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Chapter 721 Unification of the first half of the new world! Strategic advancement!

He successively captured Charlotte Lingling, Gaia, and Charlotte Katakuri.

Immediately afterwards, the pirate fleet of the Big Mom Pirates was defeated from the front.

After taking care of the captured prisoners, the joint force of the Destiny Pirates and the New Navy sailed toward the true core of Totland of All Nations - Cake Island!

The intelligence information on the frontline battlefield has long been transmitted back to Cake Island, the headquarters of the Big Mom Pirates.

After knowing that their mother (Charlotte Lingling), little mother (Gaia), and second brother (Katakuri) were all defeated by the enemy, the remnants of the big mom pirate group who stayed on Cake Island completely lost the idea of ​​​​resistance.


The joint forces did not encounter any obstruction, and without firing a single shot, they successfully landed on the heavily guarded Cake Island and made their way to the Cake Castle in the central area of ​​Cake Island.

Cui Ze, Zefa and Huang Yuan gathered at the Cake Castle.

Others are working in an orderly manner to receive and deal with the remaining forces of the Big Mom Pirates, including the surviving heirs of the Charlotte family.

"I really didn't expect it~ I defeated the Big Mom Pirates so easily."

Kizaru cast his gaze out the window and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

The Cake Island shrouded in night is still a sweet and dreamy scene, but the members of the Destiny Pirates and the navy soldiers walking back and forth on the streets somewhat spoil the atmosphere.


Even if the Navy Headquarters, a large and powerful company, wants to send a fleet to attack the Emperor Pirates - no, they should upgrade the specifications of the warships and reduce the enemy's strength by the way.

Even if the navy wants to execute a single-man demon-slaying order against a certain legendary pirate.

It is normal for it to take ten days and a half.

But how long did it take for the combined forces of the Destiny Pirates and the New Navy to defeat the main force of the Big Mom Pirates?

It didn’t even pass midnight!

No wonder Kizaru would express such emotion.

"We haven't completely defeated the Big Mom Pirates yet!"

At this moment, Zefa poured cold water on Kizaru.

Although Zefa's joyful mood can be clearly observed through the raised eyebrows and raised corners of the mouth.

But this does not prevent Zefa's rational thinking from coming online.

"The reason why the Big Mom Pirates are called the Emperor Pirates is not just because of Charlotte and Lingling's strength. The strength of the Big Mom Pirates is not only that of Totland of All Nations."


"What we just eliminated was only the main force of the Big Mom Pirates. There were also other pirate forces affiliated with the Big Mom Pirates. Evil forces are entrenched in other corners of the sea!

"New world, paradise, even the four outer seas!"

What Zefa said is indeed the truth.

For any Emperor Pirate Group, most of their power is indeed concentrated in the New World Sea, but this does not mean that their branch forces do not exist in other sea areas!

The combined forces of the Destiny Pirates and the New Navy defeated the main force of the Big Mom Pirates.

But we can never be satisfied with this.

From the standpoint of the World Government and the Old Navy, while they are delighted with such glorious results, they must also consider the remnants of the Big Mom Pirates scattered in every corner of the sea to prevent them from making trouble or even retaliating.

Kizaru was not unaware of this matter.

But just now he just wanted to express his relaxed mood, and Zefa just said a lot of words with a straight face...

Kizaru: I always feel that Teacher Zefa is targeting me, and he has enough evidence!

"In any case, for us, the demise of the Big Mom Pirates is a great good thing, isn't it?"

Cui Ze stood up and smoothed things over for the master and apprentice.

"I mean, for us [the New Navy]."

On the surface Cui Ze is talking about the [New Navy], but in fact he is talking about all the forces under his command.

The New World Sea is no better than the first half of the paradise.

The paradise stage starts from Upside Down Mountain and ends at Chambord Islands, and is divided into seven routes.

There are only three routes in the New World stage!

Since the departure of the Fishman Island, the three islands pointed by the magnetic pointer: Thor Island, Lischiled Island, and Mystria Island, respectively correspond to the initial islands of the three routes in the New World Sea!

Previously, Cui Ze's [Hunter Association] was located on the route where the Kingdom of Prodence was located, while the [New Navy] was located on the route where the adjacent Kingdom of Dressrosa was located.

If the pirate group entering the new world wants to continue sailing, they can only take the last route.

But after this crusade, the Big Mom Pirates fell to the joint attack of the Destiny Pirates and the [New Navy].

The route occupied by the Big Mom Pirates was naturally included in the territory of the [New Navy] and the Destiny Pirates.

