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Chapter 718 Gaia’s true identity! The Carmelite nun who came back from the dead! The great defeat of all nations!

"Finger gun? No! Flying finger gun!?"

Zefa raised his casserole-sized fist and smashed the invisible force attacking his chest and abdomen with one punch. He looked at the young version of "Charlotte Lingling" in front of him in amazement -

That is Gaia.

With Zefa's experienced experience, he could tell at a glance what kind of physical ability Gaia had just unleashed.

And this is where he was surprised and suspicious!

Within the world government system, those who can master the [Six Forms] are all elites of the navy or agents of the CP department.

The only people who can delve deeply into the [Six Forms] and develop special [Six Forms Extended Techniques] are admiral-level generals, or senior agents from the CP department—especially the CP9 and CP0 departments.

Can do it!

At the very least, such a character should not appear in the Big Mom Pirates!

If it was just [pointing to the gun], Zefa wouldn't be so surprised.

After all, monsters appear frequently in the majestic sea, and there are always one or two monsters. Even if you just glance at the [Six Styles], you can imitate them.

But what Gaia is using is the [Flying Finger Gun]!

In Zefa's impression, there should be few people in the navy who study this technology.

[Flying Finger Gun] Only the CP department, and the female agents in the CP department who are responsible for undercover tasks, can learn and study this skill!

[Six Forms] is a very powerful physical technique, but different [Six Forms] will also have different effects on the practitioner's body.

It's like a [piece of iron].

People who practice [Iron Block] too much will not only become more resistant to beatings, but also develop large muscles. Incidentally, they will also have a lower IQ (crossed out) - a powerful buff for extreme self-confidence.

As for the [Flying Finger Gun], the execution process is quite hidden, but the power is extremely concentrated, and the power is not inferior to the genuine [Finger Gun], especially it will not have much impact on personal appearance, and is especially suitable for undercover female agents.

Perform tasks.

But why does the woman in front of him, who according to Cui Ze is the "Advanced Homitz" created by Charlotte Lingling, master the [Flying Finger Gun] that only a very few female CP agents master?

The important thing is that it is so skillful and smooth to use!

Gaia had no expression on her face and just looked at Zefa coldly, not intending to give any explanation.


Gaia can’t give any explanation at all!

She can't tell Zefa that "she is actually not the senior Homitz 'created' by Charlotte Lingling, but the soul of the Carmelite nun decades ago", right?!

That’s right!

Gaia's body is composed of Charlotte Lingling's right arm.

But her soul is that of a Carmelite nun who was said to have died in the "House of the Lamb" decades ago!

Carmel, the previous [Soul Fruit] ability user.

On the surface, she is a benevolent nun, known as the "Mother" by the world. She founded the "Lamb's House" in the giant kingdom of Elbaf, which specializes in sheltering homeless children regardless of race.

But in fact, Carmel's true identity is a human trafficker who specializes in abducting children and orphans and selling them to other powerful forces and big shots. He has been operating in the dark corners of the sea for decades, hiding himself.

No. "Mountain Lama"!

And the so-called "House of the Lamb" is nothing more than a "human trafficking agency" used by the Carmelites to abduct Elbaf's giant orphans and then resell them to the World Government!

Decades ago, the Carmelites planned to sell Charlotte Lingling, who was only a few years old, to the World Government.

Although Charlotte Lingling was still young at that time, her talents were fully displayed. She almost single-handedly destroyed a giant village in Elbaf, and even defeated the legendary warrior of the giant tribe, Waterfall Beard Yu.


Both the Carmelites and the World Government believe that Charlotte Lingling is a natural seed for a general.

As long as she doesn't die on the way, it's almost certain that Charlotte Lingling's strength will grow to the level of a naval admiral!

But not before the Carmelites started their deal with the World Government.

Charlotte Lingling went berserk due to an accident and directly devoured all the other children of the House of Lamb, including the Carmelites! (Note)

Dr. Vegapunk's research has long shown that no matter what type of system, espers release their Devil Fruit abilities through their own [bloodline factors].

Charlotte Lingling ate Carmel, and naturally ate the blood factor of the [Soul Fruit] possessed by Carmel!

Coupled with Charlotte Lingling's innate talent of [Steel Balloon], the "natural armed color" that was born at the top can "grab" the power of the [Soul Fruit].

[Soul Fruit] cannot escape Charlotte Lingling's body at all, and then be reborn in other corners of the sea.

This is the reason why Charlotte Lingling seamlessly inherited the power of [Soul Fruit] right after Carmel died!

However, due to the special nature of the [Soul Fruit], after the death of Carmelite's body, his soul did not die with him, but quietly slept in Charlotte Lingling's body.

If it weren't for Cui Ze cutting off Charlotte Lingling's right arm.

The Carmelite soul may not yet awaken.

