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Chapter 8 Is Nan Qing a Peripheral Girl?

Inside the hospital, the rooms in the wards are large and clean, and there is no unpleasant smell of disinfectant.

Su Huihui woke up faintly, and she looked at the room with fine decoration in white style.

What is this place?

Su Huihui moved. The nurse standing by saw it and immediately checked: "Miss, you are awake. Do you feel any discomfort?"

Su Huihui didn't feel any discomfort, and her sprained leg had been covered with medicine.

Su Huihui asked: "Who sent me to the hospital?"

"She is a very beautiful girl. Isn't she your friend?"

"No...not my friend." Su Huihui remembered that the last person she saw was Nan Qing, so it was Nan Qing who sent her to the hospital.

I thought Nan Qing just came to see her in distress and laugh at her, but he actually saved her. Su Huihui took note of this incident and went back to school to thank her.

After this incident, she hated people who didn't treat people as human beings even more. She was poor, but she was not a prostitute...

At first glance, Nan Qing is not a simple person who can make the people at the auction treat her with respect.

She cannot afford to offend this kind of person.

Although he was safe, Su Huihui felt very resentful that Nan Qing had seen him in his most embarrassing state.

Su Huihui went to go through the discharge procedures. When she saw such a luxurious ward, she was ready to pay more than five figures, but when she went through the process, she realized that Nan Qing had already paid.


Nan Qing had no classes in the morning. She went to the auction and sent the World Heroine to the hospital very late yesterday. Nan Qing didn't come back until early in the morning to rest. She stayed in bed this morning.

When Nan Qing was sick before, she was very tired when she fell asleep, her whole body ached, and she had difficulty breathing when she fell asleep. She always slept lightly.

Now that this body is here, Nan Qing realizes what it means to sleep comfortably.

Er Er listened to her inner monologue and couldn't help but ask: "What disease have you got? Have you been in the hospital for a long time?"

Er Er has taken many hosts, but it has never cared about the host's life. It only knows how to spy on each host's preferences and get them to agree to sign a contract with itself.

The host's most powerful desire when he died was to have a healthy body. Er Er seized on this and seduced Nan Qing.

Even now, it can feel Nan Qing's desire for health, which makes Er Er curious, what kind of disease does Nan Qing have? Is it so painful?

People who have never been sick will never know the pain of illness.

Nan Qing: "Total organ failure."

All the internal organs failed.

Er Er was slightly surprised: "Then your life is not easy, and growing up is really not easy."

Total organ failure requires not only willpower but also lots and lots of money to stay alive.

"My parents are very rich and have money to support my high medical expenses. When I was a child, I was fine. But as I grew up, my health became worse and worse and I had various tubes inserted. Do you know why they asked me to get out of bed on the day I died?


Normally, Nan Qing would lie down with tubes all over his body, unable to move.

It was going to rain that day, so she got out of bed and stood by the window.

Er Er: "Why?"

"Because it was my twentieth birthday that day, I asked the nurse to let me get out of bed."

In the blue space, a little shota who looked four or five years old was sitting on the ground, with a stern little face.

On its twentieth birthday, its host actually died on his birthday.

"Nan Qing, didn't your parents come to see you on your birthday?"

Er Er remembers that when it saw Nan Qing, Nan Qing was alone in the ward and then died.

"My parents haven't visited me in several years."

Nan Qing stated it calmly. It was obviously a very sad thing, but she didn't seem to be sad at all, as if she was not the owner of this matter.

After a long illness, her parents had already given birth to younger siblings, and the only thing they could pay for her was the medical expenses, or they had forgotten that they had a daughter in the hospital.

Nan Qing doesn't blame her parents at all. Maybe it's because she has lived in the hospital for more than ten years. Apart from doctors and nurses, she is the only one. Her character has become more indifferent, and she has no understanding of the so-called family, friendship and love.

After a simple chat, Er Er felt a little pity for Nan Qing.

"Nan Qing, in addition to enjoying a healthy body outside of missions, you can also enjoy many things. For example, the parents of this body are very good to their daughters."

As a system, tasks are the most important in Er Er's eyes, and it does not limit other things. The host's degree of freedom is still very high.


Only Nan Qing knows how perfunctory this good word is. She is not ready to accept it. She just wants to experience a healthy life now and the rest will come slowly.


With a signing, Erer didn't know that he had inadvertently redeemed a soul, and at the same time he also had a best partner.


Nan Qing was lying on the bed, feeling lazy. The quilt was messed up by her. The shoulder straps of her pajamas were loose, revealing her round shoulders and beautiful collarbones. She was not wearing any underwear, and the curvature was looming under her pajamas.

Erer automatically blocked the host's screen.

The light screen floating in front of Little Shota went black. Erer was helpless. Although it was a system and not a person, its gender setting was also male. It was a boy.

Nan Qing slept comfortably. She had no idea that a lot of rumors about her had broken out in the school throughout the morning.

University seems to be an institution of higher learning, a place where you can concentrate on learning and progress, but adults always have mixed thoughts, and there are many people with foul mouth, corrupt thoughts and nonsense.

In learning forums, at the beginning of the school year, everyone is posting interesting stories about military training, praising the coach of which class is handsome, or saying who among the freshmen is handsome or beautiful.

You must know that Su Huihui is quite famous on the forum.

Now the forum is talking about a girl, and this girl is Nan Qing.

Many posts are being posted, and the pictures are of Nan Qing wearing designer high-end clothing, getting into a luxury car, and a man opening the door for her.

Post: I have just registered as a freshman, and there are actually girls on my side. It looks like this posture is very skillful.

Post: A peripheral woman lives in a single-family apartment, and the financial backer is awesome.


The comments below are also unsightly, and they are just a meal that fermented in one morning.

"During the military training, she was very arrogant and indifferent. Several times after the military training, luxury cars would come to pick her up at night. She was really busy with business. The military training was so tiring, and she had to wait on her father at night."

"Don't tell me, she is so pretty and has a temperament. She is just like a famous lady. This kind of girl must be very sexy under you. Rich people really know how to play."


"No way, she is really elegant. Why do I think this car belongs to her and the person who opened the door is a bodyguard?"

"It's not confirmed yet. Don't be so disgusting as you say. Don't follow the trend. Study hard. Why should you care about other people's affairs?"


Some people have brains, while others just take advantage of it and start spouting bad words one after another on the Internet.

After half a day, the teacher who managed the Tieba at the school opened the Tieba and realized that something had happened. He was frightened to death.

This chapter has been completed!
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