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Chapter 607 Fishing with Four Fruits! Changes [Change Leaf]! Overcome Death [Death Evolution]!

There were layers of ripples in the void.

A golden-yellow scabbard with two gorgeous satin ribbons woven from mithril intertwined around the shell, and an unparalleled scabbard that exuded a mysterious light fell from it.

Cui Ze raised his right hand, trying to use the swordless scabbard.

But the moment his palm touched the scabbard, the scabbard suddenly disintegrated and turned into a ball of warm light emitting inexplicable divine light, integrating into his body.

In the dark, Cui Ze felt as if he was in a mysterious barrier and would never be harmed again.

"Is this the EX-level item obtained from [Barrier Fruit] fishing?"

Cui Ze raised his eyebrows lightly and focused on the fishing harvest prompts in the light screen.

"Conceptual Noble Phantasm [Utopia of Independence from the World]!"

Even Cui Ze never denied the power of [Barrier Fruit].

But when he fished out the "Isolated Utopia", it was still beyond his expectation.

It is also an EX-level defensive ability/talent.

The [Man of Steel] fished with the [Steel Fruit] is not even qualified to carry the shoes of the [Utopia] fished with the [Barrier Fruit]!

[Man of Steel] can only neutralize physical attacks or elemental attacks of A level and below.

But [the independent Utopia] can even withstand world-destroying attacks head-on!

It's no exaggeration to say that.

After fishing to harvest the [Isolated Utopia], coupled with the [Speed ​​Power] previously caught using the [Speed ​​Fruit], even if Cui Ze needs to board Marijoa at this time to face the challenge of the god Yin Mu,

We all have enough confidence!

No matter how powerful Yin Mu is.

Even if she could turn over the entire ocean.

Under the protection of [the independent Utopia], Cui Ze was not afraid at all!

"No, no, no...you have to calm down!"

Cui Ze took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

If Cui Ze was a solitary pirate, he would have exploded with the [Speed ​​Force] at this moment, rushing towards Mariejoia with sparks and lightning!

But "fighting against Yin Mu" has never just meant "fighting against Yin Mu alone"!

Even if we take a step back, Cui Ze really defeated Yin Mu through fighting, and there is still a very huge World Government to deal with! Not to mention the navy and other forces under the World Government!

It’s impossible for Cui Ze to bulldoze all the enemies and obstacles he encounters on his way to challenge Yoon Mu and the World Government, right?

"The strength of Yixiao, Eniro, and Aramaki has not yet fully reached its peak state... The strength of the members of the Destiny Pirates also needs to be continuously trained and improved... The Hunter Association's sphere of influence also needs to continue to expand and grow...


One real problem after another finally made Cui Ze calm down.

But at the same time, he also quietly made a plan in advance.

"Originally, I planned to wait a few more years until my strength was fully sufficient before challenging Yin Mu... But now that we have the [Speed ​​Force] and the [Independent Utopia] as a foundation, this 'god challenge plan'

, it can also be done in advance!”

"It's just that I only know some of Yin Mu's combat intelligence capabilities through fragments of ancient rumors. I need more precise information!"

"This kind of information can only be obtained through actual combat! We cannot place all our hopes on the final battle..."

Cui Ze's brain was thinking rapidly, and a large number of thoughts poured out from the depths of his mind, and then details were quickly filled in.

After the rough details of the "Yum Challenge Plan", or the "World Government Challenge Plan" are finalized.

Cui Ze then turned his attention back to the Devil Fruit in the [Treasure Room].

After fishing for [Explosive Fruit], [Speed ​​Fruit], [Staring Fruit], and [Barrier Fruit], he still has a few more Devil Fruits that need to be used for fishing!

Cui Ze first took out the [Phantom Beast Species and Civet Fruit] from the [Treasure Room] and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Phantom Beast Species·Hucai Fruit..."

Looking at the phantom beast fruit in his hand, Cui Ze felt a little confused for a moment.

Not only this [Civet Cat Fruit], but also a [Civet Cat Fruit] also put Cui Ze in a bit of a dilemma.

If we say that the few Devil Fruits we have caught before, all of them have a rough special world and special abilities that can serve as direction guides.

[Civet Civet Fruit] and [Civet Cat Fruit], there really is no meaningful reference object...

