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Chapter 199 Nan Qing Deliberately Attracts the Female Lead to Capture the Male Supporting Role

Zombies are zombies, and they can’t change their character!

We've been together for so long, and it still bites.

Nan Qing ignored the pain and stretched out his hand to push it away. As soon as he pushed his hand hard, blood flowed out from his shoulder, and the blood stained his clothes.

The blood stung its eyes, and the zombie wanted to punch itself.

"Qingqing, it hurts a lot, right? I'm going to find medicine for you..."

There is medicine in the space, and the zombies are concentrating hard to find the medicine in the space.

Nan Qing stood up. She didn't care about the wound on her shoulder at all, and said in a cold tone: "Give me the iron rod."

The zombie immediately took out the iron rod and handed it to her obediently: "If you are angry, please hit me hard, I won't resist."


A stick hit it on the back shoulder.

Everyone heard the sound of bones breaking!

"Pfft! Nan Qing, you are so cruel!"

Er Er's voice has changed. It can no longer maintain its coolness and elegance at this moment.

Nan Qing did not answer Er Er. She gave the zombie a stick and stood up: "Bite me again and I will blow your head off!"

The zombie can't feel pain, but it can clearly feel that it can't lift its right hand and the bones are broken.

It has super recovery ability, even if the bones are broken, they can be restored the next day.

The zombie didn't complain at all, but was very happy: "Qingqing, are you still angry? If you are still angry, just continue. I will never bite you again. I'm sorry... Can you sit down and I will give you medicine?"

She picked up an iron bar weighing several dozen kilograms and hit it with blood from her back shoulder.

It kept its eyes on her shoulder.

The look in its eyes was not one of appetite but concern and distress.

Nan Qing smiled: "Can I really hurt you casually?"

"Okay, as long as you calm down."

Nan Qing felt depressed after hearing this. This big guy is so stupid.

Nan Qing took out a small dagger from her body. She played with it and then stabbed the zombie unceremoniously.

Suddenly it turned so red that some dark blood flowed out.

The zombie didn't even look at his wound. Nan Qing poked it again and again with the knife, and finally felt bored.

It doesn't hurt, so what's the point?

Nan Qing turned around and picked up a bag from the tent: "Put water, food and wine in it."

Nowadays, zombies almost do whatever Nan Qing says.

The zombie quickly took out water and food from the space and put it into the backpack. When he handed the backpack to Nan Qing and watched Nan Qing put the backpack on his back, it realized something was wrong.

"You... want to leave?"

Nan Qing was small and thin, and it was a bit awkward to carry a huge mountaineering bag on his back and an iron rod in his hand.

She raised her eyes: "I will come back to you, now I have something to do."

After saying that, she left and the zombie froze and stood there.

It froze...

The snack is about to go, she doesn't want it anymore, it completely pisses her off...

Xiaoshishi said she would come back to find her just to deal with it. At least she would deal with it.

It wanted to chase it but didn't dare. It was afraid that the little food would just ignore it and say something heartbreaking.

Zombies know very well that no matter how cute and delicious the soft food is, they can be crueler than anyone else in their actions and words.

Nan Qing drove away, and she looked at the blood in the small bottle.

"This blood is red and black. Is this what the Zombie King's blood looks like?"

I borrowed this small bottle from Er Er just now. Er Er opened some plug-ins and used a special small bottle to collect the blood that flowed out when Nan Qing stabbed the zombies.

There is not only blood but also a little bit of fleshy tissue inside.

Er Er yawned gracefully and said, "This bottle can only be kept fresh for one week. After one week, the blood inside will spoil."

"Yeah, I got it."

Nan Qing drove quickly.

She is going to deliver a "plug-in" to the protagonist.

Didn't she want to catch the Zombie King? How laborious it would be. She would personally deliver the Zombie King's blood to them.

"The protagonist's aura is so powerful that he can definitely research the potion through the blood of the male partner. The male protagonist of the world is specialized in research in this area." Er Er said.

"Leave the big guy alone for a while, it won't have any weaknesses when I'm not around."

Er Er has a map that shows the location of the protagonist in the world.

The male protagonist in this world is still in Safe City, while the female protagonist is in a nearby city.

As long as the big guy doesn't match the protagonist, everyone else is simply a minions to it.

