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Chapter 4: Stay away from me

Gu Mulin was startled by this sudden scene. Nan Qing was very strong and grabbed his hand and pulled him to another room.

This is Nan Qing's room. You can enter by entering your fingerprint.

Gu Mulin originally wanted to throw her hand away, but he was inexplicably looking forward to what tricks she would play.

Just like that, Nan Qing quickly pulled Gu Mulin into his room and locked the door.

There was a bang and the door violently closed.

Nan Qing was frightened by the sound of closing the door. Wasn't the door broken?

This place has a lot of money, so this door shouldn't break down so easily.

"..." Erer clicked his tongue at the series of operations performed by his host.

This is really just for the sake of the mission without considering the consequences. Are you embarrassed that you took the male co-star to your room?

Nan Qing didn't seem to know what embarrassment was. After doing this series of actions, she was a little happy and successfully prevented the heroine from meeting the male supporting character.

"Two-two, when does the heroine of the world leave Gu Mulin's room? Just tell me when she comes downstairs."

"Well, what then?"

"I will let Gu Mulin out when you tell me. There is no way he can stay in my room all night. After all, he is alone." Nan Qing said matter-of-factly.

Er Er: "...So you still know that this is a man and a woman alone, tsk."

After Gu Mulin entered the room, he looked Nan Qing up and down. Seeing that she ignored him, he walked directly to the sofa and sat down, with his long legs crossed.

"Nan Qing, it turns out you were waiting for this opportunity. How come foreign culture has made you more open-minded?"

As a daughter of a famous lady, the first thing she has been taught since childhood is to cherish herself and save face, and she must not bring shame or embarrassment to her family.

Now she actually did something like dragging him to her room?

Nan Qing heard him speak and frowned: "What are you thinking about? Dirty."

She went to get a glass of water and drank it.

Gu Mulin was scolded for no apparent reason. He raised his voice disapprovingly and said, "Where's my water? Didn't you show hospitality to me by bringing me to your room?"

"Pour it yourself."

Nan Qing was lazy and didn't want to pour him water. In her eyes, Gu Mulin was just a paper figure.

Moreover, Gu Mulin in the original plot left a slightly bad impression on Nan Qing.

He could have inherited the family business well, but he actually gave up for the heroine of the world. In the end, he even gave up his life. Is it really worth it?

Nan Qing said she couldn't understand this kind of dog-licking behavior. Life was the most important to her, especially if she didn't cherish her healthy body, so she didn't have a good impression of him.

Er Er: "Host, don't be like this. The male partner is very pitiful. God has arranged his fate like this. Maybe he himself has not thought about this fate."

"Well, so I will change his ending so that he doesn't want to die young." Nan Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Gu Mulin didn't like Nan Qing's attitude. He stood up and said, "You pulled me into your room just to let me come and watch you drink water? Nan Qing, there is nothing you want to say to me? Or you don't want to do anything..."


Nan Qing was petite, wearing a long black dress, and her cheeks were red and slightly charming.

He had a bad taste in wanting to scare her, to see if she would dare to drag people into the room in the future.

Gu Mulin approached step by step. Nan Qing drank the water and didn't pay attention at first, but she saw the man getting closer and closer.

Nan Qing took a step back and frowned, looking at him with disgust: "Stay away from me."

22: "Pfft."


This host seems to have low emotional intelligence.

Stay away from me?

Stay away from her?

Gu Mulin laughed angrily at this sentence: "Nan Qing, you are quite good at playing. Do you want to return this sentence to me? Are you still holding a grudge against me for rejecting your confession?"

He really didn't like Nan Qing to pester him, but after all, they grew up together, Nan Qing was not a bad person, and Gu Mulin was still tolerant of her.

Even though it was quite tense when we confessed our love that time, it is over, and we can just be friends in peace.

Gu Mulin had no intention of scaring her anymore. He poured a glass of water himself and looked at the girl standing a few meters away from him while drinking.

"Nan Qing, I told you very clearly at that time that I didn't like you. I know that what I said at that time was ugly and hurt you, but every word I said was serious. Please say goodbye calmly.

Is it okay to cause trouble?”

Gu Mulin's voice was slightly hoarse because he had just drank several glasses of wine.

It was obvious that he said it calmly, but his hoarse voice in a room with a man and a woman alone made the atmosphere subtle.

Fortunately, Nan Qing is a person who doesn't understand amorous feelings, so she doesn't feel anything at all.

Is Gu Mulin talking about the original owner's love for confessing to him?

That's good. Once we have a clear discussion, we won't have these troubles in the future.

Nan Qing smiled: "In your eyes, am I the one who makes trouble? I used to like you very much, but after you rejected me, I went abroad to calm down and thought about your words seriously. Don't worry, I won't do it again in the future.

I will haunt you."

Just clear it up quickly, then there won't be so many problems.

The words she said were obviously what Gu Mulin was looking forward to hearing, but when he actually heard them, Gu Mulin felt a little dazed.

It just makes me feel a little dazed and unreal. Is this true? Is this what Nan Qing would say?

Gu Mulin put one hand in his trouser pocket, approached the ruffian and smiled: "What you say means what you say, what you mean, what you mean, what you say is so comfortable now, have you forgotten why I am in your room?"

You said you wouldn't bother anymore, why did you drag him to your room?

As he got closer, he smelled the scent of red wine on her body.

She had just drank a lot of wine and now her body smelled faintly of red wine, which was mellow and sweet. Her cheeks were very red, her fair skin was flushed, and her whole body was dyed with a charming color.

Gu Mulin lowered his head and got a little closer: "Tell me, what do you want to do by dragging me into your room? What bad intentions do you have?"

Nan Qing didn't like being so close to others, and since he was so hot after drinking, the man's body was even hotter. Gu Mulin's approach was like a ball of fire.

Nan Qing smiled beautifully. She stretched out her hand and pushed him, wanting him to stay away from her: "Of course I will pull you into my room to explain it to you. I want to make it clear and let's save the relationship we have had for more than ten years."


Her hands were very thin and her palms were soft. Gu Mulin felt like he was pressed by something soft, and she didn't push him at all.

He looked down and thought, tsk, the little thing makes people want to pinch it, bully it, and scare her.

Why didn't you find Nan Qing so fun before?


Gu Mulin did not retreat, but moved closer.

Nan Qing's displeasure flashed through her for a moment. She smiled and raised her head to meet his eyes: "Gu Mulin, I think my attitude towards you is a friendship distance. What are you doing now?"

After hearing this, he didn't feel guilty at all.

Instead, he lowered his head and said in her ear: "Nan Qing, don't just drag men into your room, whether they are familiar people or strangers."

This chapter has been completed!
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