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Chapter 781 Escape

The last thing Nan Qing saw was something that looked like a snake and a dragon. When she realized it was a dragon, she fainted.

The dragon stunned all the people in the boat, swept them all up with its tail, and slipped away through the underwater secret passage.

In the dim river valley, this is a river valley washed out by rain. The top of the head is covered with dense vegetation, dark, damp and cold.

In the cold mountain crevices of the river valley, unconscious people were lying in various directions, including men, women and children, all of whom were wet.

Nan Qing woke up and lay still, observing her surroundings.

The air is so turbid, with a foul smell of mud, and the smell of blood...

In the open space inside the cave, a huge black dragon coiled like a snake. There were a lot of blood around it, and there were torn clothes and hair of humans on the side.

It should have just had a good meal.

Although there were still many people in the cave, the entire ship was filled with more people. It had just eaten some people and then fell asleep.

"When the dragon eats people, I was afraid that it would eat you, but luckily it didn't eat you. You're lucky." Er Er's voice came.

Nan Qing lay quietly and quietly touched the bead on her right wrist with her left hand. Shen Zhimu put it on her for body protection. What kind of protection?

Er Er: "Just lie down quietly and be rescued. Shen Zhimu is very capable. He will definitely be able to save you in time."

"You still have to save yourself. Only by relying on yourself can you be sure. Relying on others will bring uncertainty." Just like Shen Zhimu's super ability, he still saw his disciple being kidnapped by a monster right in front of his eyes.

The dragon slept in the cave, and the unconscious man was placed directly on the corridor of the cave. Not far in front was the cave entrance, without any obstacles. How convinced was it that these humans could not escape?

Jiao's hearing is very powerful, and it can hear sounds even if it takes a little rest.

Nan Qing thought about how to escape.

It's too quiet now to escape.

Master, let’s see if you find me first or if I run away first.

"What? The little junior sister is also in there!" Zhong Yu was surprised. No wonder the master came down the mountain. It turned out that he was taking the little junior sister down the mountain for a trip, but...

The two of them were walking in the woods by the river. The woods in this area were dense, and the demonic energy stopped when it caught up with them. It was impossible for the dragon to run too far with so many people. It should be nearby.

"Your junior sister is a spoiled little girl. She must be cold and scared now. Let's look for her separately. We must find her as soon as possible." After Shen Zhimu finished speaking, he went in another direction.

The whole process was in a hurry.

Zhong Yu looked at his back and felt strange. The master was only worried about his junior sister, but he didn't worry about the people who were also taken away?

I remember that Master used to care about the world... No, how could he miss Master so much!

Master has everything on his mind, and he must also be anxious, but he just doesn't say it verbally.

Zhong Yu received a letter from his senior sister early on. He heard that his master, who had not accepted a disciple for a long time, actually accepted a girl who had not yet grown hair as a disciple. They had a little junior sister.

The senior sister also said in the letter that the junior sister is a well-behaved, intelligent, well-spoken and considerate person.

Zhong Yu had never seen his senior sister praise someone so generously, and he became more and more curious about this junior sister.

If he hadn't stumbled back to the mountain because of chasing the dragon, I'm afraid he would have met his junior sister long ago.

"Hey, junior sister, you must be fine."

Nan Qing almost fell asleep while waiting. Finally, when he got the chance, the dragon woke up. It must have felt dry, so it left the cave and went down to the river to play in the water.


Nan Qing got up and ran away. The dragon would come back soon. This was the only chance.

"I don't know if it's because of this string of protective beads. The others are still unconscious, but I'm the only one who woke up."

There was no way to save these people when they were unconscious, and she didn't have the ability to save them. She had better protect herself before saving them.

Nan Qing ran out of the cave. She pulled the huge vines up and climbed out of the valley. Even if the vines scratched Nan Qing's hand, she did not stop.

The dragon soaked in the water and came up. Its huge body crushed all the grass by the river. It spit out its tongue like a snake.

It looked towards the cave, then looked around...


Suisui held a small broken bowl on his head, saying good night! Run!

This chapter has been completed!
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