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Chapter 255 Meeting Little Evil

Nan Qing avoided the bodyguard's sight and left the venue.

Suspecting that the bodyguard was watching the game seriously and not noticing her, Nan Qing came out quietly.

As soon as I came out of the venue, I heard Er Er in my mind pointing the way: "Go straight forward and turn right at the end of this street."

That area is the city center, and as the sun is going down, this spot is particularly lively.

Nan Qing controlled the smart wheelchair and walked slowly along the street. Passers-by saw him and hesitated whether to step forward to help.

But after observing it for a few seconds, I discovered that Nan Qing's wheelchair is very smart and does not need help from others to push it.

"Turn right, it's in the alley."

There was a slight tremor in Er Er's cold voice. Originally, it thought it was just encountering another system, an insignificant system.

But the signal sent by the red dot just now is a familiar signal!

It's the system it recognizes.

It has been hundreds of millions of years since they passed the inspection and were sent to the three thousand worlds to perform tasks. It has been hundreds of millions of years since Er Er has seen a familiar system.

That signal is so familiar, who could it be?

Could it be it.

If it's lust...

Er Er was thinking about it when a message popped up on the light screen.

"Nan Qing, the heroine of the world, Qin Su, is also at the competition. It is very likely that she will meet the male partner." Er Er read out the message anyway.

They are here to save the male partner and not let him be attracted to the heroine of the world.

Nan Qing continued to control the wheelchair and moved forward: "Don't worry, Fei Sen will not be seduced so easily. Let's go see your friends first."

First take Erer to meet friends.

Nan Qing could feel that Er Er was looking forward to it now and was not in a hurry. They would come back to do the mission after meeting their friends.

A glimmer of light gradually appeared on Er Er's cold and delicate little face, and it smiled: "Okay."

Turn right and there is a long alley.

Nan Qing controlled the wheelchair to turn right and saw a sudden burst of light in front of him.

She stopped the wheelchair.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Er Er, wearing a shirt, came out of the space.

Er Er is very small, with a delicate face, and the cool and noble aura on his whole face is eye-catching.

"You still had light when you came out. The alley over there was just a little brighter. Did your friend come out too?"

As the host, Nan Qing can see some things flashed by the system.

"Nan Qing, my friend is over there in the alley." Er Er said with a smile on his face.

"Well, then you go over there, I'll wait for you here."

Nan Qing didn't intend to bother him. Although she was curious about what Er Er's friends looked like, she still gave them space to have a systematic chat.

Er Er hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "I will be back soon. If anything happens, call me in your heart and I can hear you. I will come back as soon as you call me."

"Well, Er Er is the cutest, go ahead."


Er Er's face instantly became embarrassed, and his cold and noble face turned red.

Finally it ran away.

Nan Qing controlled the wheelchair to retreat, came to the edge of the street and waited quietly for Er Er to return.

In the alley, Er Er ran for more than ten meters and then stopped. It walked slowly over.

When I walked out of the alley, I saw a handsome-looking girl dressed in neutral clothes. Next to her stood a delicate boy wearing a small suit.

"Little evil." Erer shouted with a cold smile.

I didn't expect to meet a little evil person.

There was a trace of disappointment in Er Er's eyes, and soon a joyful emotion came to his heart.

It's not lustful, but it's very happy to see the little evil.

One of the five major systems of the space station, Little Evil.

A dapper boy in a suit walked over: "Two two."

Er Er smiled: "The last time we met was at the space station. It must have been hundreds of millions of years ago."

When they were first developed, they played around on the space station and spent a very interesting "childhood". However, they are systems. As long as the system passes the test, it will be sent to the Three Thousand Worlds to perform tasks.

They left the space station one after another and came to the three thousand worlds, where they have not seen each other for hundreds of millions of years.

When they were on the space station, Xiao Xiao was the most naughty among them.

He just likes to do bad things.

Xiao Evil still had the same sultry look: "You are the second person I met. I met Sexy about a hundred worlds ago."


Er Er's eyes moved slightly. What he missed most after leaving the space station was Sex. He didn't feel it when they were playing together before, but after leaving Sex, he found that the system he was most reluctant to part with was actually Sex.

That stingy system that talks about running the train.

The little evil actually encountered it.

"I have never encountered it. I have only met you so far. How are you doing now, Xiaoxie? Is your host good? Are you doing well in the mission?"

Er Er raised his head and looked at the girl behind Xiao Xie. Although she was dressed in a neutral dress, Er Er could still tell at a glance that she was a girl.

This girl has extraordinary temperament, and she is not a simple person at first glance.

Xiao Evil looked back at his host. He looked awkward and finally said vaguely: "It's okay, Er Er, where is your host? How many points have you earned now?"

It's so vague.


Er Er knew at a glance how arrogant Xiao Evil was. It seemed that this host satisfied Xiao Evil very much.

Er Er is very happy for it. It is not easy to find a favorite host.

As a system, I believe that Xiao Evil has wiped out hundreds of hosts just like me. Each host met me briefly, and then they wiped them out after the mission failed.

Keep doing this over and over again until you become numb.

Being able to meet a great host that you like is the greatest luck in a system's life.

Er Er: "My host is waiting for me in front. My host is very good. She is the one who has been with me the longest."

It is telling Xiao Evil that it has also found a suitable host.

The two systems shared their joy and told each other what happened in the three thousand worlds.

It took them hundreds of millions of years to get together, and they have endless things to talk about, but the responsibility of the system lies with them, so they can't talk anymore.

I don’t know if Xiao Evil has an urgent mission now, but Er Er knows that he has to take the host to meet the male partner and prevent the male partner from contacting the female protagonist. He can’t continue to waste time here.

Xiao Xie ended this topic first.

Xiao Evil said: "Er Er, it's getting late."

No more chatting, they have their own tasks.

Er Er's cold expression slowed down for a second, then he smiled and said in a soft tone: "Well, goodbye, little evil."

I'm very happy to meet you.

They all have missions and cannot be chatted here.

Er Erxin turned around and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, Xiaoe's voice came from behind: "Er Er, the last time I met Se Se, Se Se asked me to bring you a message. He said his points will definitely exceed yours."

When the five major systems left the space station hundreds of millions of years ago, they made an agreement. When they get together again, they will compete with each other to see who can earn more points!

Although they don't know when they will all get together, the agreement is firmly remembered in their hearts.

Er Er's eyes were a little red.

This guy from Sesei also knows how to let others take the lead.

Er Er did not look back and said: "Haha, my current host is very powerful. Its points cannot surpass mine!"

Although his words were a bit childish, Er Er was very satisfied inside.

After saying that, he left.

In a small alley in the sunset, a girl dressed in neutral clothes and a little boy in a small suit stood there watching Er Er leave.


The author has something to say:

Some readers have seen this plot story in a book written by another pen name of mine. It was from the perspective of Xiao Evil. Now it is written from the perspective of Er Er in this book (the plot and dialogue are the same, but the perspective and psychology are different.

Hope you don’t dislike it, it’s definitely not hydrology, 嘤~????`) Suisui Large Number: Nine Thousand Years Old, you can search if you are interested

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