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Chapter 628 The fierce reaction of the Navy Headquarters! The lightning operation behind the scenes and the birth of Qibuhai!

The World Economic News, which Pride is responsible for, has not completely spread the news.

The Navy Headquarters received the news about the recruit training camp in advance.


In the headquarters building, the door to the marshal's office was slammed open from the outside, and the broken wooden door fragments flew into the office, causing Sengoku and Garp, who were chatting in the office, to instantly stop talking.


"What's wrong?"

Warring States and Garp stared at Lieutenant General He, the chief staff officer of the headquarters, who was standing at the door of the office with a pale face and a volume of intelligence information in his hands. They stood up from their original positions in unison.

Sengoku and Garp had not seen Lieutenant General He in such a posture for decades.

"Yes, yes, boot camp."

Lieutenant General He murmured his lips a few times, but was unable to utter a complete sentence.

"The capable people attacked the ships of the training camp. Basically all the members of this training camp were wiped out. Even Zefa...Zefa also lost a right arm..."

Warring States and Garp looked at Lieutenant General He in shock. The first thought that came to their minds was whether this long-time friend was deliberately joking.

But once the news was fully confirmed, the Navy Headquarters immediately fell into a huge chaos.

The branch base closest to the naval training ship was ordered to dispatch a large fleet to approach the sea area where the training ship was located;

And Kizaru, the fastest-moving general of the headquarters, was also dispatched by the Warring States Period to the direction of Alabasta at the speed of light;

A large number of navy vice-admirals rushed to ask for leave and resignation, wanting to go to the scene of the incident together to protect and visit Zefa...

The entire navy was spinning rapidly like a huge war machine.

Kizaru, who was in possession of the [Sparkling Fruit], immediately burst out at full speed and rushed from his headquarters to the location of the incident without any regard for physical exertion.

When Kizaru arrived, the naval warships from the nearest branch base had not even arrived yet.

As he got closer to the naval battleship, Kizaru could sense the situation on the battleship with his sense of sight, and the mood of this usually smooth and experienced general became even colder.

Yellow flashes of light condensed on the deck of the training camp battleship, revealing Kizaru's figure.

Kizaru's slightly cold eyes swept across the corpse-strewn deck of the training camp battleship, and finally focused on the young female soldier with long wavy ocean-blue hair in front of him.

Judging from the bandages on the female soldier's thighs and the blood stains all over her body, she was also seriously injured during the battle.

There was a tall and thin male sailor beside him, who was silently picking up the corpses on the battleship.

Not having time to pay attention to the mental state of the female soldier, Kizaru asked directly: "How is Teacher Zefa doing now?"

"Instructor Zefa's condition is very bad..."

Ain's voice sounded a little dry and hoarse.

"After repelling those two people, Instructor Zefa's asthma broke out again, causing him to pass out immediately. Coupled with the injury to his right hand... we can only use some superficial treatment methods to temporarily replace Instructor Zefa.

Once it stabilizes, we will notify the headquarters..."

Kizaru nodded expressionlessly, and then took a deep breath.

"You didn't make it clear in the phone bug just now, who is the ability user who attacked the training camp?"

"There are two people, a man and a woman. The woman can control the bandage, and the other has a crescent-shaped white beard and holds a naginata as a weapon."

Iron Hui reports.

"Instructor Zefa seems to know the bandage ability user, but he did not reveal his identity to us."

Kizaru's brows frowned slightly.

There is too little information!

Especially the male attacker...

That description is too much like Whitebeard...

Is it the conspiracy of the Whitebeard Pirates? Or is it an unknown person with disguised abilities?

Kizaru didn't blame Ain for this. As a new recruit, it was enough to be able to report to this level.

"I'll go around first..."

Kizaru was planning to rely on his extreme speed and broad vision to quickly wander around the surrounding sea area to see if he could find the suspected target, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a strange noise in the battleship's cabin.

Kizaru's expression changed instantly, and he immediately disappeared in a blink of an eye and entered the cabin.

Ain and Binz also rushed towards the cabin without realizing it.

Kizaru entered the medical room of the battleship and saw the familiar figure, the missing section of his right arm covered with bandages, and the water glass rolling on the floor of the cabin. A strong feeling of sadness suddenly surged into his heart.

