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Chapter 135 Entering the Snow Mountain

Er Er: "It's a pity that it's a good medicinal material."

"This medicine is basically useless except for the bitter taste in my mouth. It is also good to pour it to grow flowers."

Her toxins are not a problem, and drinking this medicine will have no effect.

Nan Qing was very lively at the moment. If Mo Xingsha saw such a scene, he would probably doubt his life.

It would take at least half a month for him to collect the medicine, and it might even take more than a month. During this time, Nan Qing only had to pretend to be sick in the village, and occasionally talk to the helmsman about matters under his jurisdiction.

Captain Lin treats this master with great care every day. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this stunning young woman in front of you is actually hundreds of years old.

He had never met the Holy Lady in person before, but every time he sent letters and brochures from the Holy Religion, the letters he received in reply were her notes written in Xiaozhuan.

Captain Lin has long been curious about what kind of person the saint is.

In the past few days of contact, he was impressed by the saint's way of dealing with her. Problems that he couldn't solve were not problems at all in her eyes.

Master Lin found many doctors from the private sector to check Nanqing's pulse every day, fearing that something might go wrong with her.

So every day when Nan Qing went out for a walk to breathe fresh air, she would be followed by a large group of people, including ten maids, twenty guards to protect her, and three doctors...

Finally Nan Qing couldn't help but said: "Master Lin, I don't like so many people following you."

The next day, the only people following Nan Qing were a maid and a doctor, but there were many people following him quietly a hundred meters away.

Nan Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

What on earth did Mo Xing say to Captain Lin when he left? He was so frightened.

"Two two, has Mo Xingsha arrived at the snow mountain?"


Er Er looked at the map and confirmed that the World's Best Actor had indeed arrived at the Snow Mountain.

In other places, the summer heat has just subsided, while in some places it has already snowed heavily and hailed. And the mountains in places where it snows are so thick that they can bury people. These large mountains are covered with snow all year round.

Also known as Holy Snow Mountain.

The snow-capped mountains are basically not worth seeing, but once the sun shines on the peaks of the snow-capped mountains, the white tops of the snow-capped mountains instantly turn into gold.

Mo Xingsha, dressed in black brocade clothes, stood at the foot of the mountain. When he raised his head, he saw the golden top of the mountain illuminated by the sun.

"It is said that if anyone can see the full view of Rizhao Jinshan, that person will be very lucky. I hope I can be lucky enough to find Snow Lotus soon." He murmured to himself.

Although Mo Xingsha was wearing very thin clothes, he could not feel the biting cold of the snow-capped mountains due to his internal body protection.

The snow in this snow-capped mountain is so deep that no matter how thick your clothes are, you will still freeze if you stay here for more than three hours.

Mo Xingsha is now maintained entirely by his own internal strength.

So he wanted to go into the mountains as soon as possible and look for the snow lotus as soon as possible.

Why is it so easy to find iceberg snow lotus? Iceberg snow lotus has always been something that all sects of holy medicine are competing for. Countless herbalists went to the mountains for a single snow lotus and were buried in this snowy mountain.

Mo Xingsha looked at the golden mountain top and wished himself good luck. He must find the snow lotus!

Mo Xingsha stepped on the snow into the mountains. The snow here was particularly thick and loose and he immediately fell in when he stepped on it.

In fact, he could use Qinggong and walk lightly on the snow, but this would consume too much internal energy. He still has to use internal energy to maintain his body temperature.

Mo Xingsha walked into the mountain through the snow, one foot at a time, leaving a row of footprints on the ground, but as the wind and snow got bigger, the footprints soon disappeared.

It was freezing cold, and Mo Xingsha walked in the snow for a long time. If he hadn't had a good memory, he might have lost his way here.

The surrounding area was completely white and it was impossible to tell the direction. Everything in the southeast, northwest and northwest looked the same.

Mo Xingsha has been trying hard to remember the way he came. He must not get lost in this cold snow.

As he walked, he remembered the path and was alert to whether there would be an avalanche. At the same time, he quickly looked for snow lotuses in the snow.

Before he came, he took a look at the appearance of snow lotus. Snow lotus is a lotus with the color of white jade, surrounded by white snow. If there is a snow lotus, it will be easily missed if you are not careful.

Mo Xingsha walked until it was almost dark and still found nothing.

Finally he found a leeward place to spend the night.

As night falls, the temperature in the snow becomes even colder, and there is nothing but snow all around here. There is not even a tree. There is no firewood to keep warm in Mo Xingsha.

Mo Xingsha sat in the lee of the wind with his eyes closed and concentrating. He didn't dare to really fall asleep and had to keep his body warm at all times.

Er Er spent a few points to check the situation of Mo Xingsha.

Nan Qing sat on Er Er's recliner and looked at the picture on the light screen.

Er Er commented: "The best man in the world is a bit miserable, and if he looks around in the snow with his eyes open like this, he will definitely go blind in a few days."

"Snow blindness?" Nan Qing has read about this disease in books.

The white snow is particularly dazzling during the day, and it will be even more dazzling if there is sunlight. If you keep staring at the white snow, your eyes will have double vision in a few days, or you will gradually become blind.

Such symptoms can become snow blindness.

The best way to prevent snow blindness is to tie a piece of cloth over your eyes to block the glare of the snow.

Nan Qing: "He shouldn't be so stupid as to keep looking for me like this."

Within a few days, Mo Xingsha's eyes hurt and he knew he couldn't look for him like this anymore.

Nanqing lived the life of a rice insect comfortably in the village.

Occasionally, I would go to the back mountain to give guidance on the training of the disciples of the Demon Sect.

Captain Lin was extremely nervous throughout the whole process: "Holy girl, you should go back and rest because you are suffering from a strange poison. My subordinates are still here to do these hard work."

"I've been bored in the house for a few days, and I don't want to go back."

Captain Lin did not dare to speak for a moment.

The saint is the master, and I cannot force the master to go back to rest. I just hope that the saint will not lose her hair and stay healthy.

If something goes wrong here, everyone in the village may not be able to survive.

Leader Lin has been following Mo Xingsha for many years and has seen with his own eyes how this young man got into the position of leader of the Demon Cult by stepping on a mountain of corpses.

Although Mo Xingsha hasn't killed many people in recent years, the shadow he left on many leaders of the Demon Cult has always been there.

Nan Qing personally trained some disciples and selected a few talented ones: "Master Lin, these people focus on training, and by the way, I asked my husband to teach them how to write. The people of the Demon Cult not only need to be strong in martial arts, but also good at reading."

Hyphenation of text."

Captain Lin immediately wrote down her words.

Nan Qing was tired after walking around for a day: "Master Lin, did Mo Xingsha say anything when he left? Or did he leave anything to say when he would come back?"

This chapter has been completed!
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