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Chapter 141 Returning to the Mountain Forest

Although everyone is in shock, their demon sect has not had such a happy event for a long time.

The wedding of the leader and the saint must be grand!

Three books, six appointments and ten miles of red makeup are not just words.

Mo Xingsha invited the best matchmaker according to folk customs, and he and she went through a formality according to customs before getting married.

The matchmaker came to propose marriage and praised Nan Qing as the only woman in heaven and earth.

The entire demon sect has never been so lively, and even the maids who usually wear dark colors are wearing pink clothes.

After proposing a marriage and making a betrothal, it's time to wait for the wedding day.

Di Lin took people to deal with Shili Hongzhuang, and Mo Xingsha personally went to the warehouse to select the things.

These things are not the inheritance left by the ancestors, but things he has earned for the Holy Religion over the years.

It is best to use what you earn to run Shili Hongzhuang.

Mo Xingcha wrote the gift list himself and didn't finish it until dark. After finishing it, he couldn't wait to go to the main hall.

But Di Lin stopped him: "Master, men and women cannot meet before the wedding. It will be unlucky if they meet."

Mo Xing stopped and frowned: "What kind of rule is this?"

"The rules of the people in the world." Di Lin said without being humble or arrogant.

Normally, he wouldn't have dared to stop the leader, but it was obvious that the leader valued this wedding very much, so Di Lin boldly risked his life to stop him.

Mo Xing stopped and stopped in place. He really wanted to go to the main hall.

"Is it true that we can't meet before the wedding? Just... sit down for a while and have a meal together?"

Di Lin lowered his head: "I can't even see you."

If we can't meet each other, then we definitely can't have a meal together.

Mo Xingsha suddenly became depressed, resisted the urge to flick his sleeves and went back to the house.

Di Lin smiled secretly in his eyes. The last time he saw the leader was aggrieved, it was because of the saint. The saint was indeed the one who could suppress the leader.

At night, a figure quickly jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

Nan Qing had just finished taking a shower and was drying her hair when suddenly there was a sound from the window and a figure jumped in from the window.


"Me." Mo Xingsha walked over nervously, and then lowered his eyes: "Di Lin said that I can't come to see you before the wedding, but I miss you, so I'll leave after just one look."

Mo Xingsha didn't know if she followed the rules. What if Qingqing got angry because he didn't follow the rules?

He planned to take one look and leave, but when he entered the house, he felt as if his legs were rooted and he didn't want to move at all.

"Are you twisting your hair? Let me help you." Mo Xingsha walked over and picked up a soft cloth to wipe her hair.

Nan Qing let him wipe it, then said with a smile: "Didn't you say you would leave after just one look?"

"Dry your hair and I'll go."

After his hair was dry, Mo Xingsha stayed back to drink from Nan Qing's wine.

He famously said: "I'll have a drink with you and then I'll leave. Drinking alone is so boring."

After the drinks were finished, Mo Xingcha deliberately pretended to be drunk and hugged Nan Qing, then acted recklessly.

Nan Qing had known for a long time that he would be like this, and he didn't mean what he meant.

At the end of September, the Demonic Cult ushered in a great event that had not happened in hundreds of years. The leader and the saint got married.

The leader of the church marries a saint in red makeup.

Mo Xingsha was wearing a red wedding dress and riding a horse, and behind him was an exquisite wedding car. The carriage was extremely exquisitely decorated. Nan Qing was wearing a red wedding dress and a phoenix crown sitting in the carriage.

The wheels of the carriage rolled on the red carpet on the ground, and the people in the surrounding small villages could not help but come out to watch the fun despite their fear.

This small place has never seen anything called a ten-mile red wedding ceremony.

Wedding candies were sprinkled all over the floor that day, and many children picked up candies and ate them.

Although the reputation of the Demon Cult has not changed, the love between the Demon Cult leader and the saint has spread throughout the continent.

Five years later, a young man emerged and became the new leader of the martial arts alliance.

He married a woman named Sun Xueer. I heard that she was the granddaughter of the head of the Kunshan sect. She was from an upright family and did not want to be extravagant and extravagant, so the wedding was not festive enough.

Sun Xueer was sulky for several days: "People from the Demon Cult kill people so cruelly, why do people always talk about the demon and the witch Shili Hongzhuang? What's there to say? How can a demon have love?"

"Okay, Xue'er is not angry anymore." The young martial arts leader coaxed her.

For the next ten years or so, the demonic sect and the decent sect were at odds with each other. There were constant frictions but no winner or loser could be determined.

More than ten years later, Mo Xingcha and Nan Qing began to retire. The two of them trained new leaders. Even if they retired to the demon sect, they would not be oppressed by the decent sect.

The days of retreating to the mountains and forests are to relax and...no shame or shame every day.

The two of them saw the prosperity of the world together, traveled through the beautiful mountains and rivers of the four seasons, and grew old together.



The author has something to say:

Everyone, exit and refresh the previous chapter. The content of the previous chapter has been modified!! [This world is over, I will write a new world tonight~~~ I had stone pain yesterday and couldn’t write words, kidney stones, 嘤嘤嘤,

It’s too difficult.]

This chapter has been completed!
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