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Chapter 648 Strange fish fruit! Two phantom beasts! [Mermaid] and [Siren]!

In view of Don Quixote Musgarud's special personal habits, the number of Devil Fruits he collected was not large.

There are only four.

The most bizarre thing is that all four of these fruits are of the animal type, and none of them are superhuman or natural!

The only thing worthy of praise is probably that the quality of these four Devil Fruits is pretty good.

[Fish Fruit·Common Species·Orca Form].

This is the first Devil Fruit that Pride brought back.

On the surface of the sea-blue Devil Fruit, there are dense spiral patterns of black Tang grass. There are two symmetrical white masses growing symmetrically on the middle and upper part of the fruit. The overall shape is like a mutated coconut.

"Tsk tsk! Fish fruit..."

Cui Ze clicked his tongue, and finally reached out and grabbed the [Orca Fruit] in the protective treasure box.

Cui Ze is no stranger to [Fish Fruit].

Kaido, who has had several encounters with him, has the ability to master the [Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Blue Dragon Form].

But the problem is...

Can [Blue Dragon Fruit] really be considered a "fish fruit"?

At least according to the information Cui Ze has, as a [Blue Dragon Fruit] power user, Hyakju Kaido, even if he accidentally falls into the sea, he will not completely lose his mobility like other Devil Fruit power users, but will still be able to move.

Able to run freely.

This is also the origin of Hyakushou Kaido’s top title of “The Strongest Creature in the Sea, Land, and Air”!

But the [Orca Fruit] is not the [Blue Dragon Fruit], this is a rather ordinary animal type.

The "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book" also records information about the "Orca Fruit". After eating this fruit, you can have the ability to transform into the "Orca", the top predator of the ocean, at will.

But as a Devil Fruit, its inherent flaws are inevitable.

Even though [Orca Fruit] can transform the eater into a top predator in the ocean, the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book" describes [Orca Fruit] as - "It can only move on land, and when exposed to large areas of sea water,

You will still lose your strength."

In other words.

After eating the [Orca Fruit], you can only turn into a killer whale that moves on land, but cannot go into the water.

Although he won't drown, he will become completely powerless.

"Although killer whales can definitely be called apex predators, this [killer whale fruit] is indeed a tasteless animal fruit."

Cui Ze shook his head, threw out a card, and engraved the [Orca Fruit] on the spot.

“As a marine creature, but unable to go into the sea, it’s really weird!”

That being said.

But Cui Ze still won't just throw away the [Orca Fruit].

[Orca Fruit] increases the strength and physique of the eater far beyond that of most animal fruits.

Moreover, Cui Ze has [Awakening Card Deck], which can completely get rid of the "water fear" shortcoming of [Orca Fruit].

In this way, the value of [Orca Fruit] can be greatly increased!

"The scope of application of [Orca Fruit] is too small... The only ones who are best at ocean warfare are Fisher Tiger and Kai Xia Jinbei, who belong to the fish-men tribe."

Cui Ze considered the purpose of using [Orca Fruit] in his heart.

"Fischer ate [Water Fruit] before, and then added a [Boiling Fruit] fruit card to him. Now I am not in a hurry to add another [Orca Fruit] to him."

"In comparison, Jinbe has not received any Devil Fruit enhancements, he only has a water-bending ring of [Water Dragon Possession]... Give this [Orca Fruit] card to Jinbe when you have the opportunity! Absolutely.

It can enhance his strength!"

In fact, Cui Ze can also fish for [Orca Fruit].

But who told the other three animal-type fruits brought by Pride to be of higher quality than the [Orca Fruit]?

[Orca Fruit] is the only common type of animal fruit that Pride brought back from Musgarud's personal collection.

There are three other fruits, one ancient species, and two fantasy beast species!

[Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Mosasaurus Form].

This is the devil fruit Cui Ze opened from the second treasure box.

Like killer whales, mosasaurs are also considered the apex predators in the sea.

If you just consider the Devil Fruit itself, the value of [Mosasaurus Fruit] is definitely more than that of [Orca Fruit].

Because the main range of movement of killer whales is basically limited to the sea.

A person with abilities who has eaten the [Orca Fruit] will not be able to gain the ability to fight wantonly in the ocean, and his overall strength will be weakened a lot.

But [Mosasaurus Fruit] is different.

Mosasaurus has a huge head, strong jaws and sharp teeth. It looks like a giant crocodile with flipper-like limbs. It can live on land and sea!

"Perhaps in Musgarud's eyes, the Mosasaurus is actually some kind of weird-looking big fish? That's why he collected this dragon fruit?"

A guess flashed through Cui Ze's mind.

The value of [Mosasaurus Fruit] is much higher than that of [Orca Fruit].

But Cui Ze also had no interest in it.

The fate of the [Mosasaurus Fruit] will most likely be the same as that of the [Orca Fruit], and it will be subsequently given to certain members of the Destiny Pirates, or it may be awarded to senior officials of the Hunter Association or the New Navy.

What really deserves Cui Ze's attention are the last two phantom beast species!

[Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Mermaid Form].

Cui Ze didn't even know how the Tianlong people obtained this phantom beast fruit.

Logically speaking, the "phantom beast" referred to by the phantom beast seed fruit should be a legendary creature that never exists in the sea.

"Mermaids" indeed have many legends on the sea.

But the problem is that there are a large number of mermaids living on the mermaid island under 10,000 meters of the ocean!

Although the [Mermaid Fruit] is a phantom beast species, its weirdness is not inferior to the [Orca Fruit] just now.

Cui Ze threw out a card and imprinted the [Mermaid Fruit].

[Imprinting in progress...Imprinting successful!]

【You get an ex-level card!】

[Ex-level card: Phantom Beast·Mermaid Fruit]

[Card Type: Equipment Magic Card]

[Card effect: Used against the target character, the target character can obtain the phantom beast devil fruit ability of [Mermaid Fruit], and can freely transform into a mermaid, and can develop the phantom beast abilities possessed by mermaids according to the legend of the sea]

"The card effect is basically the same as the previous [Pegasus Fruit]..."

Cui Ze glanced at the [Mermaid Fruit] card in his hand and shook his head with some regret.

"What kind of legend can a mermaid have? It feels the same as a Pegasus, but it's just beautiful... This phantom beast species, let's use it as a knife first!"

Cui Ze put away the [Mermaid Fruit] temporarily and looked at the last treasure box.

In this last treasure chest, there is also a rare and precious phantom beast fruit.

[Phantom Beast Species·Siren Form]!

This phantom beast fruit is also recorded in the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book", and it also has a lot of controversy.

The point of contention lies in the specific classification of [Siren Fruit].

In legendary stories, sirens are sea monsters with human heads and bird bodies. They can fly freely on the sea. They have heavenly singing voices and often use their songs to seduce passing voyagers.

The debate about the "Siren Fruit" in the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Manual" is whether it belongs to the "Fish Fruit" or the "Bird Fruit".

Cui Ze is not interested in what type of [Siren Fruit] it belongs to. He only thinks that this phantom fruit is a very good fishing bait!

"Fishing first, then going to Punk Hassad Island!"

Cui Ze placed [Orca Fruit] and [Mosasaurus Fruit] into the [Treasure Room] cards, and held [Mermaid Fruit] and [Siren Fruit] in his hand.

[Any door] Open.

Cui Ze's figure instantly disappeared on Destiny Island, and then appeared on the boundless sea.

The most suitable fishing location for Yuyuguo is the sea!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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