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Chapter 535: The target's top armed color! The dream cooperation of dual EX-level abilities! Destiny returns!

"Obviously, the A-level color and the Overlord color are both A+, but the overall level of [Haki] is still only A-level. It is the A-level armed color that is holding me back!"

Cui Ze browsed the message prompts on the light screen, but did not feel any disappointment.

Since his own weapon color has reached the A-level threshold.

On the premise of possessing the [Eye of Jianjigu].

As long as Cui Ze looks for a few more top masters of the sea who are good at armed colors, he can always quickly master the high-level characteristics of armed colors whether fighting or sparring with the opponent!

With the blessing of multiple characteristics, [Armed Color Haki] will one day be able to break through to A+ level!

And when the three domineering colors of Armed Color, Knowledge Color, and Overlord Color all break through to the A+ level, it is the time to use the EX level ability of [Chaos Fusion] to fuse these domineering qualities with each other!

"A master who is good at armed color and domineering..."

The images of several top powerhouses in the sea flashed in Cui Ze's mind.

"Garp! This is definitely the unquestionably armed boss! He has achieved such prestige with just a pair of 'iron fists'! Similar ones in the navy camp include Cyborg Sora, Black Arms Zefa, etc.


"There is also the speculation just now that Charlotte Lingling has the innate talent of [Steel Balloon]. She may not understand how the [Steel Balloon] works, but the [Eye of Jianjigu] should be able to see through it.


"There is also Douglas Barrett, the descendant of the devil who is still imprisoned in the sixth level of infinite hell in Impel City! The armed color domineering power of this strong man from the old era is also amazing! The armed color is like a tsunami, and can even cover it easily


Looking for strong men who are good at armed color domineering to fight, you can not only use [Jianji Ancient Eye] to reproduce the advanced armed color characteristics they possess, but also practice Cui Ze's own combat skills, and you can also take this opportunity to harvest their A

Top grade bait!

Totally a win-win-win!

Cui Ze wins three times!

"Such a challenge plan can be carried out after the Destiny Pirates have completely settled down in the new world!"

The conscientious fisherman like him was very happy when he thought that there were still so many A-level baits to hunt!

Cui Ze took a deep breath, suppressed some of his fiery thoughts, and turned his attention back to the light screen.

The exchange with Yixiao just now not only obtained the A-level attribute of seeing and hearing [over-range perception], but also obtained the B-level attribute of [emotional perception].

However, having already possessed [Legilimency] and a higher level [Listen to the Voice of All Things], Cui Ze didn't care much about [Emotional Perception], a B-level attribute of seeing and hearing.

"For me now, B-level abilities, except for a few such as [Destiny], [Ape Dance], are of little value."

"[Emotional Perception], the insight characteristic, may later be transferred to other members of the Destiny Pirates using the ability of [Blank Deck]..."

"But having said that... [Eye of Jianjigu] and [Blank Card Deck] support each other, and it is an incredibly powerful combination!"

"[Eye of Jianji] imitates the advanced abilities possessed by top powerhouses, [Blank Card Deck] and then continuously transfers these abilities to the crew of the Destiny Pirates, and then imitates them again, and then transfers them again..."

"Given time, the Destiny Pirates will become, um, the 'most balanced Iron Wall Pirates'?"

Cui Ze recalled a certain red-haired pirate group that he sent back to the starting point, and couldn't help but twitch his lips.

I don’t know what’s going on with Shanks now. He probably hasn’t been crushed...


The prospect of using these two EX-level ability entries, [Blank Card Deck] and [Jianji Ancient Eye] in conjunction, is indeed very eye-catching.

However, it must be admitted that this type of method is entirely of the type that encourages growth.

The real top strong men in the sea are top existences in terms of both strength and will.

There may be an unimaginable gap between the "strong man" created by using [Blank Card Deck] and [Jianji Ancient Eye] and the real strong man.

"There is no problem in using [Blank Card Deck] and [Eye of Jianji Ancient] in combination to cultivate some cannon fodder that is not useful but is useful."

"But those who really have potential should use other training methods! At least we can't let them only know how to use their abilities but not the essence of their abilities..."

With plans for the future in mind, Cui Ze spent his first night on Shuixianxing Island peacefully.

The next morning.

After arriving at Shuixianxing Island, all the members of the Destiny Pirates gathered in the banquet hall of sailboat A under the call of the captain.

After everyone was organized, Cui Ze explained to everyone the reason for this gathering.

Not surprisingly, there was a burst of exclamation.


"Are you leaving Shuixianxing Island right now?"

But some crew members also asked the more critical question.

"Captain, are we going to settle down in the new world? Or are we going to be stationed in the paradise stage like the other King Shichibukai, or... are we going to return to the sky island 10,000 meters above the ground, to that Angel Island?


"The plan to return has been confirmed long ago! But we can also rest on Shuixian Island for a few more days."

Cui Zetanran answered the crew members' questions.

"Secondly, we will not directly return to the paradise stage. It is true that Angel Island is the residence of the Destiny Pirates, but for future plans, we need a base camp located on the sea and in the new world!"

"Of course, if someone wants to go back to Angel Island or go to the amusement park in the future, that's not impossible."

After hearing the captain's words, the members of the Destiny Pirates looked at each other and nodded slowly.

Everyone knows the captain's "ambition". (Chapter 430)

Develop the [Destiny Pirates], establish the [Hunter Association], and gather the forces of the sea...

In order to completely clean up the so-called [Pirate Emperor] and even [Pirates] together to create a new era!

What the captain said at this time did not go beyond the crew's expectations.

Yixiao can understand Cui Ze better than other crew members.

After all, when he was invited to board the ship, Cui Ze had said that he would "implement his own ideas as [Ocean Shichibukai]"!

After joining the Destiny Pirates, arriving at Suixian Island, and completely completing the voyage plan of the Grand Route, the time has finally come to start implementing the blueprint drawn up by Cui Ze!

Yixiao thought for a moment and then asked: "Cui Ze, do you have any suitable goals regarding the base camp island in the new world stage?"

Hearing Yixiao's words, Cui Ze first glanced at the silent Pride, and then nodded.

"I discussed this issue with Pride a long time ago. During this time, he has also collected many suitable medium and large islands in the New World for reference."

Cui Ze took out a map of the New World sea area from the [Treasure Room], and gently tapped his fingertips on an island located in the first half of the New World.

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Judging from the sea map, this island is roughly located in the middle area of ​​​​the sea area between Wano and Totland of All Nations. It is roughly separated from the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates in a triangular shape.

The overall shape of this island is not regular. It is generally a circular island, cut into three equal circular fan shapes by three wide channels. The area of ​​each "circular fan-shaped island" is enough to compare with a medium-sized island.

The core of this large island, which is made up of three medium-sized islands, is vacant. It is the central intersection of three wide channels, forming a circular lake.

However, according to Pride's on-the-spot investigation, the "central lake"-like vacant area would erupt with a powerful upwelling current at regular intervals, lifting a small island from the depths of the ocean to high altitude.

Cui Ze gave a general introduction to the island and named it at the end.

“This is the island I finally decided on—

"Feast Island!"

This chapter has been completed!
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