This means that [Destiny Pirates], [Hunter Association], and [New Navy] each basically occupy a new world route, which can be regarded as completely occupying all the sea areas in the first half of the new world!

In other words.

Cui Ze's forces have basically completely blocked the channels for pirates to enter the new world!

In the past, the New World sea area was full of pirates. It will be extremely difficult to get "new blood of pirates" in the future!

Looking to the future.

The number of pirates in the new world will only become less and less, and will not continue to increase!

This can be regarded as a great strategic progress for both the [Hunter Association] and the [New Navy].

Cui Ze explained all the above to Zefa and Huang Yuan one by one.

The former nodded repeatedly.

The latter looked distracted.

'Cui Ze is indeed a good sailor of our family! Porusalino is considered useless!'

Zefa resisted the urge to scold Kizaru and asked Cui Ze about Gaia's condition.

"That woman...she is actually not the Homitz 'created' by Charlotte Lingling, but a previous generation Soul Fruit fruit user."

Cui Ze briefly told the general situation of the Carmelite nuns.

"...nuns...human traffickers...dealing with the world government..."

Kizaru listened with great interest this time.


Zefa scolded, which startled Kizaru.

"But...this is indeed what the world government will do!"

It turned out you were not talking about me...Kizaru secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grandma Shan's story has ended, so there's no need to worry too much."

Cui Ze shook his head.

“But her matter does have a certain impact on us [New Navy]...

"The giant vice-admirals at the Navy Headquarters are basically the Elbaf orphans that Carmel sold to the World Government. The [New Navy] does not need to expend its energy on wooing these giant vice-admirals.


As soon as these words came out, Zefa and Kizaru both nodded silently.

Cui Ze doesn't need to explain too much, both of them can understand what "orphans bought by the world government" means, and there is absolutely no win-win value.

As for poaching the Navy...


Zefa and Kizaru have been working on it! And they are making great progress!

The three new navy bosses discussed some of their own affairs.

Then Zefa brought the topic back to the Big Mom Pirates.

"Although the Big Mom Pirates have been defeated, Charlotte Lingling and others will be sent to Impel Down one by one for detention. As for the descendants of the Charlotte family..."

"Well, speaking of this issue, I would like to add something -" Cui Ze just started.

Zefa took the initiative to interrupt: "Don't think about taking Charlotte Lingling away! The Five Old Stars will not agree!"

"...I didn't mean that."

Cui Ze was silent for a moment and said helplessly.

"I mean, since Charlotte Lingling has to be sent to Impel Down, then she must do a good job of escorting... It would be a big joke if the escort ship was halfway through sailing and the prisoner was kidnapped!


Cui Ze is very doubtful about the world government's ability to do things.

And his worries are by no means unnecessary.

There is a [World's Strongest Creature] who does not want to be named. He has a lot of experience in "prison escaping"!

As a pirate, he was defeated 7 times, was arrested 18 times when he challenged the navy and the four emperors alone, was tortured more than a thousand times, and was sentenced to death 40 times.

In addition, as many as nine huge prison ships were sunk by the [Strongest Creature]!

Considering the relationship between Hyakju Kaido and Charlotte Lingling...

And the "huge favor" Kaiju owes to Charlotte Lingling...

(After the Battle of the Valley of Gods that year, Kaido’s [Phantom Beast Species Blue Dragon Fruit] was a gift from Charlotte Lingling!)

In Cui Ze's opinion, Kaido of the Beasts really has the motivation and ability to attack the prison ship and rescue Charlotte Lingling!

And if Kaido of all beasts really rescued Charlotte Lingling...

Cui Ze didn't care.

But Zefa and the [New Navy] will definitely suffer a lot of morale damage.

"What you said makes sense."

Zefa agreed with Cui Ze's words, and then his eyes swept directly to Kizaru next to him.

"Polusalino! You are responsible for personally escorting Charlotte Lingling and others! You are idle all day long anyway."

Kizaru tried to argue, "...First of all, I don't fish every day..."

"I will ask Warring States to send you a mission order when the time comes!"

Zefa ended the topic neatly, and then looked at Cui Ze again.

"By the way, where did you just say that?"

Cui Ze glanced at Boss Kizaru, whose eyes were dull, and replied happily: "A scion of the Charlotte family."

"Yes, the issue of dealing with the descendants of the Charlotte family..."

Having said this, Zefa couldn't help but rub his eyebrows.

"How can Charlotte Lingling be so fertile?!"


This chapter has been completed!
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