Even if there are, those reference objects do not possess any powerful EX-level abilities or props that are compatible with [Civet Civet Fruit] and [Civet Cat Fruit].

"I'd better just go fishing for this [Phantom Beast Species·Human Raccoon Fruit] on the sea!"

After Cui Ze struggled for a while, he gave up looking for a suitable island for fishing.

[Reality Distortion] Maintains super stormy weather.

Amidst the deep dark clouds and rain, [Phantom Beast Species·Human Civet Fruit] was thrown into the dimensional sea by Cui Ze.

【Fishing in progress...】

[Type of fishing harvest: items]

[Ex-level items: Changing leaves]

[Item description: The blade on the head of the legendary civet cat]

[Item effect: [Changing Leaf] has ever-changing abilities. It can imitate, transform, and copy any character or item it has come into contact with. Even the Devil Fruit ability is no exception. Even characters or items in memory can also be transformed and copied;

The strength and duration of the replicas created through the transformation of [Changing Leaf] vary depending on the level of physical energy invested, and there is no upper limit to the number;

Note: Through the transformation of [Changing Leaf], the copied character may have the original character's own personality. Although it cannot attack the user himself, there is a certain probability that it will violate the user's will.】

[Item evaluation: Super transformation! 】

"Ex-level luck is really awesome!"

A palm-sized leaf appeared in Cui Ze's palm. It was emerald green and exuding vitality. It was the [Changing Leaf] just obtained from fishing.

"The most powerful characteristic of [Phantom Beast Species: Hucai Fruit] is the [Transformation Leaf] that can transform memory characters, items, etc.!"

In Cui Ze's impression, in the normal timeline, the owner of [Phantom Beast Species: Huahuo Fruit] is a pen named "Padong", and it once used its own Phantom Beast Species Fruit to

He has copied Whitebeard, Enelu and others.

And at its most powerful moment, [Phantom Beast Species: Raccoon Fruit] even reproduced the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji at the same time! (Note)

Cui Ze held the [Change Leaf] in his hand and quickly found a suitable target from his memory.

[Changing Leaf] A small piece of thin leaf was separated and flew in the air. As a burst of light flashed, the leaf changed into the appearance of the sand crocodile Crocodile.

"Saxi ignores it..."

The lifelike "sand crocodile" with both spirit and form appeared in front of Cui Ze, with a face covered with horizontal scars and a familiar smile as if meeting an old friend.

The yellow sand lan held in the palm of its hand also proves that this "sand crocodile" really has the ability of "natural type sand fruit"!

Facing the "Sand Crocodile" in front of him, Cui Ze didn't even wait for the opponent to slowly launch an attack.

A bright light flashed.

The [Devil Penetrating Light Killing Cannon] wrapped with armed and domineering energy cleanly penetrated the center of the "sand crocodile"'s eyebrows, directly turning it into a broken blade.

No prompts came out from the light curtain.

Cui Ze couldn't help but curl his lips.

"The imitations made by [Changing Leaf] are not necessarily obedient... The main reason is that even if they are defeated, they are not considered bait. This thing is of little use to me."

For an ambitious person, [Changing Leaf] is definitely an excellent helper in creating conspiracy.

But for Cui Ze, [Changing Leaves] can probably only be used to fill the scene...

His own strength no longer needs to be enhanced by using [Changing Leaves].

Gently rubbing the [Change Leaf] in his hand, Cui Ze fell into deep thought.

"Actually, this 'leaf' actually has a very good target to send it to..."

What Cui Ze was thinking of was none other than Huang Mu, who was in control of the [Sensen Fruit]!

Whether it's efficacy or form, [Changing Leaf] seems to be very consistent with Aramaki's personal habits.

"When you find the opportunity, reward [Changing Leaf] to Aang Mu. After all, this is a powerful copying item. For a super blood cow like Aang Mu, the consumption is nothing..."

Cui Ze thought about how to deal with the [Changing Leaves], and then continued to devote his attention to the great cause of Devil Fruit fishing.

All the rare and powerful Devil Fruits have been fished.

The rest are all animal fruits.

As planned before, Cui Ze put the two animal type and ancient fruits [Triceratops Fruit] and [Allosaurus Fruit] together, and then took out the [Egg Fruit], [Wolf Fruit] and [Wolf Fruit]. 【Civet Cat Fruit】.

"As expected before, [Egg Fruit] has a high probability of possessing the ability to evolve... In this case, there will be many targets to consider."

