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Chapter 712 World 13: The Son of God of the Temple of Light Is Defiled

The small town of Senander has ushered in an unprecedented splendor. Every household in the town has cleaned their homes, and the windows have been polished so brightly that the shadows of people can be reflected.

Everyone put down all their work and cleaned their houses at home every day. The streets were spotless.

Why do you have to clean it so cleanly?

Because they want to welcome the Son of God in the temple!

The holy light of the temple fell on their town, and the Son of God would come to their town in a few days to bless the people in the town. The people could bathe in the holy light of the Son of God and receive the baptism of God.

The Son of God will select children in the church who are destined to be with God, and take these children to God’s college.

The people in the town were extremely happy, and every house was being cleaned. God's eyes cannot tolerate filth, and when the Son of God comes, he must not let a trace of filth appear.

Many women are already wearing gorgeous tutu skirts. They usually wear dusty skirts when working, but now they are all dressed up gorgeously.

Not only do they want to dress themselves up gorgeously, they also pull their husbands over to clean their beards and dress up, and their children are especially focused on dressing up.

"Oh, my dear daughter, you are so beautiful and cute. I hope you have a predestined relationship with God. When the time comes, you can follow the God's envoys to the College of God."

A mother said to her beautifully dressed daughter.

Nan Qing was lying alone in the alley in a daze.

Before Er Er could ask clearly what was going on, an exclamation came from his ears.

"Oh my God! It's so smelly and dirty! Why is there such smelly and dirty things here?"

The exclamations attracted people cleaning the streets around.

Everyone gathered around.

In the dark alley, a thin girl was lying on the ground dying. She was dirty and even had an unpleasant stench.

She doesn't fit in with the clean town.

"Oh my god, how could there be such a dirty person? My God, this is the messenger of darkness. She is definitely not a human being in the light, a monster!"

"Oh, the Son of God and the envoys of God will arrive in our town in a few days. Such people are absolutely not allowed to appear. What should we do?"

Nan Qing's head was buzzing, and it was really hard to listen to these people talking.

Why is there such a translation accent?

"We have to clean her up, she stinks too much."

"Who is going to deal with it? I don't want to touch her. I'm afraid that she will be contaminated by her. As a faithful citizen of God, I must not be contaminated by such a dirty smell."

"I don't want to touch her either, she's too dirty."

"I don't want to either. God, my nose can hardly smell other smells. I want to stay away from here."

Some people fanned their noses with their hands and ran away in disgust.

No one wants to take care of it.

There is only one sentence left in the end: "You'd better clean up yourself quickly today, otherwise we will throw you out of the town. If such a dirty and low-level thing ruins the great event of the arrival of the Son of God, we will definitely throw you away."

Got you tied to a cross and burned!"

The crowd dispersed, and Nan Qing had just seen clearly that the group of people in front of him all had Western European looks, and so did the clothes they were wearing, as well as the surrounding buildings.

Nan Qing was exhausted and her stomach hurt. She pushed herself up and leaned against the wall, panting.

"Er Er, what's going on?"

Er Er has finished browsing the information about this world: "This world gives you a very difficult task. This is a Western fantasy world where people worship the God of Light and resist the dark background."

"The heroine of the world is a princess of a country, and the hero of the world is a prince of a country. It was supposed to be a perfect fairy tale between the princess and the prince. Unfortunately, the people's belief in the Son of God touched the hearts of ordinary people. The Son of God fell in love with the princess, but he couldn't love her, and finally fell in love.

Into darkness.”

Er Er tells the background and main story.

Nan Qing suppressed the discomfort and complained: "What a good second grader."

"..." Er Er ignored her words and continued: "Your identity in this world is that of an orphan and beggar."


Nan Qing turned pale before even taking a breath and almost pouted: "Two...two two, this status is too much."

The child in the blue space smiled, and Er Er said slowly: "The male partner is the Son of God. Your task is to make the Son of God love you and get you, to make him fall in love with you and get you."

"Er Er, please tell me more about the background of this world in more detail."

"People in this world worship the God of Light. The Son of God is the symbol of God, the owner of the temple, and the belief of everyone."

Nan Qing almost lost his breath again: "You let an orphan and beggar girl go and join the faith of the people in the world!!"

Er Er: "Because I spent too many points in the last world, I didn't spend the points to choose an identity for you in this world. I randomly selected the cheapest one."


Er Er: "As long as you spent a few points less in the last world, I can transfer some points to choose a good identity for you in this world. For example, you can directly choose the divine envoy next to the Son of God, and those closest to the water and towers will get the moon first. That's great, but these are all.

It’s unlikely, just be your beggar.”


"Don't you think this is exciting? The dirty and lowly beggar has blasphemed the god, defiled him and pulled him down from the altar."

"Er Er, you are so perverted."

"When I said you were defiling the gods, it was obvious that your heart beat faster. Women really like duplicity." Er Er rolled his eyes.

Nan Qing couldn't refute it. Sure enough, people are dirty inside and they like this kind of excitement.

22: "The Son of God is the symbol chosen by the Temple of Light. He represents light. He always looks like a young man, but in fact he has lived for tens of thousands of light years. He is a god and has no desires or desires."

"What's his name?"


Nan Qing: "Then do I have a name?"

Er Er: "Yes, you called it garbage, a dirty thing."


Er Er: "Ahem, your name is Philina Alison, but no one has called your name for a long time after the family was destroyed. The original owner's character is extreme, hypocritical, loves to pretend, and can do anything to survive.


Although Er Er doesn't care much about character points, he still hopes that Nan Qing can earn points by designing characters.

Nan Qing understood everything, "Er Er, how many points did I spend on your previous world? You have so much resentment. The difficulty of this world is visible to the naked eye."

Let her be a beggar and drag the Son of God off the altar. She is extreme and hypocritical, while his God bathes in the holy light and has no desires or demands.

"In a few days, the world's best actors will come to the town to accept worship from the people, and they will also select children with a predestined relationship with God in the church to take to the academy." Er Er reminded the plot line: "The story of the original plot begins in the academy. You

We must prevent the development of male supporting characters and female protagonists.”

"I understand, but I think the most important thing now is to find food. I'm going to starve to death. I'll go find some food first and then clean myself up."

Nan Qing stood up unsteadily while holding on to the wall. She even smelled the stench on her body.

As soon as I came to the street, I was baptized by the looks of a lot of people.

Many people also made sounds of disgust and exclamation.

This chapter has been completed!
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