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Chapter 637 Tianlong captive! Return to the new world! The ecstatic Golden Emperor!

Angel Island.

"Hmm... um... good..."

Cui Ze agreed a few times and hung up the phone, feeling quite speechless.

"What the hell... The Navy Headquarters contacted me and asked me to take care of Instructor Zefa?"

Cui Ze didn't know that after he left, Zefa also made a phone call to the Navy Headquarters, and by the way, he also got the important task of commander-in-chief of the New World Branch Base from the old navy camp.

Just now, I secretly planned the establishment of a new navy with Zefa, and at the same time, I helped the other party completely restore his peak condition.

This call from the Navy Headquarters really made Cui Ze confused.

"How can I take care of Instructor Zefa? I have already drawn him to my side..."

Shaking his head, Cui Ze no longer struggled with the affairs of the old navy and the new navy. He planned to leave everything about the old and new navy to Instructor Zefa to handle.

With Zefa's current strength, it is impossible to have any problems in the sea. It is really difficult to get this unkillable general in his peak period!

Zefa handles things, Xiaoze can rest assured.

After leaving the deep sea, Cui Ze completely concealed his aura, and a [any door] came directly from the bottom of the sea to the empty island 10,000 meters above.

The plan to win over Zefa was a great success.

Cui Ze has no reason to continue hanging around in front of Zefa.

He was quite worried that he would be forced to work in the new navy by Zefera!

When he found a suitable opportunity, Cui Ze simply left.

Standing at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Cui Ze gently threw out the A-level card in his hand. The [Turtle Bad Beast] was released from the card and fell heavily into the white sea of ​​10,000 meters.

It hit a large white cloud-like wave.

The so-called "turtle sea king" that attacked the World Government ships in the deep sea and devoured the Celestial Dragons was of course this [turtle bad beast] that Cui Ze had ignored for an unknown amount of time!

The Celestial Dragon was released from the [Turtle Bad Beast]. After experiencing this sudden change, the Celestial Dragon, whose nervous system was extremely fragile, was already frightened and fell into a coma.

"This guy with the green starfish on his head looks a bit familiar..."

Cui Ze touched his chin and looked at the unconscious Tianlong in front of him.

"Apparently his name is...Don Quixote Musgard?"

Intelligence information about Don Quixote Musgard quickly flashed through Cui Ze's mind.

This is a special Draco who likes fish-man slaves and mermaid slaves very much.

In Cui Ze's impression, this Tianlong man indeed encountered a special shipwreck on his way to Fishman Island and almost died. Fortunately, he was rescued by Princess Otohime.

Later, after recovering from his injuries, Musgard was personally sent back to Mariejoia by Princess Otohime. He was deeply moved by Princess Otohime's actions and vowed to repay the kindness of Fishman Island one day.

In a future world meeting, Musgarud did indeed solve a crisis for King Neptune and Princess White Star.

But now, this guy is a purebred Tianlong!

"I didn't find a suitable opportunity to attack the Celestial Dragon before. This time, taking advantage of the obstacles of the deep sea and the cover of the turtles and bad beasts, I accidentally "picked up" a Celestial Dragon!"

Now that the Tianlong people have been caught, Cui Ze will not let him go easily.

Cui Ze's nose twitched a few times, and [Wolf King's Exploration] was fully opened. The personal information of Saint Don Quixote Musgarud was instantly exposed to his perception, and was clearly detected.

Cui Ze eliminated those experiences of being domineering and persecuting the weak one by one, and only selected some more important intelligence information.

"The World Government has set up a [Life Card] for every Celestial Dragon... This issue is not very critical. The [Turtle Bad Beast] ate Don Quixote Musgard. This is in full view of everyone.

The "reality" that happened!"

[Life Card] is a very magical prop. When the owner's vitality is weak, it will shrink. When the owner recovers, it will shrink.

When healthy, it will return to its original state, and when the owner dies, it will completely turn into ashes.

Cui Ze only controlled the [Turtle Bad Beast] to eat the bow of the World Government ship, deliberately leaving some CP agents alive.

These CP agents are the best witnesses to the death of Saint Don Quixote Musgarud!

As for what to do with Don Quixote Musgard's [Life Card]...

Cui Ze plans to hand this matter over to Pride.

Pride possesses a special B-level ability [Intelligence Erase], which can completely destroy Don Quixote Musgarud's [Life Card] without leaving any evidence behind.


As for Musgard himself...

Treize planned to hand him over to Gilder Tezzolo.

There are not a few people in the sea who hate the Celestial Dragons.

But the one in the Destiny Pirates who is most hostile to the Celestial Dragons is Taizoro!

Cui Ze believes that Taizolo will like this "Dragon gift" very much.

Continuing to look through Musgard's life information, I easily found the place where this guy's treasure was stored and how to open it.

"Treasure of the Celestial Dragons!"

"This matter can be handed over to Pride as soon as possible... Anyway, all I need are Devil Fruits. The lack of a few Devil Fruits in the Celestial Dragon's treasure will not attract any attention at all."

