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Chapter 663 Above A? The battle is coming to an end! The next appearance was announced in advance!

"A-level [strength] attribute value!"

Cui Ze gently clenched his fist and felt the changes in power within his body.

"This is already the highest level that the [Plasma Spark Tower] can bless... I'm afraid it's also the ultimate power that normal creatures can achieve!"

Even Whitebeard himself provided the [Strange Power] talent entry.

He may be able to increase his maximum attack effect to level A through means such as "short burst", "shock fruit", etc., but his own [strength] attribute is still only level A.

To be honest, it's powerful enough, but it doesn't exceed expectations.

Cui Ze didn't think that Whitebeard's [Strength] attribute, even at his peak, could break through to A level.

In his opinion, under normal circumstances, level A can already be regarded as the ceiling for sea creatures.

Even King Fabuti, the giant king who has ruled the Kingdom of Elbaf for hundreds of years, has a physical strength attribute value of only A.

Even Whitebeard, who is known as "the strongest man in the sea" and can perform the miraculous operation of "stopping the boat with one hand", has only an A level in his strength attribute.

One can imagine how powerful and rare the A-level muscle attribute is.

Based on this, Cui Ze's [Agility] attribute that can be overclocked to EX level through [Speed ​​Force] is so terrifying and amazing, and it is far better than his current A-level [Strength] attribute!

"In fact, with [Wild Body], my attribute growth ceiling will never stop at level A... What's more, I also have [Light Screen] itself that can continuously acquire new entries!"

"Just like the navy/pirate entry that can fully increase one's strength, durability, and agility attributes! There is no hope for the old navy entry, but [New Navy·General Admiral] may not be able to become a new A-level entry in the future

——[New Navy·Marshal]!”

"The same is true for the entries in the One Piece series..."

"It's just that... after the attribute value reaches A, the growth rate will definitely slow down. This is basically expected..."

"I wonder if the attribute values ​​after level A will jump directly to level EX? Or will they continue to double and grow to level A?"

Regarding the final guess, Cui Ze could not make a conclusion.

Even Cui Ze himself, after so many years of training on the sea and fighting so many top experts, has seen only a handful of A-level attributes.

Currently, Cui Ze himself is the only one who has genuine A-level [Strength]!

Directly jumping the [Agility] attribute to the extreme [Speed ​​Force] or something like that can only be regarded as an accident, not the norm.

Cui Ze doesn't know what level comes after level A, so he can only explore slowly.

The only thing he can confirm is that his own growth is far from reaching the true upper limit!

"With A-level [Strength], A-level [Agility] and [Durability], I still have a lot of room for growth..."

"Not to mention the Devil Fruits that can be obtained later..."

Cui Ze exhaled a breath and closed his own light screen.

This time, I defeated Whitebeard and obtained [Strange Power] from fishing. The quality of the harvest was indeed beyond expectations.

I thought that A-level bait would not have much effect on me at this stage, but unexpectedly I encountered an "unexpected surprise".

Cui Ze was in a very happy mood.

In comparison.

The mood of the other people nearby was not so good.

Let’s talk about the pair of Enel and Marco first.

Enel's [Thunder Fruit]'s attack speed and attack frequency far exceed the limit that Marco can react to.

But no matter how strong the lightning attack is, it is not a real threat to Marco's [Phoenix Fruit].

Eniru's thunder and lightning struck Marco's body, and the latter only needed to use his [Resurrection Blue Flame], and the damage from the lightning attack disappeared without a trace like spring breeze and rain.

Any opponent encountered before, even if it is Charlotte Lingling who cannot break through the defense, Enelu will be able to get a reassuring "hit feedback" when fighting against her.

At this time, fighting [Phoenix] made me feel depressed and irritable.

Give an inappropriate example.

Although he clearly possesses the [Thunder Fruit], Eniru fights Marco, but he feels like a non-abled person facing a "true natural fruit capable person". No matter how much damage he causes to the enemy, the enemy does not suffer any damage.


On the other hand, Marco...

Pineapple Head's mood was also quite explosive.

Enelu has no way to get his [Phoenix Fruit], this is true.

But Marco also has nothing to do with Enel's [Thunder Fruit]!

