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Chapter 769 [Sanction of God] Light up the Holy Land Marie Joa! Panicked Five Elders!

In recent years, due to the successive attacks by the "Golden Armored Man" and the "Melloc Explorer", the World Government, which originally did not take any protective measures against Mary Joa, has begun to place overt or covert sentinels in every corner of the Holy Land.

It's just that the opening location of [Any Door] is too tricky. [Ark's Proverbs] arrived directly above Mary Joa, and the sentries on the surface of the Holy Land did not notice the arrival of this silver treasure ship at all.

"This is the legendary holy land Marie Joa!"

Enelu stood on the deck of [Ark's Proverbs] with his arms folded, overlooking the holy land below.

"It's not as gorgeous and majestic as I imagined!"

"Obviously it is known as a holy place, but the pain and evil emanating from this city is simply unimaginable!"

A smile with a rare gloomy expression, and the [clairvoyance] that regained its brightness, able to survey all the scenes in the Holy Land.

After spying out the truth about the Holy Land, it was only natural that Fat Tiger, who was already kind-hearted, would feel angry.

"Weird existences like the Celestial Dragons should have been removed from the sea long ago!"

"Aren't we here?"

There was a generous smile on Aramaki's face.

"Hahahaha! I really want to taste the taste of the world's nobility!"

Cui Ze glanced sideways at Aang Mu. He always felt that after arranging Aang Mu to suppress the [Lake Bottom Prison] in the core area of ​​Feast Island, this guy had the urge to develop into a metamorphosis.

Suck people too much?

"The other party didn't notice us, so let's say hello openly!"

Cui Ze turned his attention to Enelu.

"Enilu, use thunder!"

Enel inexplicably felt that there was some malice in the captain's words that he was unaware of. The God of Thunder, with his mouth twitching, raised his palm and pointed it at the sky of Mariejoia, summoning the surrounding free electrons at will, condensing a deep dark cloud.

Strips of silver-white electric arcs shuttled among the dark clouds, blooming brightly.

This sudden thundercloud quickly attracted the attention of Marigio's internal staff, but how could their reaction speed keep up with the thunder in the sky?

"Feel the wrath of the gods!"

Enilu waved his arms violently.

"God's sanction!"

Following Anilu's movement, an incandescent thunderbolt as thick as a water column suddenly descended from the dark clouds in the sky, and the dazzling light instantly illuminated Mariejoia who was trapped in the darkness.

How swift is the roar of thunder?

Even though many people in Mariejoia had noticed this attack falling from the sky, they tried to stop it.

But before anyone could take action, Enel's thunder had already hit the tallest building in Mariejoia.


Accompanied by the deafening thunderous explosion, the majestic fortress standing in the core area of ​​Mariejoia was instantly wrapped in a layer of free electric light. Along with the falling gravel, extremely deep ravines broke out on the surface of the castle.



Cui Ze looked at Enelu's attack with a slightly strange expression.

As expected of you, Enel!

Got the point right away!

As soon as I came up, I was reminded of the newly built Pangu City!

During the previous battle between Cui Ze (Golden Armor version) and Yin Mu, Pangu City, which had stood on Mariejoia for hundreds of years, was reduced to ruins following the aftermath of the battle between the two.

But after a long period of quiet repairs, the castle was built again by the World Government, which spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

But as soon as Anilu came up, he launched "God's Sanction".

This "New Pangu City" almost didn't turn into ruins again!

Black figures flashed out from Pangu City, guarding the outskirts of Pangu City calmly and orderly. They were clearly the most elite agents in the CP department with their well-trained appearance!

Right after these agents.

The unscathed bald Five Old Stars and the blond Five Old Stars walked out of the gate of Pangu City with the goatee-bearded Five Old Stars, the scarred Five Old Stars and the black-hatted Five Old Stars who were still caring. (Note)

"Where did the lightning come from!?"

The bald Five Old Star's face was full of displeasure, and he still held tightly to his arms the [First Generation: Ghost Tetsu], one of the twelve skills of the supreme sharp sword.

"Look at the sky."

The blond Five Old Stars were obviously more calm than the bald Five Old Stars. The moment he left Pangu City, he directly activated his [Information and Information Dominance] and accurately locked onto the silver treasure ship in the sky.

"According to the information collected before... the silver treasure ship in the sky is the [Ark Proverb] owned by Raiden Enel, the leader of the Destiny Pirates! It can expand Raiden Enel's own synthesis


"The Destiny Pirates?"

Not only did the bald Five Old Stars not feel less surprised and unhappy after hearing this, but they actually became even more furious.

"The government's demon-slaying order has clearly been sent to Feast Island in the New World! How could the members of the Destiny Pirates appear in Mariejoia so quickly!

"Is it possible that the Card Master would rather abandon his home base than rush to Mariejoia to fight to the death with our world government?"

The bald five-old star expressed his own opinion, but the other five old stars didn't say a word.

The other four people actually had another guess in their minds.

That is, the Card Master and his Destiny Pirates first eliminated the Demon-Slaying Order troops dispatched by the Navy Headquarters, and then used other special means to directly raid the Holy Land Marie Joa from the middle of the New World!

Based on the Five Old Stars’ understanding of the scientific and technological means of the forces of the sea.

This inference is not completely impossible!

At least Elbaf, the giant kingdom known as the "world's most powerful country", who inherited the remaining power of the Midgard Kingdom, possesses an extremely special long-distance teleportation ability!

The five old stars thought that their speculations were exaggerated enough.

But if they really knew the truth...

Only the Five Old Stars will realize that human imagination is really limited!

The Navy was not "defeated".

The Navy has "surrendered to the enemy"!

Under the protection of a group of CP agents, the three goat-bearded five-old stars, the scarred five-old stars and the black-hatted five old stars who were not good at martial arts quickly left Pangu City and moved to other safe locations.

No matter what signal the appearance of the Destiny Pirates' [Ark's Word] in the sky over Mariejoia represents.

They, the five old stars who are not good at martial arts, would be most suitable to avoid the battlefield as much as possible!

As for the powerful blond Five Old Stars and the bald Five Old Stars, the skilled ones boldly stepped on the [Moon Step] and took the initiative to approach the location of the [Ark's Proverbs].

Then, the two extremely noble and powerful Five Old Stars saw the extremely gorgeous lineup of the Destiny Pirates.

Cui Ze, Yixiao, Huang Mu, Anilu, Yan ([Flowing Blade Like Fire]), Snow ([Sleeve Shirayuki])...

In addition, there are a group of members of the Destiny Pirates who are also on this silver treasure ship.

Fisher Tiger, who came straight into view and "resurrected from the dead", was not taken seriously by either the blond five-old star or the bald five-old star.

After seeing the size of the members of the Destiny Pirates.

There is only one idea left in the minds of the two five old stars...

Go and invite Master Yinmu!

This chapter has been completed!
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