Apart from the two points mentioned above, Don Quixote Musgard did not provide any valuable information.

Although Cui Ze was a little disappointed, he didn't feel unexpected.

Although Cui Ze wants to learn about and explore some special information held by the world government and world nobles through Don Quixote Musgard.

However, it must be admitted that the vast majority of Tianlong people have no other functions except eating, drinking, eating, drinking, and laughing.

The vast majority of Celestial Dragons can be described as "complete trash".

If we expect these Celestial Dragons to master some mysterious information, we might as well expect Robin to discover ancient ruins on their own!

Being able to harvest the Tianlong people's [Life Card] and [Treasure Land] are enough to satisfy Cui Ze.

Cui Ze put away the [Turtle Bad Beast] and sealed Donquixote Musgard into a card, planning to give it to Tezolo when he returned to Feast Island later.

"The Celestial Dragons of Fish-Man Island... So, is there a less important villain in Fish-Man Island?"

Cui Ze recalled the plot of Fish-Man Island while moving in the direction of Angel Island.

"A racial monster born of hatred and discrimination...forget it! Let Fish-Man Island deal with that little scumbag on its own. Just protect Princess Otohime."

In the normal timeline, Princess Otohime's death directly led to the shallow awakening of Princess Shirahoshi's [Sea King] ability.

Now Princess White Star has initially mastered the talent of [Neptune].

If Princess Otohime uses her life to stimulate Princess Shirahoshi again.

The entire Fishman Island will probably be turned into powder by the wrath of the super-large sea kings!

Considering the relationship between his own side and Fish-Man Island, Cui Ze decided to send Praide to secretly protect Princess Otohime. Anyway, it was just a matter of convenience.

In the blink of an eye, Cui Ze arrived at Angel Island and delivered the news of his return tomorrow. At the same time, he also told Plaid about several small plans he had just made.

The next morning.

The members of the Destiny Pirates who came to Angel Island for vacation gathered together, and the little ones were chattering excitedly.

What was slightly beyond Cui Ze's expectation was that Fisher also came to Angel Island.

You must know that during this period of time on the vacation island, Fisher has always stayed with the fish-man island forces.

Cui Ze originally thought that Fisher would choose to stay on Sky Island, but he didn't expect that he would come back.

Fisher greeted Cui Ze and took the initiative to enter the [Simulated Space].

Although he is very concerned about the situation on Fish-Man Island, Fisher always remembers that he is still a member of the Destiny Pirates.

As early as when he decided to hand over the Sun Pirates to Jinbei, Fisher Tiger had already made a real choice.

Today's Jinbei is no weaker than him...

Until Princess Shirahoshi fully grows up, there will be no problems in Fish-Man Island with Jinbei's care.

Fisher naturally returned to the Destiny Pirates with peace of mind.

After everyone entered the [Simulated Space], Cui Ze summoned [Any Door] and returned from the Paradise Island to the Feast Island in the new world in one step.

After releasing the crew members in [Simulated Space], Cui Ze asked Plaid to summon Tezoro.

Long time no see.

Taizolo's temperament has changed a lot. With the double blessing of [Golden Fruit] and [Silver Fruit], this guy has a hint of the future "The Richest Man in the Sea".

"Captain, what's the matter with you calling me here?"

Tai Zuoluo stood respectfully in front of Cui Ze and asked curiously.

"I was just busy with the design task of the golden treasure ship Gran Tezzolo!"

When Cui Ze and others went to Angel Island for vacation, the power of the Destiny Pirates and the Hunter Association was developing rapidly.

The "Plan to Connect the Sea Areas of the First Half of the New World" that was set up before leaving has been almost completed.

Today's Hunter Association has successfully connected Feast Island, the Kingdom of Prodence to Mystria Island in the initial stage of the New World, and it can be regarded as occupying a small part of a New World route.

And Tezoro's business development plan is also developing in full swing with the support of a large number of Pride and the power of most of the dark world.

Now, he has begun to build the golden treasure ship, Grande Zolo!

"I called you over, I have a gift for you."

Cui Ze threw out the card in his hand, and Don Quixote Musgard, who was wearing a special white costume, fell at Tezolo's feet.

"I remember I promised you before that when your strength surpasses Donquixote Doflamingo, he will be yours completely...

"Considering your hard work during this period, although Don Quixote Doflamingo is still a little far away, there is indeed another Don Quixote here.

"Don Quixote Musgard Saint! This Celestial Dragon belongs to you now!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Looking at the world nobles who looked like dead dogs at his feet, Gilder Tezzolo let out a burst of hysterical laughter, like a night owl howling.

"I like this gift so much! Captain!"

"Don't dwell too much on past grudges, Tezolo."

Cui Ze reminded him dullly.

"However, you can make this Celestial Dragon hate you as much as you hate him."

"Hahaha! This is definitely the best advice I have ever heard in my life! Captain!"

This chapter has been completed!
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