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Chapter 613 Convergence of the Dragon Palace Kingdom! Princess Baixing who has awakened the power of [Sea King]!

The long-distance ship on this trip to Fish-Man Island cannot be said to be extravagant, but on the contrary, it is a little too simple.

There are no jade railings, jade buildings, or golden dragons surrounding it. The overall appearance of the ship is similar to a gray wooden turtle.

However, compared to the simple appearance of this "turtle ship", the list of people on board is very gorgeous.

King Neptune of the Ryugu Kingdom, Princess Otohime and Princess Shirahoshi, the new king Shichibukai Kaixia Jinbei, and a large number of loyal guards of the Ryugu Kingdom.

"King Neptune, Princess Otohime, Princess Shirahoshi, Cuize and the others are waiting on Changhuan Island."

Jinbei stood on the deck of the turtle ship, looking at the scene on the long round island from a distance, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

"As promised, they have arrived at the paradise...but why isn't Brother Fisher on the island?"

Jinbei's last words were spoken so softly that apart from himself, even King Neptune who was closest could not hear them clearly.

And the reason for this is because Jinbei quickly figured out the facts.

Brother Fisher is already in a "state of death" in the eyes of the world, even in the eyes of the Ryugu Kingdom and the Sun Pirates!

The killer was none other than Cui Ze, the famous card master!

Jinbei, Princess Otohime and others knew the truth.

But even so, Fisher Tiger is not suitable for public appearances at the moment.

"It's Mr. Card!"

Princess Otohime looked very excited.

"It's so awesome to defeat legendary pirates like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling!"

Princess Otohime has remained in such an excited state since she left Fishman Island and officially started her migration plan to the Sky Island.

It's not just her.

King Neptune, who is more knowledgeable, is better off.

Princess Shirahoshi, who had never left Ryugu Castle, was the one who showed the most excitement during this operation.

Living on the Fishman Island since he was a child, he has always relied on the light transmission of [Yangshu Eve] to be able to enjoy luxurious treasures such as "illumination".

After leaving Fishman Island, you can be in real nature all day long, feeling the sunshine, breeze, heavy rain, waves and other natural environments.

Princess White Star finally understood why her mother had been looking forward to Fish-Man Island being able to live openly and openly under the sun!

The other "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" who came with the Ryugu Kingdom were also attracted by this wonderful sea scenery, and unknowingly became the real die-hard supporters of Princess Otohime!

No matter what, even for the sake of the children's future, we must make this island migration plan go smoothly!

But Princess Otohime's words left Jinbei speechless.

It's not "defeated the beasts and big mom", but "defeated two pirate emperors at the same time"!

In addition, what shocked Jinbei even more was the fact that Cui Ze appeared on Changhuan Island in perfect condition.

Isn't there a rumor circulating in the ocean... that after defeating the Beasts and Big Mom, the Card Master himself was seriously injured, and he would not be able to recover for a few years, or he might even die directly from the serious injuries...?

Who spread this nonsense?!

Looks like Hawkeye Mihawk...

Jinbei blinked his eyes, small eyes, but big doubts.

In Jinbei's inexplicable mood, the "turtle ship" of Fishman Island slowly docked on the shore of Nagahuan Island.

Led by King Neptune and Princess Otohime, a group of members of the Ryugu Kingdom on the turtle ship disembarked and landed on the island in an orderly manner.

"Long time no see, King Neptune, Princess Otohime, and Princess Shirahoshi."

Cui Ze led his family members to come forward and say hello to the members of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"Jinbei, congratulations on becoming the last king of the Shichibukai."

"Lord Cuize!"/"Sama Cuize!"

The members of the Dragon Palace Kingdom also sent greetings to Cui Ze and others.

The silver ring [Water Dragon Possession] on Jinbei's right hand sparkled in the sunlight.

In the nearly half a year since the Destiny Pirates left Fish-Man Island, Jinbe has successfully won the position of the last king of the Shichibukai through his own strength and the assistance of [Water Dragon Possession].

This incident once caused a great uproar in Fish-Man Island.

After all, the hatred and discord between Fish-Man Island, the World Government, and the slave traders cannot be explained for days and nights.

But for Fishman Island, it is a good thing that Jinbei, who was born in Fishman Street, can become the King of the Shichibukai.

After the storm was noisy for a while, it died out on its own.

But for Jinbei, even if he became King Shichibukai, there was always one thing stuck in his heart.

He originally planned to go to the Deep Sea Prison after becoming a Shichibukai, and through his connections within the World Government, to rescue his brother Aaron who was captured by the navy during the Battle of Forchart Island.

After becoming a Shichibukai, Jinbei immediately went to the Deep Sea Prison.

However, the guards in the Deep Sea Prison informed this new Shichibukai that the fish-man Aaron had died in the scorching hell on the fourth underground floor more than half a year ago.

That prison filled with boiling pools of blood and burning seas of fire was indeed very unfriendly to the fishmen.

Aaron, who was already seriously injured at the hands of the navy, died immediately.