Not to mention fighting back, there was no way to escape from the battlefield, so he could only be beaten passively.

The battle on the sea below became increasingly fierce.

Ever since Aramaki and Yixiao both joined the battle, the situation of the Whitebeard Pirates has become increasingly critical.

As the captain of the first team, Marco could only be beaten wildly in the sky. How could this prevent him from feeling uncomfortable and depressed?

Enelu called out the dark clouds in the sky and created a terrifying thunderstorm that covered a wide range in the sky, directly encompassing the [Phoenix] burning with blue flames.

But the [Phoenix] just flapped its wings, with sharp eyes, and flew out of the rain-like thunder without any delay, heading straight for the location of Anilu.

Install the latest version.]

Seeing this scene, Enelu felt quite crazy.

'If it doesn't work, this guy will have to be left to Aramaki to deal with!'

Compared to Enelu, who has an explosive mentality.

It can be said that Huang Mu below is playing smoothly.

He had just relied on the tidal sea of ​​plants to submerge the "Foil Sword Bista" in it, and drained the opponent's nutritional energy.

The other party's life was not taken directly because Aramaki learned a principle from the captain - green recycling and sustainable development.

Drain the opponent directly.

Drain the other person once, wait for the other person to recover and then drain him again.

Aramaki calculated the gap between "a full meal" and "a full meal" quite clearly!

After taking care of Foil Bista, Aramaki turned his attention to the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates. The one he was currently fighting was Diamond Jozi.

Compared to foil Bista.

Diamond Jozy has a very good advantage, he is hard, extremely hard.

The special effect of [Shining Fruit] has brought Diamond Jozi's body defense to a terrifying level.

Aramaki's [Sensen Fruit] was relatively weak in frontal attack power, and for a while it was unable to break through Diamond Jozi's body defense.

But this... is not a big problem.

As long as they are not purely physical talents, it is not difficult to deal with these guys who rely on "Devil Fruit abilities", especially in the special environment of the vast sea.

Aramaki felt that if there was no way to break Diamond Jozi's defense, he would directly use "pop green" to draw seawater from the surrounding area and use seawater to "soften" the big diamond!

It won't be difficult to deal with Diamond Jozi then.

All in all, Aramu is already in an invincible position!

And on the final battlefield.

Yixiao was suppressing and beating Blackbeard Tiqi.

This development of the war situation is also reasonable.

Blackbeard Teach's strength is far from reaching its peak in the future. He currently only specializes in physical skills and weapons.

After years of gravity-stressing training under [Heavy Fruit], Yixiao's physical fitness is not inferior to that of Blackbeard Teach, and he is a truly powerful swordsman. In addition, with the newly obtained [clairvoyance], he can also predict and observe the future.


It's natural that a smile will suppress Tikki the Blackbeard.

Looking across the battlefields, the crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates were filled with depression, but they didn't know how to vent their frustration.

In the past, they boasted that they were the "first pirate group in the sea" and their father was the "strongest man in the sea".

But right now, Dad is defeated by a card and is temporarily unconscious;

Marco and Jozi were entangled by their opponents, and Bista had lost his fighting power;

If it weren't for the sudden rise of Teach, the huge Whitebeard Pirates wouldn't even be able to deal with the last appearance of Renxia Yixiao!

The strength of the Destiny Pirates... was beyond their expectations!

Just when the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates continued to weaken.

Whitebeard, who had just been knocked unconscious by Cui Ze, finally broke free from the chaos of consciousness with his tenacious willpower.

Ignoring his sons who wrapped bandages on themselves and treated their injuries urgently, Whitebeard wanted to look for the card as soon as he woke up.

[Cong Yunqie] Holding it in hand, Whitebeard stands proudly on the small white whale boat. Just looking at his posture, it seems that he has returned to his peak.

Some people can calm people's hearts just by existing.

Whitebeard is such a person!

After he woke up, Marco, who was flying in the sky, was no longer anxious, Bista, who was hanging on the vine, was no longer panicked, and even Jozi, who was fighting against the wood, felt a little more confident.

The only one who was a little panicked...

It's Teach the Blackbeard.