And without her as a burden, he is safe alone.

She first solved the protagonist's problem and eliminated the biggest danger.

As night falls, the entire continent becomes dark.

At night, the roars of zombies are everywhere.

The superpowers gather in a building to rest. There are special mutant superpowers guarding the surroundings of the building. Their special powers can release barriers to block the smell of humans.

As humans become stronger, zombies become even more powerful. Some zombies have particularly sharp noses. If they don't block the smell, they won't be able to rest at all. Zombies will attack them all night long.

Zou Xuli took out the map: "We still have one-third of the area left to search. We will set off before dawn tomorrow. Let's have a good rest tonight and be energetic and ready to fight at any time!"


Zou Xuli led dozens of team members. Looking at these strange faces with supernatural powers, she thought of Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi is gone...

That day she returned to Safe City non-stop, bringing back news about the Zombie King and quickly leading rescuers to find Jiang Qi.

But she only saw Jiang Qi, whose body was half eaten by zombies.

She found Xu Qin nearby, and Xu Qin was still alive.

Zou Yuli was a policeman before the end of her life. She could tell at a glance that Jiang Qi was not bitten to death by zombies, but killed by someone!

Xu Qin killed Jiang Qi.

Zou Xuli wanted to kill Xu Qin at that time, but she resisted, and Xu Qin was brought back to the safe city to be executed under the new law.

New law, new law after the end of the world.

There is no death penalty in the new law, but only deprivation of lifelong political rights and becoming a tool. Slave.

Xu Qin was locked up in a small room. The only purpose of her life was to give birth to new life for mankind.

The new law was enacted by the leaders of the National Security Council, and Zou Xuli has always been disgusted by the new law.

The end is coming, and most of the human race has died. With the increase of zombies, there are fewer and fewer powerful humans. There are too few humans with superpowers. If this continues, the human race will become extinct.

All new laws are aimed at allowing humans to continue to reproduce without becoming extinct.

There was a fire burning inside the house, and the glass of the window was broken and cold wind blew in, making a roaring sound.

The team members were scattered on the ground, leaning against the wall, closing their eyes and recuperating.

They have been searching continuously for more than ten days. If they encounter powerful mutated zombies over time, they will lose people.

After searching for so long, I still haven't found the Zombie King.

There was no news of the discovery from other safe cities.

Zou Huili couldn't sleep. She raised her head and looked through the window at the red moon outside.

Since the end of the world, the moon no longer emits silver light, but instead emits red light.

Zou Xuli had a hunch that the Zombie King was in the area they were searching for, and they might meet him soon.

Whether it was because there were too many people in the room or because she was in a bad mood, Zou Huli felt very bored.

Zou Xuli stood up and quietly left the building.

The team members outside who were working hard to maintain the barrier saw her: "Captain, it's so late, why haven't you rested yet?"

"Some of you can't sleep. I'm looking around. Please be careful."


Zou Xuli walked around the building with her hands behind her back. She did not dare to go outside the boundary. If she did, her smell would spread.

Zou Xuli has always found that his physique is very attractive to zombies.

After walking around the building, there was no one there. She sat down on a stone and blew in the cold wind.

Suddenly someone stepped on a dead branch and made a crisp sound.

Zou Huili quickly turned around: "Who?"

I saw a person standing up in the grass, and a girl carrying a bag looked at her and smiled.

Zou Xuli was shocked. She quickly alerted: "Nan Qing? Where is it? Is it following you?"

Zou Xuli thought that if Nan Qing was here, the zombies would definitely follow her.

She looked around vigilantly, but found that there seemed to be no one there, only Nan Qing and her.

Nan Qing slowly approached.

The barriers created by those superpowers only blocked the smell, but could not block people from coming in. Nan Qing easily walked to a few meters in front of Zou Yuli.

"Sister Zou, you don't have to be so vigilant and don't have to be so afraid. I'm the only one here."

Listening to her soft voice calling her sister, Zou Yuli's cold face relaxed a little and said: "Nan Qing, what are you doing here? Do you know that you followed that zombie that day, which is tantamount to betrayal?"

Human beings?”

"Sister Zou, don't put such a big label on me. The big guy protects me very well and gives me food to prevent me from starving and freezing. I am willing to follow him. I just follow him. There is no betrayal at all.

