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Chapter 524 Giant life! The victory or defeat of the Fire Titan and the Wood Giant is born!

Even if I already had some guesses in my mind.

It was really the moment when King Fabuti said "burn the fruit".

Cui Ze still felt a very strong sense of speechlessness.

Is it really true to that sentence - no dogs will eat the Shashao fruit?

Why couldn't even the Giant King from hundreds of years ago withstand the hidden negative BUFF of the Burning Fruit?

There is no doubt about the power of Shaoshao fruit.

But it is, really, a very special kind of devil fruit.

Is it possible...

Is this the legendary "Ultimate False Protagonist Devil Fruit"?

King Farbuti doesn't know the card's inner thoughts.

After briefly narrating the story of the ancient King Surte to the Destiny Pirates, King Fabuti asked the giant guards to send the [Red Dragon Ship's Head Statue], or [Fafnir Dragon Ship's Head Statue] to Elbaf

Keep it well in the king's treasury.

At the same time, under the secret order of King Fabuti, the group of giant guards who left and returned once again entered the Golden Palace Hall carrying a long and thick main branch of the [Treasure Tree Adam].

There is no doubt that this main branch of the [Treasure Tree Adam] was still sent to the Destiny Pirates.

Cui Ze originally wanted to refuse another gift from King Farbuti.

However, King Fabuti believed that the [Fafnir Dragon Boat Head Statue] sent by the card and the intelligence information of the ancient King of Surte contained behind this boat bow statue were more powerful than a piece of [Treasure Tree Adam].

The main branch is more meaningful.

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Cui Ze had no choice but to accept King Fabuti's kindness.

What I have to mention is.

After this time.

The relationship between the Destiny Pirates and Elbaf has become a little closer.

The already lively banquet atmosphere suddenly became more joyful and joyful.

The members of the Destiny Pirates and the giants of Elbaf were all feasting and feasting.

"Elbaf-style banquet".

It naturally progressed to the "Elbaf-like ending".

Familiar invitations to battle, familiar competitions and discussions...

Even King Fabuti ignored the thick bandages wrapped around him and once again issued a battle invitation to Cui Ze.

This time, Cui Ze did not directly open the [Death Door], but used his normal level to fight back and forth with the Giant King.

Although King Fabuti is somewhat dissatisfied with the "release" of cards.

But except King Fabuti, everyone else was very satisfied.

Especially the giant elders in Elbaf, they are really worried that the card will seriously injure their giant king again...

In the next few days.

The Destiny Pirates have completely settled into the [Rainbow Tower].

Except for a few crew members such as Tezoro who wants to do business and Robin who wants to dig up ancient history, most of the crew members live a daily life of giants of "eating meat, drinking, fighting, and resting" without getting tired of it.

Fight against elite giants one after another.

It'll take a few days.

The combat experience of the members of the Destiny Pirates has been greatly improved.

And at the same time.

The battle on the edge of the Elbaf coast has finally come to an end.

"The Fire of Destruction!"

Prince Loki, who barely maintained the form of [Fire Titan], raised his huge fist, and the high-temperature and scorching flames gathered from his body, and followed the movement of the fist to strike forward.

I saw a huge and thick pillar of flame burst out from Prince Loki's hand, carrying an impressive momentum that burned everything, and rushed towards Aramaki's position.

Wherever the flame beam passed, the air along the way was scorched, twisted and hot, leaving behind a hot trail of an empty lake.

A red light flashed in Aramaki's eyes. While he activated the Haki of Knowledge, he also exerted the power of his [Forest Fruit], and his feet instantly turned into two twisted tree trunks.

As if they were bouncing like bullets, Aramaki's legs suddenly erupted with a burst of strong force, pushing his body to dodge at high speed to one side, thereby avoiding the scalding pillar of fire blasted by Prince Loki.

The "Fire of Destruction" bombarded the edge of Elbaf's coast without any hindrance, and immediately erupted with a shocking sound.


The pillar of fire left an extremely deep ravine on the wide ground. The tough mud soil was easily changed in shape under the hot flames, and dark red lava continued to flow on the ground.

[Phantom Beast Species: Flame Titan Fruit], the uniqueness of its ability lies in the extremely powerful burning and destructiveness of its flames!

Suppose the "blue flame" of [Phoenix Species Phoenix Fruit] represents the strong "power of life".

Then the "Red Flame" of [Fantasy Beast Species: Fire Titan Fruit] represents the terrifying "Power of Destruction"!

Fighting for several days.

The [Fire Titan] transformed by Prince Loki has almost reshaped the coast of Elbaf!

Before the official battle begins.

Aramaki once said that unless Prince Loki could completely burn the earth, he would not be able to fail!

And now, Prince Loki has indeed completely burned the battlefield ground!

No plant can survive in such a harsh magma environment!

But even so.

Aramaki still had no intention of backing down.

In this battle that lasted for several days, he had completely figured out the strength of this giant prince, and also figured out the opponent's weaknesses!

Not being domineering is Prince Loki's most fatal weakness!

At the same time, although the [Fire Titan Fruit] owned by Prince Loki is very powerful, he has not advanced the development of this phantom beast devil fruit to the awakening level.

This extremely powerful Devil Fruit puts a terrible physical burden on Prince Loki!

Aramaki doesn't have any top-notch advantages, but in terms of durability, it is definitely the best in Haihai!

Aramu's body was like a duckweed blown by the wind, flying lightly to the sea around Elbaf. The moment his feet were about to come into contact with the sea water, they suddenly transformed into another material form.

“Super driftwood chips!”

Aramaki stepped on the blue sea like treading water. The branches of [Yang Tree Eve] grew from the bottom of the sea and were connected to his wooden feet, continuously supplying nutritional energy.

On the surface, as long as the earth is completely destroyed, Aramu will lose its reliance on plant growth.

But in fact, the plants that Aramaki can control can also survive in sea water!

The Flame Titan can melt the earth, but there is absolutely no way to completely evaporate the sea!

Suppress for a few days.

At this moment when the opponent showed signs of fatigue, Aramaki finally revealed his trump card called [Yangshu Eve]!

"Birth comes to the sea of ​​flowers and trees!"

The mighty branches of [Yang Tree Eve] grew out of the sea water and attacked Prince Loki together.

Some branches revealed hollow entrances, spraying out vast seawater like high-pressure water cannons;

Some branches are intertwined with each other, turning into wooden fists covered with domineering energy one after another;

Flowers grow on the tops of some branches, and colorful gases are released from the flowers...

If a botanist were here, they would recognize that these gases contain substances such as "Crazy Green Tree", "Mescaline", "Sleep Grass", etc., which have complex effects such as euphoria, hallucination, and hypnosis.

of pollen!

The fierce and powerful seawater submerged Prince Loki's body, the multiple mixed pollen hindered Prince Loki's perception, and the heavy and powerful wooden fist made up for the final damage!

Under Aramaki's long-planned compound attack, the exhausted Prince Loki was completely knocked unconscious and hit the messy ground, unable to get up again.


Aramaki put his hands on his hips and burst out laughing wildly.

Fighting against such a flame-type user with terrifying strength and astonishing destructive power is indeed a very difficult challenge for Aramaki.

Fortunately, after several days of fighting, Aramaki successfully defeated the opponent!

Aramaki couldn't wait to share this joy of defeating natural enemies with other members.

"Everyone, have you seen—where are you people?"

This chapter has been completed!
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