But due to various coincidences, Carmelite successfully borrowed Charlotte Lingling's right arm to "resurrect from the dead"!

And because of the bloodline factor of the [Soul Fruit] existing on Charlotte Lingling’s right arm.

Carmel can still control the power of the [Soul Fruit], just like she did back then.

‘Gaia can actually be Carmel?!’

Cui Ze was also shocked by this.

He originally thought that Gaia was just the right arm of Charlotte Lingling. At most, the latter split some soul fragments and merged into it, which gave Gaia its special status in Totland of All Nations.

But I never expected...

[Soul Soul Fruit] can actually be played with so much fun!

One fruit can actually be used by two people at the same time!

Isn't this...

Ahem, no!

What surprised Cui Ze was that Carmel could actually be resurrected in this way!

If only the Carmelite technology back then had been better...

This nun can actually take away Charlotte Lingling's soul and take her body, right?

Nikka seizes the straw hat...

Oden seizes Yamato...

The nun seizes the aunt's body...

Everyone has a bright future——

What a bunch of monsters and monsters!

Cui Ze's inner feelings are unknown.

But Gaia is actually being beaten.

Zefa failed to ask the truth from Gaia, and the old-school navy's response to this was "If you don't tell me, I'll beat you until you tell me!"

Gaia - no, Carmelite did inherit Charlotte Lingling's [Steel Balloon] talent and the power of [Soul Fruit] after being "reborn".

But how to say...

Even though Cui Ze has been complaining that Charlotte Lingling is only good at [Steel Balloon].

But in fact, Auntie’s overall quality is definitely top-notch in Dahai!

It’s definitely not just a [steel balloon].

Whether it's physical strength, domineering power, or fighting skills, Charlotte Lingling can become a Yonko, all of which are indispensable.

As for the Carmelite a few decades ago, she was not a top strong person, but just a scumbag trafficker who liked to engage in human trafficking.

Even if it is put on Charlotte Lingling's body...

Carmelite is like a child wearing adult clothes.

Using the light screen to evaluate, Carmelo is an extremely scientific maniac with "full attribute points, acceptable fruit development, and all other abilities."

If it were to deal with other people whose physical quality was not as good as its own, Carmelite could still defeat the opponent with its own various means.

But facing Zefa at his peak.

Zefa is particularly good at physical arts and has mastered domineering characteristics.

The Carmelites didn't get beaten out of their brains because of the powerful defense of [Steel Balloon]!

The genuine Charlotte Lingling was a little overwhelmed by Kizaru's [Sparkling Fruit];

Charlotte Katakuri was also helpless when faced with Aramaki's [Sensen Fruit].

After awakening, the [Nuo Nuo Fruit] not only cannot be used as a boost to oneself, but may actually be absorbed by the enemy...

And the ability to predict the future is not of much use in the face of Aramaki's "Forbidden Hate Forest" which is as wide as the ocean.

[Future Prediction] is indeed powerful, but other aspects of one’s own abilities must also keep up!


It's like Luffy, the straw hat boy who has the destiny of having gained a huge experience pack in all nations and mastered [predicting the future].

When I first entered the country of Wano, instead of taking a step closer to my dream of being the Pirate King, I became the "Byakugan King" first...

The two top pillars of the Big Mom Pirates were unable to deal with their opponents as quickly as possible, and instead were dragged into a quagmire of protracted battles by their opponents.

Especially Katakuri, there is even a possibility that he is about to be killed...

The middle-level cadres and low-level minions were retreating steadily under the attacks of the Destiny Pirates and the Navy Fleet, and could hardly organize any effective resistance.

When Zefa finishes dealing with Carmel and frees up his hands to join other battlefields.

The complete defeat of the big mom pirates is a foregone conclusion.

The original comic did not mention the whole process of the destruction of [Lamb's House].

It just described that "Charlotte Lingling ate too much and forgot herself. When she woke up, the Carmelite nuns and other children had all disappeared."

At the same time, Charlotte Lingling also obtained the [Soul Fruit] ability of the Carmelite nun.

Although some people have mentioned that the overall characteristics of the "King of the Dark World" (specifically referring to those who participated in the tea party of all nations, excluding Doflamingo) are somewhat like Charlotte Lingling's childhood friend.

But this has not been supported by official recognition.

Attention please!

This is just the author’s [second hypothesis]!

In the author's setting, Charlotte Lingling [ate] everyone in the House of Lamb except herself, including the Carmelites.

And "eating Carmel" is also the reason why Charlotte Lingling obtained the power of the [Soul Fruit].

This is why everyone in the Lamb's House "died without seeing their bodies"!


Of course, it can also be said that the children of the "Lamb's House" survived and became the kings of the dark world.

Charlotte Lingling just killed Carmel and ate the [Soul Fruit] that was reborn on the spot.

What is mentioned in this chapter is just the author’s personal guess.

(End of chapter)


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