Human beings say."

Nan Qing was not angry at all and spoke softly and helplessly.

Her whole person looked harmless.

But Zou Xuli still kept a watchful eye and glanced at the thick iron rod in her hand.

Zou Xuli took a breath and said: "Okay, I know you are just following it, but it is a zombie and you are a human. You are not the same species. A zombie is a zombie after all. One day it will definitely hurt you."

Although Zou Xuli was shocked that Nan Qing would follow a zombie, and the zombie did not harm Nan Qing, she still had a good feeling towards Nan Qing, and she could not be harsh or malicious towards Nan Qing.

Zou Xuli hoped that Nan Qing could return to normal human life: "Nan Qing, please don't follow it, okay? I can take you to the safe city, where you can have food and clothing without danger. It's too dangerous for you to follow a zombie."

Er Er looked at this scene and couldn't help but said: "The heroine of the world is trying to pry you as if she were San'er."

Nan Qing was looking at Zou Yuli with a soft look, but at this second he was almost disturbed by Er Er's words and his acting skills were disrupted.

Nan Qing shook his head: "I won't go to Safe City, I hate humans."

Zou Huili was confused: "Why?"

"Because they were disgusting. They touched her and raped her... They beat her violently and pinched her. They didn't treat her as a human being. She lived like a dead dog..."

That was the original owner's mother.

The original owner saw this scene throughout his childhood.

Every man the original owner had killed had raped a girl...

Nan Qing's voice became colder and his eyes were confused, as if he was recalling something.

The girl who was innocent one second suddenly changed into a different person this second.

Zou Xuli realized something. Did Nan Qing experience some darkness? Or did he see some darkness?

As a result, she would rather follow a zombie than live with humans in a safe city.

After the apocalypse broke out, many human beings gradually lost their humanity. Zou Xuli also saw a lot of dark things in the past six months, and too many dark things happened.

Nan Qing must have seen those things or suffered those things.

Zou Yuli felt slightly distressed: "The people in Safe City are all good people, and the bad ones have been dealt with long ago. How about you follow me back? Following a zombie will not lead to good results. The entire continent is now looking for it. If it is caught by others,

If they see you and zombies together, they will think you are a group, and then I will not be able to protect you."

Nan Qing's eyes gradually returned to normal, and then he said with a smile and a soft voice: "Sister Zou doesn't need to protect me. I chose this path myself. By the way, I came here to give gifts to Sister Zou."

After saying that, she reached into her bag and took out something.

Nan Qing took out two tubes of pitch black blood from his bag.

"This is a big man's blood. It's fresh. A container can only keep it fresh for a week. This bottle contains its tissue." Nan Qing handed everything to Zou Yuli.

Zou Huili took two tubes of cold blood, and she was a little confused.

"I know you are catching the big guy, but it will definitely die if you catch it. I want to protect it. This is all you want. I give it to you now. You can take it back and study it carefully."

After saying this, Nan Qing turned around and left.

Zou Huili opened his mouth to speak but was mute.

Nan Qing walked dozens of meters away and suddenly stopped and turned around: "By the way, Sister Zou, I have already given Big Guy's blood to you. You can't catch it anymore, and you can't follow me secretly either.


She trusts her appearance.

Nan Qing drove back quickly and said he would go back to look for it. It must still be where it was.

Er Er looked at the map: "The male partner is still waiting for you where he is. He hasn't moved for more than a day."

"So good."

Nan Qing was very satisfied.

Nan Qing didn't know that the zombie didn't leave because it had been thinking wildly all day...

The child in the space swiped to close the screen and sat on a chair with his legs crossed: "The heroine is secretly chasing me."

"That's good."

Er Er: "Why did you deliberately remind her and let her chase you? Didn't you deliberately lead the protagonist to catch the male supporting actor?"

Nan Qing said the last words on purpose just now, to remind Zou Huli to follow him quietly.

Nan Qing shrugged slightly and said helplessly: "How can you make them give up after giving them two tubes of blood? Why did they have to do experiments with only two tubes of blood when they could catch such a big living body?"

Er Er's crossed legs trembled, so Nan Qing wasn't here to send blood at all, she was here to attract the heroine to capture the male counterpart?!!


The author has something to say:

Nanqing is setting up a trap~

This chapter has been completed!
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