"Teacher Zefa..."

Kizaru's soft call attracted Zefa's attention.

Seeing Porusalino's figure, Zefa subconsciously wanted to put away his right arm, but then realized that this was of no significance at all, so he could only nodded slightly towards the former with a dull face.

Kizaru pursed his lips. He could see that Zefa didn't want to communicate with outsiders at all at this time. The words he wanted to ask about the identity of the attacker slipped to his lips and were swallowed by him.

Available at this time.

Zefa struggled to stand up from the hospital bed and staggered towards the door of the medical room.

"Teacher Zefa?" Kizaru asked curiously.

"Instructor Zefa!" Ain and Binz, who had just arrived, were equally nervous.

"I'm going to collect the bodies of other people in the training camp. I failed to protect them."

Zefa's tone was like a piece of emotionless ice.

"As for the two attackers, I will chase them, find them, and kill them!"

Kizaru's brows furrowed slightly.

After experiencing this incident, Teacher Zefa's mentality may have undergone a drastic change.


An idea suddenly emerged in Kizaru's mind.

Teacher Zefa originally had the idea of ​​leaving the navy twenty years ago. After experiencing this incident and what he just said, I don’t know...

But Kizaru didn't say much at this time. Instead, he, Ain, and Binz accompanied Zefa, braving the sparse raindrops in the sky, and silently collected the corpses on the battleship.

Ships and warships from the nearby naval branch base quickly arrived. Like stars and the moon, they guarded the training ship and escorted it to the naval headquarters.

The next day.

"People with unknown abilities attack the Navy elite training camp, and the general loses his arm if he doesn't kill him" was regarded as the front page headline by the World Economic News, and it spread to every corner of the sea. The front page photo was a picture of a severed arm that was captured by someone who didn't know how.

Zefa's half-length photo.

For a time, the navy was in an uproar and the world was shaken.

But Pride's actions did not stop because of this.

According to the outline of Cui Ze's action plan, Pride completed several of his instructions to perfection.

Playing the role of Miss Barjin and Edward Weeble at the same time, Pride directly launched an act of destruction in the park stage. The originally unknown "Edward Weeble" soon received a high bounty.

Especially the iconic crescent moon beard of "Edward Weeble" added to this newcomer's fame.

Later, Pride, as Edward Weibull, directly defeated Gibson, one of the kings of the dark world and a long-established warehouse industry, the Concealed Division, and used this opportunity to claim responsibility for the previous incident in the Navy boot camp.

Since then, the whole sea has known what a terrifying monster this year's pirate supernova is.

Edward Weibull's fame skyrocketed again.

The Navy Headquarters is also planning to dispatch a large-scale fleet armed force to jointly arrest Edward Weibull and Miss Barkin, and defeat the mother and son who have been causing trouble recently and take them into custody.

But before the intelligence network of the Navy Headquarters could find the location and whereabouts of Edward Weibull.

Shichibukai Moonlight Moria drove his terrifying three-masted sailboat out of the Devil's Triangle Sea, and unexpectedly encountered Miss Ba Jin and Edward Weibull.

After an entangled battle, "Moonlight Moria" was defeated and even killed by "Edward Weeble" in public!

By killing a Shichibukai, Edward Weibull's reputation once again received a huge boost.

At this time, CP0 of the World Government, leading the command of the Five Old Stars, came into contact with Edward Weibull and Miss Ba Jin.

When the naval battleship was about to find Edward Weeble.

The news that "Edward Weeble succeeded Moonglow Moria and became the new king of the Shichibukai" spread throughout the sea.

The navy's face was almost trampled into the mud.

The navy's actions were even scolded and dissuaded by CP0 agents on the spot!

After the repeated persuasion of Warring States, Garp, and Crane, Zefa finally decided to calm down for a while before considering the matters related to Edward Weibull and Miss Ba Jin. After confirming the news, Zefa felt as if he had been hit by a sunny day.


Didn't communicate with anyone.

Zefa took Ain and Binz, the two remaining recruits, and disappeared directly from the navy's sight.

What was left behind by Zefa was a coat of justice that symbolized the identity of the navy.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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