Thinking of "egg" and "evolution", Cui Ze naturally first considered the world of the "Digimon" series. Unfortunately, he had never encountered it, so he had to give up.

The [Wolf Fruit] and [Civet Cat Fruit] are also very common animal fruits.

Cui Ze simply took advantage of the super storm in this uninhabited sea and threw all three animal fruits into the dimensional sea at once.

While waiting for the fishing results, Cui Ze was also thinking about his current devil fruit reserves.

Counting the Devil Fruits previously assigned to the members of the Destiny Pirates, plus the Devil Fruits just caught today.

Cui Ze currently has the last four Devil Fruits left in his reserve: [Triceratops Fruit], [Allosaurus Fruit], [Velvet Fruit] and [Gummy Candy Fruit].

"Two ancient animal-type fruits [Triceratops Fruit] and [Allosaurus Fruit] can be used to enhance the physical abilities of other members of the Destiny Pirates."

"As for the [Velvet Fruit], probably no one will be interested in this ability to control hair, so just leave it to the [Hunter Association]! Wait for a destined person to get it for yourself."

"Although [Soft Candy Fruit] is a special super type, but... just leave it to the Hunter Association! If the members of the Destiny Pirates don't need it."

After considering the arrangement and distribution of the last four Devil Fruits, Cui Ze continued to look at the light screen. The three ordinary animal-type fruits that he had just harvested from fishing had already popped up.

The fishing harvest prompts appeared on the light screen like running water.

【Fishing in progress...】

[Type of fishing harvest this time: ability entry]

[Ex-level ability entry: Death Evolution]

[Ability source: "dc" series]

[Description of the entry: The special ability of the super villain Doomsday]

[Effect of the entry: It will evolve during the battle, and it will evolve the ability to cope after being killed. It cannot destroy the Doomsday twice in the same way. Death has been overcome in the time of birth]

[Comment on the entry: The same trick is ineffective against Doomsday!]

【Fishing in progress...】

[Type of fishing harvest this time: ability entry]

[Ex-level ability entry: Exploration of the Wolf King]

[Ability source: "The Prisoner of Food"]

[Description of the entry: The special skills of the Eight Kings of the Gourmet World and the Wolf King Gines]

[Entry effect: Just by sniffing the target, you can obtain all the target's biological species, gender, age, living environment, growth path, DNA, taste preferences and devil fruit information. This skill is not only applicable to animals and plants

It can also be used for inorganic substances such as mountains and rivers, and it can share the information it knows with other organisms through urine]

[Entry evaluation: This taste is the taste of xx! 】

【Fishing in progress...】

[Type of fishing harvest this time: talent entry]

[Ex-level talent entry: Become a raccoon]

[Description of entry: Special disguise talent ability]

[Effect of entry: After possessing this ability, although your own form will not change in any way, outsiders will only regard you as a civet cat, whether from a biological or sociological perspective]

[Comment on the entry: I am not a civet cat! Bagaya road!]

Cui Ze rubbed his eyebrows and patiently looked at the three common species of animal fruits on the light screen.

"The [Death Evolution] obtained by fishing with [Egg Fruit]...Eh? This ability is much stronger than imagined!"

Cui Ze's eyes immediately lit up when he saw [Death Evolution] first.

"Combat Evolution, Death Evolution, Weakness Evolution... This is an EX-level ability that gets stronger with each battle. Especially when paired with [Dead River], it is an absolute perfect match!"

"Perfect resurrection, erasing weaknesses! This combination scares me!"

The fishing harvest of [Egg Fruit] gave Cui Ze a big surprise.

He had already had great expectations for the [Egg Fruit], but this time, it really met his expectations!

Cui Ze's eyes continued to slide down, looking at the second fishing harvest.

If the [Death Evolution] obtained from [Egg Fruit] fishing can be rated as full value out of ten.

Then the [Wolf King’s Quest] obtained by fishing [Wolf Fruit] will only have a passing score of six points.

"[Wolf King's Quest], the ultimate enhancement of the sense of smell!"

Cui Ze nodded lightly, without any thoughts of evaluation.

"Very good, but that's it...the last one! The fishing harvest of [Civet Cat Fruit]!"

"Let me be healthy..."

"Gan! What kind of talent is Chopper!"

This chapter has been completed!
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