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Chapter 522 Tezzolo's business plan! Gift from the Giant King! [Treasure Tree Adam] Trunk!

Leave from [Elbaf]'s field magic card.

Cui Ze's [Qi] sense quickly sensed Taizolo's position.

Something unexpected is.

In the short period of time Cui Ze was fishing for bait, Tezoro had already left the [Rainbow Tower] and entered the giant capital, Asgard, and a large number of giants had gathered around him.


Given the discord with the world government.

Although Elbaf does not pursue the policy of isolation from the country as thoroughly as Wano.

But for external forces, people from other races flowed in.

The giants of Elbaf still maintain a high degree of vigilance.

As a human being, Tezoro moves in the royal capital of Elbaf, so his conspicuousness naturally needs no mention.

But when Cui Ze left the [Rainbow Tower] and quietly rushed to Tezolo who was surrounded by the giants in the center, he discovered that the future "Golden Emperor" was not attacked by the giants.

They take turns attacking, but they are doing business promotion.

Cui Ze concealed his aura and watched with interest as Tezoro gave full play to his superior eloquence and attracted a large number of giants to come to listen to his speech.

Tezoro followed the Giant King from the edge of the coast of Elbafu to the capital of the kingdom. He saw a large number of Giants, but also noticed the primitive lifestyle of the Giants.

What is doing business?

Isn’t it just about letting “supply” satisfy “demand”?

The difficult waters of Elbaf, the lifestyle of the giants, and the martial atmosphere that advocates fighting...

Everything in the Giant Kingdom showed Tezolo that there must be great needs within this country!

Maybe the giants themselves didn't notice this.

But Tezzolo noticed!

It’s not just [weapons] and [wine] that the giants need most in their daily lives.

Other daily necessities, medical supplies, educational supplies, etc. are all urgently lacking in Elbaf right now!

As for Elbaf, the primitive giant kingdom, does it have enough economic prospects to satisfy Tezoro...

Four words are enough to answer——

【Baoshu Adam】!

In the black market of the outside world, a branch of the "Treasure Tree Adam" can be sold for a high price of hundreds of millions of beli.

Suppose you really establish a relationship with Elbaf and obtain a steady stream of branches of the [Treasure Tree Adam]...

That wonderful "money scene", just a fantasy, is enough to make people breathe heavily!

This is why when he was still in the [Rainbow Tower] just now, Tezoro thought that doing business with the giants would be hugely profitable!

Cui Ze observed Taizolo's "Business Speech" for a while, then left the place quietly and returned to the [Rainbow Tower].

Before arriving in Elbaf, Cui Ze had planned to form a good relationship with the "world's most powerful country".

After all, it is the task of challenging the world government.

You can't just rely on the Destiny Pirates as a single force.

Now through the battle with Elbaf's King Farbuti, the Destiny Pirates - at least his card master's favorability among Elbaf's senior management has been maxed out!

If Tezoro uses this to facilitate trade with Elbaf, the Destiny Pirates' popularity among the giant people of Elbaf will be further enhanced.

With this two-pronged approach, there is no need to worry about the relationship with Elbaf!

With a happy expression, Tezoro returned to the [Rainbow Tower] with brisk steps.

Although this was the first time he arrived in Elbaf, the goods and materials he prepared were not sufficient.

But the enthusiasm shown by the giants of Elbaf still surprised Tezoro.

Even the giants in the royal capital of Asgard were so enthusiastic about the supplies and materials he prepared.

Not to mention the giant members in other villages and towns in Elbaf!

And with the good foundation laid this time, when I come to Elbaf later, I will be able to do business with the world's most powerful country with ease!

'Build an unprecedented business territory for the captain!'

The gold ring in Tezolo's hand keeps changing its shape, indicating the owner's excitement.

'Money is the most loyal partner!'

Under the guidance of the giant guards, Tezoro returned to the spacious lounge of the Destiny Pirates in the [Rainbow Tower], and immediately reported to the captain what he had just done.

"Tezolo, you have done a great job. The Giants are a powerful force that cannot be ignored. Forming a good relationship with them is of great significance to the future of the Destiny Pirates."

Even though he had known about this for a long time, Cui Ze still did not hesitate to praise him.

At the same time, he also took out the golden belt of [Mejinjiod] and threw it to Tezoro.

"This is a gift I prepared for you, a belt that can enhance your own strength."

Tezolo held the [Mejinjiod] belt with both hands.

He knew very well that the captain would always take out some items from time to time and give them to the members of the Destiny Pirates.

Not only Devil Fruits, but also special items such as famous swords and famous swords.

What Tezolo is most familiar with is the yellow cloud that Chopper rides on every day.

He had also heard from Fisher Tiger that the captain had also given away a magical ring that could control the currents of the sea. Now that ring belonged to the new king Shichibukai Kaixia Jinbei.

"Thank you Captain!"

Tezoro's eyes crossed the surface of the [Mejinjiod] belt, lingering for a moment on the mysterious symbols engraved on the rough surface, and he asked curiously.

"Captain, do the symbols on the surface of this belt have any special meaning?"

"It's just a lost writing," Cui Ze shook his head, "even the method of reading and writing has been lost."

Tezoro held the [Mejinjiod] belt and asked: "Is this kind of writing related to the predecessor of Elbaf, the [Middle Court Kingdom]?"

"No connection."

Cui Ze continued to shake his head.

"Robin knows the ancient script used by [Middle Court Kingdom] and its reading and writing methods. If you are curious about that, you can ask Robin for advice."

Ancient texts?!


If ancient texts were engraved on the weapons sold to the giants in Elbaf, would they be more enthusiastically sought after?

A flash of light flashed in Taizolo's eyes, he stopped questioning, and then put [Mejinjiod] on his waist.

The mythical belt adjusted to the shape of Tezoro in time.

Feeling the surge of power within his body, a trace of surprise flashed across Taizuolo's face, followed by excitement.

Despite the pursuit of wealth and gold.

But the level of strength has improved.

It can also make Tezzolo feel surprised and satisfied.

The excited Taizolo was sent by Cui Ze to challenge the giant guards.

Merchants will certainly be loved by the giants of Elbaf.

But brave warriors will be more enthusiastically sought after.

When Tezolo plans a commodity trade channel with Elbaf, he mainly relies on his own strength!

It's late afternoon.

King Fabuti, who had recovered from his injuries, once again invited the Destiny Pirates to a banquet.

When Cui Ze and his party came to the Golden Palace Hall at the top of [Rainbow Tower] again.

King Fabuti, whose upper body was wrapped in thick bandages, signaled the giant guards to carry a thick log and came to the members of the Destiny Pirates.

"Card, this is Elbaf's gift!"

King Fabuti's voice still sounded energetic.

"Only the bravest and most powerful warriors can obtain the main branch of [Treasure Tree Adam]!"

This chapter has been completed!
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