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Chapter 62 Peninsula No. 13! A fleeting light!

Leave aside the evil.

The Chambord Islands are definitely the most prosperous islands in this sea, maybe even one of them.

Peninsula No. 44.

This peninsula, with its unique sightseeing scenery and special bubble products as its main selling points, surpasses the central towns of some large islands in terms of prosperity!

Cui Ze, Smoker and Vergo came all the way from Peninsula 69, and the first island they arrived at was Sequence 40.

After looking at the time, Cui Ze took the initiative to suggest.

"Let's go have lunch first! Only when you're full will you have the energy to play."

Vergo nodded hastily, he was already hungry.


Practice domineering.

Are they all very energy-consuming?

Smoker wanted to buy some cigars first, but the minority obeyed the majority and was forcibly taken to a nearby hotel.

Entered the restaurant.

Smoker and Virgo were not polite to Cui Ze. They picked up the menu and ordered it wildly.

Cui Ze didn't care and instead took the initiative to join them.

Anyway, no matter how much of these two items you order, Cui Ze won't be able to eat them all together.

It's said to be "treating guests to dinner".

In fact, Smoker and Vergo are just two additions worth mentioning.

Even if another Senmomomaru is added——


That guy Zhan Taowan is really good at eating!

A large amount of food was brought to the table by the restaurant waiter.

The "Three Marine Brothers" suddenly started eating and drinking wildly.

Two minutes later, Smoker exited the fight;

Five minutes later, Vergo exited the fight;

But the ruthless Cui Rice Machine Ze continued to eat like crazy.

After obtaining the entry "Big Eater", Cui Ze's ability to cook rice directly increased by almost one-third.

After eating all the food on the table, Cui Ze was barely full.

"I've eaten?"

Smoker, who was addicted to smoking, shook his thighs, looking anxious.

“When you’re full, go out quickly. This restaurant actually doesn’t allow smoking indoors!”

"If you want to smoke, go ahead and smoke!"

Cui Ze touched his belly and waved his hand towards the smoker.

"I want to eat some more, I'm not satisfied yet."

Looking at the table full of messes and piles of empty plates.



"That's it!" Smoker stood up, "I'll go outside to smoke a cigarette first, and I'll be back soon."

Cui Ze waved his hand without raising his head and quickly ordered another table of food.

Just when Cui Ze was enjoying the "small snacks after the meal".

Suddenly there was a lively discussion on the table next to me.

"Hey, have you heard about it? There is a very big auction on Peninsula 13 today. It is said that many slaves who escaped from Mary Joy have been recaptured and plan to make it public again.


"Aren't Marigio's slaves the property of the Celestial Dragons? Why would anyone openly auction those slaves?"

"Who knows? Maybe there is a Celestial Dragon behind the slave auction house on Peninsula 13?"

"Only slaves? No other famous swords or devil fruits?"

Cui Ze's ears suddenly moved, and he keenly captured the key point.

Unfortunately, one of his ideas soon came to nothing.

Just listen to the rough voice that spoke at first speak loudly.

"As far as I know, this auction on Peninsula 13 really only has slaves, but the quality of the slaves is very high! If you are interested, you can go and take a look!"

I'm afraid you are a shill!

Cui Ze curled his lips.

He wouldn't care if there was no devil fruit auction——


Peninsula No. 13!?

Isn't that the peninsula where Xia Qi's rip-off bar is located?

There are also hidden king-level monsters like Pluto Silbaz Rayleigh who are as famous as MR 3!

"Leili", "Xia Qi", "Slave Auction"...

These words flashed through Cui Ze's mind one after another. He always felt that there was a certain event connected between these words, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Vergo noticed something strange about Cui Ze. He looked at the direction the conversation was coming from and asked, "Are you interested in the slave auction they talked about?"

"That's not true."

Cui Ze shook his head and threw the irrelevant things out of his mind.

There was no need for him to pay attention to Old Riley's actions at the moment.

Old Leili is not a rising MR 3, he is just an old pirate who has retired for many years.

Cui Ze explained: "I'm just curious about devil fruits."

Cui Ze, a sailor with great potential, is very interested in devil fruits...

Vergo kept this information in mind and planned to report it to Young Master Dover when he had time.

But then again.

Since the initial encounter ended, the young master said that he was entangled by Lieutenant General He, and then he never had time to communicate...

Couldn't the young master deal with an aging lieutenant general?

Vergo was confused.

After all, in his eyes, the young master is a born king who wants to compete with the Emperor of the Sea!

How could Tianyaksha be afraid of a mere lieutenant general?!

Virgo suppressed his doubtful thoughts in his heart and responded to Cui Ze's topic just now.

"Devil Fruits are very rare. Even large-scale auctions may not always offer Devil Fruits for auction, especially those top-notch Devil Fruits!"

"I see."

Cui Ze nodded and looked at Vergo with a very sincere look.

In fact, your Don Quixote family can always provide some top-notch devil fruits.

Surgery fruit, golden fruit, burning fruit, etc...

We can definitely do business if there is a chance in the future!

When you get your devil fruits ready, I'll just go get them!

That’s what everyone does anyway.

Just when Cui Ze was about to talk about Vergo's hometown in the North Sea and his views on the famous pirate in the North Sea.

There was another conversation from the table next to me.

This time, Cui Ze couldn't ignore it.

It was still the voice of the man who seemed to be the shill at the auction house.

"This slave auction has attracted many kings from the countries that have joined the World Government! Among them are the Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea,... in the North Sea, and the Kingdom of Brujoa, etc."

One guest whose interest was piqued asked curiously: "What are these big shots doing here? Are they robbing slaves from the Celestial Dragons?"

"I think they might want to take pictures of slaves and then dedicate them to the Celestial Dragons to gain the favor of the Celestial Dragons. For example, that small country in the East China Sea called Duck, hahaha!"

(The Celestial Dragons did visit the Kingdom of Goa and sank Sabo's boat by the way)

Cui Ze didn't pay much attention to the chatter of several guests. He just caught the specific term "Brujoia Kingdom".


Cui Ze, whose face suddenly became "heavy", suddenly stood up.

"I have something to go out first."

Vergo didn't know why, but he saw Cui Ze's ugly face and nodded subconsciously.

"Okay, you go ahead, I'll explain to Smoker later."

Cui Ze, who had a "heavy expression", didn't even have time to say goodbye to Vergo, and rushed out of the restaurant door and rushed towards Peninsula 13.

Vergo was left alone in the restaurant.

A few minutes later, Smoker, with a happy face and a cloud of smoke, walked in from the outside. He looked around, but did not see Cui Ze, so he couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Virgo, where is Cuize?"

Vergo explained: "Cui Ze just heard the conversation of the guests at the nearby table, and then said that he had to go out for something, and he hasn't come back yet."

Smoker nodded and suddenly realized something was wrong.

"You said... Cui Ze is gone?"

Virgo said: "Yes."

Smoker immediately asked: "Did Cui Ze say when he would come back?"


Smoker looked at the shocking number of plates on the table and swallowed subconsciously.

"Cui Ze, has he paid the bill?"

This chapter has been completed!
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