Cui Ze didn't think of Aaron at all at this time.

Even when he was heading to Impel Down City, he didn't think of the fish race that he had long ago thrown into the corner of his memory.

After contacting people from the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Cui Ze signaled Yaoguang to lead everyone to Changhuan Island for recreation and entertainment. King Neptune also ordered the guards of the Dragon Palace Kingdom to disband on their own.

Then Cuize, King Neptune, Princess Otohime and Jinbei boarded the turtle ship on Fishman Island again.

After boarding the ship, Cui Ze summoned [Simultaneous Space] and summoned Fisher Tiger inside.

The reunion between Fisher and Jin Ping after a long absence naturally led to another round of pleasantries.

Princess Otohime, who has a sensitive temperament, almost cried.

After the small talk is over.

Cui Ze took the initiative to talk about the details of Fish-Man Island’s plan to migrate to the Sky Island.

King Neptune and Princess Otohime looked at each other, and finally it was the latter who took the initiative to speak.

"Master Card, in fact, our Dragon Palace Kingdom has been preparing this migration plan for the past six months."

Princess Otohime introduced the plan of Fishman Island in an orderly manner. When she talked about it, her two sea-blue eyes exuded a fascinating light of longing.

"For this first contact with the Sky Island, our plan is to first obtain the permission of the Sky Island people and the 'God of the Sky Island' you talked about before, so that our Fish-Man Island can be over 10,000 meters high.

Let’s talk about the qualifications for living on an empty island.

"If Kongdao allows us to settle in, we plan to first arrange for some young children to go to Kongdao alone, and then use these children who have already gone to Kongdao and have exchange experiences with Kongdao people as a starting point.

Continuously spread the concept of migrating to Sky Island to the entire Fish-Man Island.

"If this "Sky Island Migration Plan" is successfully implemented, we can completely refer to this plan template and slowly migrate the Fish-Man Island from the depths of the ocean to the real sea."


Princess Otohime's real goal has never been Sky Island, Sky Island is just a transition.

The essence of the "Fishman Island Migration Plan" is actually to allow the fishmen and mermaid compatriots on Fishman Island to gain the right to breathe freely in the sun!

"Starting with children? That's a really great idea."

Cui Ze nodded and praised Princess Otohime's plan.

"No matter what, children are the real future of a race!"

"That's it, Lord Card."

Princess Otohime smiled gently.

"The reason why I brought out the child Bai Xing was out of this consideration."

When she said this, the Princess of Fish-Man Island, who was always known for being gentle and approachable, suddenly looked a little more solemn and stern.

"Shark Star, Emperor Star and Car Star don't have to understand this aspect...but Bai Xing, she needs to understand the meaning of living under the sun, and she must understand it! In my plan, Bai Xing will be the first batch of people to live on Sky Island.

Leader of children!"

Cui Ze nodded lightly.

He understood why Princess Otohime looked forward to Princess Shirahoshi so much.

Don't look at it. Since leaving Fish-Man Island, Kaixia Jinbei has almost taken over the security mission of this "turtle ship".

But what really determines the future of Fish-Man Island is not the king of the Shichibukai, but Shirahoshi!

Princess Shirahoshi who holds the power of [ancient weapon Poseidon]!

"Speaking of White Star."

Cui Ze narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Has her ability awakened?"

Princess Otohime and King Neptune looked at each other and nodded in unison.


Princess Otohime took a deep breath and revealed to Cui Ze the top-secret information about the Ryugu Kingdom that no one except her husband and wife knew.

"Shirahoshi has awakened the special ability of the ancient mermaid princess! She... can already communicate with the Neptune type!"

Heard this shocking news.

Fisher and Jinbe's eyes widened at the same time, looking extremely shocked.

But there was nothing unusual about Cui Ze's expression. On the contrary, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

I thought this big news would arouse the card master's joy, but I didn't expect to see such a look.

Princess Otohime felt an inexplicable feeling of worry in her heart.

"What's wrong? Master Card?"

Princess Otohime stared at Cui Ze, not missing any subtle expression on his face.

"Isn't it a good thing that Shirahoshi has awakened [Neptune]'s ability?"


Cui Ze thought about it for a moment, but finally decided not to tell the real reason.

A "god on earth" who hides behind the scenes of the World Government, has survived for eight hundred years, and can arbitrarily detect the sea through "lights". For the Fish-Man Island at this stage, it is completely unbearable in life.


"I just think this speed is too fast. After all, the power of ancient weapons is said to be so powerful, and the white star is only so small."

The melancholy in Princess Otohime's heart dissipated a lot in an instant, "Shirahoshi has not fully awakened her abilities... Shirahoshi is not particularly skilled in using the power of [Neptune]."

"Then it's up to Princess Otohime to do more education, and King Neptune."

Cui Ze nodded towards Princess Otohime.

“No matter what, it’s a good thing that Princess Shirahoshi has awakened the power of [Sea King]!

"This sky island migration plan will definitely go smoothly with the presence of Princess Shirahoshi!"

This chapter has been completed!
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