew members felt relieved.

But not all crew members are interested in fighting.

Recalling what he saw and heard after entering Elbaf, Tezzolo rubbed the gold ring in his hand like rubber clay, with a thoughtful expression.

'If we do business with the giants... we will definitely make a lot of money!'

The crew members each relaxed.

Cui Ze also found an opportunity to enter the [Elbaf] card that had just been imprinted.

The power of [Reality Distortion] comes into play in the card space, and Asgard, the vast capital of Elbaf, is instantly caught in a super storm.

Bathed in the heavy rain, Cui Ze's lucky attributes directly reached the EX level!

"The world of Nordic mythology! The Giant King's A-level bait should be able to catch something good!"

Cui Ze took a deep breath, took out the freshly baked A-level bait from the light screen, and threw it into the dimensional sea.

【Fishing in progress...】

[Type of fishing harvest this time: talent entry]

[A-level talent entry: King of Giants]

[Source of talent: Nordic mythology world]

[Description of the entry: The top talent that can only be possessed by giants with the potential to be kings]

[Entry effect: 1. Before its attribute value reaches A level, its strength, agility, and durability attributes will receive long-term high upgrade bonuses;

2. Your own vitality has been greatly improved, and your lifespan has been greatly improved. Without illness or injury, your lifespan can be extended by at least three hundred years;

3. [Giant Shell]: The powerful physical talent of the king-level giants. It has an extremely special internal structure and can absorb all offensive forces (including but not limited to physical attacks, elemental attacks, etc.) that do not exceed the A-level level.

etc.) completely absorb and transform it into its own potential power reserves;

For offensive power damage exceeding the A-level level, the attack effect caused by the damage will be greatly reduced.

Note: Due to the cross-dimensional fishing of the [Fishing] ability, the power reserve converted by [Giant Shell] refers specifically to [Domineering]. 】

[Entry evaluation: Giant orthodoxy is here!]

Dense light curtain message prompts appeared like running water.

After Cui Ze waited for it to stop, he looked attentively at the fishing harvest prompt on the light screen.

"A-level talent entry [King's Giant]!"

"The effect of the first entry is completely covered by [Wild Body]..."

"The effect of the second entry overlaps with the [Power of Giant] obtained by fishing in the small garden before... However, the life-extending effect of [Power of Giant] is not as exaggerated as [Giant of Kings]."

"The most critical aspect of this [King's Giant] talent entry is the second effect [Giant Shell]!"

"After being attacked, convert it into [Domineering]!"

Cui Ze kept scanning the entry effect of [Giant Shell].

"Top human shield talent!"

This chapter has been completed!
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