'Dad, wake up! All my strength has been exposed! What should I do! What should I do!'

Blackbeard Teach was so flustered that his fighting mentality also became disordered.

He glanced at Whitebeard with a smile, and casually slashed the panicked Blackbeard Tiqi with a knife, "sending" this weird guy back to his father.

Being hit by Yixiao's gravity knife, Blackbeard Teach couldn't help but let out a scream.


Whitebeard hugged Tikki, who was flying upside down. Although he didn't know how Tikki's strength "suddenly improved", Tikki was always his personally recognized "son"!

"You've done a great job! Leave the rest to me, dad!"


Blackbeard Tikki ignored the pain and injuries on his body and looked at Whitebeard with surprise and joy. His approval of the Whitebeard Pirates was inexplicably increased in his heart.

"here you are?"

Cui Ze's figure suddenly appeared on the small white whale boat, and his voice reached everyone's ears.

"Do you still have the qualifications and strength to protect these so-called 'sons'? Whitebeard."

"You can try it, card!"

Whitebeard clenched the [Cong Yunqie] in his hand and looked at the card as if facing a formidable enemy.

The opponent is definitely the most difficult enemy he has ever encountered in his life, and his strength is even more terrifying than that of Rocks D. Jiback who forcibly recruited him to join the Rocks Pirates!

That speed is extremely fast, so fast that even [predicting the future] cannot be done, it is really too abnormal!

Whitebeard had no confidence that he could withstand the card's attack.

But he is confident that he will not let the other party hurt any of his sons before he dies!

Sensing Cui Ze's sudden arrival, Anilu in the sky gave up on Marco, and Aramu on the sea gave up on Bista and Qiaozi. The two of them, like Yixiao, stood beside Cui Ze.

Marco, Jozi and others also quickly retreated to Whitebeard's side, and some even started to treat the foiled sword Bista directly.

Whitebeard tried hard to control his eyes, not to look at the expressions of Marco and others, but just stared at the card opposite.

And most of the expressions of the Whitebeard Pirates were quite nervous.

The feeling of psychological oppression caused by cards is really too strong!

Defeat Dad at the speed of light without taking any damage...

Where did this monster come from?!

Fortunately, he is not from the navy...

In comparison, the expressions of the people on Cui Ze's side seemed much more relaxed.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the captain hadn't spoken yet, Eniro would have even started discussions with Aramaki about substitutions.

He really doesn’t want to fight against Marco, this “candy”!

"You want to stop me even if you have a death wish? You are such a good dad..."

Cui Ze shook his head and smiled, and Huang Mu and Anilu returned to [Ark Proverbs] first.

"Be prepared to accept the subsequent impact, Whitebeard Pirates, fate will come to your door again..."

Huang Mu and Enilu, who had not heard the previous exchange between Cui Ze and Yixiao, looked slightly puzzled, but still faithfully carried out the captain's order.

Yixiao flew directly to [Ark's Proverbs] in the sky. He knew Cui Ze's attitude towards the Whitebeard Pirates. This was Cui Ze's personal choice as the next whetstone for the Destiny Pirates.

In this case, Cui Ze will naturally not do anything more at this time.

Taking one last look at Whitebeard and Blackbeard beside him, Cui Ze's figure slowly disappeared from the spot.

Until the silver ark in the sky merged into the gray-white cloud shadow and disappeared completely.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates hasn't reacted yet.

"The cards...are gone?"

"The battle...is over?"

"Marco! Come over and see Dad!"

"That Bista guy still has a few breaths left. It doesn't matter, let's go check on dad first!"

Whitebeard was also observing the cloud shadows in the sky. After confirming that the silver treasure ship had indeed left, he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that every part of his body that had just been hit by the card was emitting a needle-like tremor.



'Destiny will come again...'

Whitebeard silently savored the card's last words before leaving, thoughtfully.

'Are the Whitebeard Pirates going to be used as a grindstone for the Destiny Pirates?'

'What an arrogant fellow!'

But even after he figured this out, Whitebeard couldn't make any response to it.

Win, then dominate!

This is the rule among pirates.

The weak have no right to speak.


This chapter has been completed!
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