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Chapter 776: The new king of the world! The great trial of the old era! The beginning of comprehensive law-based rule of the sea!

The world government formed the Demon-Slaying Order to conquer Feast Island;

The Destiny Pirates' troops were extremely fast and they attacked the holy land of Mariejoia with a backhand;

The master of the Sky Throne appears, the card master's perfect victory, the world government's complete defeat...

The influence of this series of dazzling and unprepared changes of the times has not yet spread completely through the spread of "World Economic News".

Beneath the Red Continent, Marine Headquarters, Marinevando.

Sengoku, who was still sitting obediently in the marshal's office, quietly waiting for news about the Demon-Slaying Order fleet, and still hesitating whether to press the golden phone bug in front of him, finally received a call from the bug.

"Is it finally coming? A full-scale artillery attack on the Destiny Pirates..."

Warring States had a complicated expression on his face, staring at the golden phone bug in front of him, and sighed deeply.

Although the Demon-Slaying Order established by the World Government has a top person in charge at the site of the Demon-Slaying Order, it is the "Golden Telephone Bug" placed in the hands of the Navy Marshal that actually activates the Demon-Slaying Order's saturated artillery strike function.


After the Demon-Slaying Order warship arrived in the waters near Feast Island, the Warring States Period received accurate news.

Now if we estimate the time, it is almost the end...

"Even Cui Ze can't persist for such a long time under the siege of Marshal Kong, Garp, and Zefa..."

Warring States shook his head, raised his right hand to take the phone bug, and extended his other hand to the golden phone bug.

But the news coming from the other end of the phone did not come from the New World, but from the World Government!

"What?! Mariejoia was attacked by pirate forces? In urgent need of top combat forces? I will set off from the Navy Headquarters right now!"

Sengoku's move to touch the golden phone bug came to an abrupt end.

"Nani?! The battle is over? The World Government has lost? The King of the World has also lost? The winner is..."

"The Card Master and his Fate Pirates???"

Listen to the message on the other end of the phone.

The Buddha's Warring States Period was truly a Buddha.

Normally, once the Holy Land is invaded by an unknown force and the safety of the world's nobles is threatened, the Navy Headquarters under Marie Joa will need to immediately send personnel to provide support.

But unfortunately...

The World Government personnel responsible for contacting and informing the Navy Headquarters, as well as the information receiving soldiers in the Navy Headquarters, were all "replaced" by the thoughtful Pride!

It was not until the Holy Land War was completely over that the Warring States Period received information from above.


"How on earth did that guy Cui Ze get from Feast Island to Mary Joa?"

"Brother Kong, what are they doing?"

Sengoku's head was filled with doubts.

But Pride on the other end of the phone would not stop talking because of the old navy marshal's question.

"Old Navy Headquarters Marshal Buddha of the Warring States Period, do you want to continue to stand on a united front with the World Government and declare war on the Destiny Pirates?"


Warring States subconsciously refused, but he also had some doubts about the identity of the person opposite.

"Who the hell are you?"

Pride had no intention of explaining, he was just giving a unilateral notice.

"Since the Buddha's Warring States does not intend to become an enemy of the Destiny Pirates, from now on, the Buddha's Warring States will temporarily remove the position of Marshal of the Navy Headquarters and, as acting Marshal, will reform the naval system from top to bottom and completely restructure the old navy.

For [New Navy]!

"In addition, please go to Judiciary Island in three days to accept the trial of the New World Government!"

Warring States' mouth opened wide, and the problems in his mind were not solved at all, but instead increased a lot.

The "New World Government"... was established just like that?

"New Navy"...why did they get involved in this matter?

And... am I a suspect?

Three days flew by in a flash.

The world war that broke out on Mariejoia and determined the change of the times, its influence was conveyed to every corner of the sea through the "World Economic News".

Countless countries that have joined the original World Government are trembling with fear at the powerful strength of Card Master and the Destiny Pirates.

Countless people in the sea know about "the existence and defeat of the King of the World" and "the birth of the new King of the World".

That’s right!

The card master who defeated Im and the former world government is regarded by countless people as the "new king of the world"!

Pride's long-cherished wish, to a certain extent, has been fulfilled...

And then, countless people in the sea learned another thing.

The "New King of the World" card master intends to execute a protracted, open and transparent legal battle against the "remnants of the old era" on the Judicial Island, which is affiliated with the former world government and symbolizes the highest legal authority in this sea.


The basis is the "Feast Island Code" which has become more and more popular in recent years.

Moreover, this trial event will be broadcast live to the entire sea.

Any people in Dahai who have the conditions to receive the signal relayed by the video phone bug can take this opportunity to watch with their own eyes this "Great Judgment of the Old Era" that affects the entire sea.

Even if people in some remote areas are unable to watch the live broadcast, all the video materials of this trial will be preserved and passed on to future generations for all people in the country to enjoy.

As for island residents in the waters near Judiciary Island, they can also take boats to Judiciary Island to watch the live broadcast.

"A super trial of the old era? What will the Card Master do?"

"What does the old era include? Is it just the corrupt officials of the World Government?"

"The world's nobles - no, those heavenly dragons who are domineering and arrogant, will they also be judged?"

"I not only hope that the Celestial Dragons will die, I also hope that all the pirates who burned, killed and looted will die!"

"Speaking of which, the Card Master... is also a pirate... and the King's Shichibukai established by the World Government himself!"

"But I've never heard of the Card Master and his Destiny Pirates doing evil, right? They just keep fighting the pirates..."

"The fight between the World Government and the Pirate Emperor is just dog eating dog!"

"Poor people should save more energy and consider whether they should eat kelp or shells tomorrow morning!"

In the eager anticipation of countless people, this great trial that is said to encompass the entire old era has finally arrived!

But the moment the video phone bug's live signal comes into contact with the screen.

The first thing that caught the eyes of the people watching the live broadcast was not the lofty Five Old Stars, or the strangely dressed Celestial Dragons.

But the captain of the Destiny Pirates.

Card Master.

"This trial against the old era starts with the pirates, with the Destiny Pirates!"

Thank you very much to "book friend 20220509070807351" for the reward!!


In fact, as of the last chapter, the main plot of "Back to Justice" is basically over, and you can also regard it as "completed".

The rest.

It’s the cleanup of the “old era”.

and the unfolding of the "new era".

The above will be the ending of the last paragraph of "Backing to Justice".

Of course, after the stories of the "Old Era" and the "New Era" are over, there will also be corresponding short stories from different worlds that were agreed upon before, but there shouldn't be many of them.


Thank you all for your company along the way and your specific feelings. After the story of "New Era" is completed and the main text is completely finished, Ashin will give a "completion speech"...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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