Turn off the lights
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Chapter 28 Living in the Gu Family

Sulfuric acid splashed?

Nan Qing raised her chin and reached out to touch her neck, but before she could touch it, Gu Mulin held her wrist.

"Don't touch it. The wound is not big, but it needs to be cleaned." Gu Mulin pressed her hand back.

He turned the car around and went in another direction.

Nan Qing couldn't feel any pain on his neck, it was just the pain from his touch just now.

It turns out that even in a different body, her reaction to pain is still slow.

Nanqing is often sick and often receives injections and various treatments. Nanqing has long been accustomed to pain, and is very tolerant of pain and is not sensitive to pain.

Nan Qing didn't care about the injury on his neck, it was probably just a few drops splashed on it: "Where are you taking me now?"

Gu Mulin didn't say anything. He drove faster than before.

Nan Qing didn't notice Gu Mulin's abnormal mood. She just turned on her phone and checked the time, and then said: "It's very late now. My neck is not serious and I don't need to go to the hospital. You can take me back to school."

"Not going to the hospital."

"Where to go?"

"Go to my house."

It's very close to his home, and the Gu family has a family doctor.

Because of the burn wound caused by a few drops of sulfuric acid, Nan Qing came to the Gu family's old house.

This is not her first time here. In the memory of the original owner, the original owner also came here when she was a child.

The Gu family is an old family, not a new family, so every flower and grass in the old house is very particular, and every place is full of culture.

It's not unusual for Mr. Gu to come back at this time of night, but it's strange to come back at this time with a woman.

When the housekeeper came out, he saw Mr. Gu opening the car door for someone, and then carefully protecting him.

The housekeeper's eyes were rounded, and he felt even more incredible when he saw that the woman getting off the car was the eldest daughter of the Nan family.

But thinking about the recent rumors of marriage, a smile appeared on the housekeeper's face.

The housekeeper stepped forward: "Master, Miss Nan."

Gu Mulin: "Ask the family doctor to come over."

As soon as the housekeeper heard this, he hurriedly called for someone.

Soon there was a group of people in the living room, including three doctors.

Nan Qing was embarrassed: "No need to be so exaggerated, just clean and disinfect it."

"If you want to have some brown spots on your neck in the future, just say so." Gu Mulin said coldly.

Nan Qing didn't know what was wrong with her neck. When her aunt brought a mirror over to take a look, she discovered that there were several red dots on her neck, and the surrounding area was red and swollen.

"High-concentration sulfuric acid, although only a few drops are splashed, still burns the skin. If not treated properly, you will have a few brown spots on your neck."

The injury wasn't big or serious, but didn't she feel pain?

Gu Mulin folded his arms and leaned on the sofa. The doctor was disinfecting Nan Qing. The more he looked at it, the more he frowned.

"Nan Qing, if you feel pain, you can scream, no one will laugh at you."

"I'm not a child, thank you."

She really doesn't feel much pain. Even if she does feel pain, she won't scream. She is used to suffering pain quietly.

After cleaning the wound on his neck, Nan Qing looked at his phone and it was already twelve o'clock.

The housekeeper stepped forward with a smile: "Miss Nan, it's already very late today, why don't you just rest here for the night."

Nan Qing was about to refuse, but before he could say anything, Gu Mulin said: "Sister-in-law Chen, go and clean up a guest room for her."

He asked his aunt to clean the guest room without asking her.

It was midnight, and it seemed a bit troublesome to ask someone to take her to school, so Nan Qing agreed to stay.

Knowing that Nan Qing was squeamish, Gu Mulin ordered Mrs. Chen to clean up the largest guest room and put some flowers in the room as incense when he went upstairs.

Because of drinking, Nan Qing almost fell asleep in the bathtub while taking a bath. He got out of the bathtub in a daze, put on his bathrobe and went out.

She fell asleep on the soft bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Nan Qing fell asleep.

Downstairs, Gu Mulin was still dealing with things, dealing with what happened in the hotel today.

This incident must not be spread, otherwise it will bring bad reputation to the hotel, and the security will have to be rearranged. The hotel staff must investigate the details.

After the impromptu meeting, Gu Mulin sent a carefully written document to the people below, and then the matter was completed.

I turned on my phone and saw that it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

His sore eyes closed and he rested for a few minutes, then stretched out his hand to pull off his tie and let out a sigh of relief. He stood up and left the study.

The room was downstairs. When Gu Mulin was going downstairs, he happened to see a tall and slender figure going upstairs.

At first glance, it turned out to be Gu Shen who had returned at night.

Gu Shen was wearing a suit and smelled of alcohol. It looked like he was going to socialize.

The two uncles and nephews were fighting for the right to inherit. One was working harder than the other, and they went to bed very late every night.

Gu Mulin walked over with his pocket in his trouser pocket and said, "My uncle is back. We have negotiated a big deal tonight, right? Congratulations in advance?"

Gu Shen raised his eyes slightly. In fact, he failed to negotiate the order for the evening because a woman...

He said in a deep voice: "I heard something happened to Hao Yun?"

"Something happened, but it has been solved." Gu Mulin didn't bother to hide anything. He handled it very well, and Gu Shen couldn't catch his fault.

Just when the two were about to go back to their rooms, a petite figure came upstairs in the dark.

When Gu Shen saw other people, he was stunned for a moment.

When Gu Mulin saw the man, he quickly pressed the light at the entrance of the stairs, and the light suddenly turned on.

The Gu family never turns on the lights after one o'clock in the evening. This is the rule. When you get home at night, you go into the house in the dark.

Suddenly turning on the light, Nan Qing narrowed her eyes. She raised her head in confusion: "Don't you have rules in your house that don't allow you to turn on the lights at night?"

"Can you see the stairs clearly without turning on the light? Rules vary from person to person. Nan Qing, why did you go downstairs without sleeping at night?" Gu Mulin walked past Gu Shen and walked to Nan Qing.

Gu Shen's eyes flashed with surprise when Gu Mulin turned on the light. Seeing Gu Mulin walking towards Nan Qing without hesitation, Gu Shen's eyes became profound.

Because Nan Qing had no clothes, she was wearing light bathrobe-style pajamas. The soft white robe wrapped around her body, leaving her white legs exposed.

Nan Qing's hands were hidden in her clothes, and she was holding a piece of sanitary napkin in her hand.

She felt a stomachache in the middle of the night, and she figured the day was coming. She got up quickly for fear of soiling the sheets, and then went downstairs in the dark to find Sister-in-law Chen to get sanitary napkins.

As soon as he arrived at Mrs. Chen's place, his aunt came over. Nan Qing exchanged one piece for another and brought another piece back.

"Dinner is salty, I'll go downstairs to drink water." Nan Qing lied without blinking.

"Isn't there water in the house?"

"It's cold inside the house. I want to drink hot water."

Nan Qing noticed Gu Shen on the stairs, and she shouted: "Uncle Gu."

Nan Qing put her right hand behind her back calmly. She was still holding a sanitary napkin in her hand, which was embarrassing.

Gu Shen nodded and said, "You are a guest. If you want to go downstairs, please turn on the light. The Gu family does not have so many rules. The floor and stairs are made of marble. Please be careful.

This chapter has been completed!
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