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Chapter 774 Are you trying to laugh at me to death, and then pick up my baby?

After a while!


"Brother, I'm so sorry!"

"I bumped into you again!"

Soon, Ye Feng found the right opportunity and hit Ke Shu again!


"You're done, aren't you!"

"I'm warning you, if you dare to pester me again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

At this time, Ke Shu also looked at Ye Feng angrily and warned him!


"I don't understand. You are a thief, and then I asked you to steal, but why didn't you steal?"

"Why, it's not challenging to steal like this, so you don't like it?"

Hearing Ke Shu's threat, Ye Feng didn't pay attention. Instead, he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Steal! Steal! Steal!"

"You are just a poor guy, why do you want me to steal from you?"

"I just stole a bunch of tattered quilts from you, am I going to steal a bunch of tattered tea seeds from you this time?"

"Also, who do you call a thief?"

"I am a thief, a big thief!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Ke Shu finally couldn't help but complained loudly!


Am I a poor person?

As a prodigal, I was treated as a poor man by a thief?

Hearing Ke Shu's complaints, Ye Feng couldn't believe his ears for a moment. He never thought that the reason why the other party avoided him was not because he was afraid of recognizing him, but because the other party thought that he was a poor person!


"I am a prodigal, not a poor man!"

"So, feel free to steal boldly. You will definitely be able to steal something good this time!"

After regaining his composure, Ye Feng explained aloud, and this time, he reminded the other party for the last time that if the other party did not follow the way, then he would have to use some special means!


"How dare you, a poor person, call yourself a prodigal?"

"Brother, do you want to laugh me to death and then take away my treasure?"

But when Ke Shu heard Ye Feng's words, he couldn't help laughing, and even shed tears of laughter.


"This guy is hopeless!"

"It seems that without some special means, he won't steal my things properly!"

At this time, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, and then prepared to call Ye Xiaojiao over!


"For the sake of making me happy, I will steal from you again!"

"But I'll start with my ugly words. After I've stolen from you this time, I won't steal from you again, and you, don't bother me again!"

Just when Ye Feng was about to shake people, Ke Shu's voice suddenly rang out.


"Then let's start quickly!"

Hearing Ke Shu's words, Ye Feng also showed a hint of excitement, and then began to retreat, but Ke Shu suddenly took action at this time and directly stole the loneliness!

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you let me steal you?"

"Then just back off, can't I just steal it? Do you have to bump into it just to show off?"

Seeing Ye Feng retreat more than 20 meters, Ke Shu was stunned. He never thought that he, a big thief, didn't care about the form, but the other party, a stolen person, cared about it!



"Brother, it's really not..."

Before Ye Feng could finish speaking, Ke Shu broke down and yelled: "Oh, you idiot, those are my words!"


Heaving a sigh of relief, Ke Shu quickly adjusted his mentality, then shook the divine ring in his hand and said directly: "Okay, I've also stolen your bunch of broken tea seeds, don't bother me again.

Got it!"

After saying that, Ke Chu walked directly towards the distance.

"I only stole it once!"

"There are only two more to go. If I don't bother you, where can I go to find other little thieves... No, where can I go to find other big thieves!"

Looking at Ke Hao leaving, Ye Feng showed a look of success. He believed that as long as the other party saw the contents of the divine ring, the other party would definitely take off with excitement and let the other party steal it twice more.

I will definitely agree directly!

After a while!


"One billion top-quality divine crystals?"

"Am I dazzled?"

After Ke Chu left, he took a look at the situation inside the eye ring. When he found out that this god ring actually contained one billion top-quality god crystals, he was dumbfounded on the spot, and his eyes were filled with tears.

Incredible look!

It is no exaggeration to say that these one billion top-quality divine crystals are definitely wealth that he will never have in his lifetime!

"It's over, it's over!"

"I kicked the iron plate!"

"I thought the other party was a poor guy, but who would have thought that the other party turned out to be a hidden boss!"

"And the other person who deliberately let me steal must be playing a trick on me. When he plays enough, it may be the time for my death!"

Thinking of this, Ke Shu's eyes were instantly filled with endless fear. He never thought that he had done something today and that it would cost him his life!


"Brother, I'm so sorry!"

"I bumped into you again!"

Just when Ke Hao was panicking, his body was hit again, and then Ye Feng's devil-like voice rang from his ears again.


"I will never use this rhetoric again!"

"It's so scary!"

Hearing Ye Feng's familiar words, Ke Shu felt like he was going crazy. He really didn't expect that these words he often said would one day make him so scared!


At this moment, Ke Chuan knelt down directly towards Ye Feng, and then said with fear: "Brother, I was wrong, I shouldn't steal your things, please forgive me once, I will never do it again."



Why are you kneeling down on me?

Could it be that one billion top-quality divine crystals were too much and scared the other party?

Seeing Ke Chuan kneeling down directly for him, Ye Feng also showed a look of confusion. He thought that the other party would be more excited after stealing so many top-quality divine crystals. Who would have thought that he still overestimated the other party?

mental endurance!


"I fully understand how you want to wash your hands in a golden basin!"

"But can you finish stealing from me and then wash your hands in the golden basin?"

"Don't worry, the remaining two divine rings are all good things, and they will never let you down!"

After regaining his composure, Ye Feng looked at Ke Shu and began to persuade him.


You let me steal you twice?

Are you planning to let me steal twice in the end and then kill me directly?

Thinking that a dead person can wash his hands in a golden basin, Ke Shu was so frightened that his whole body started to tremble!

It took a full minute before Ke Fu mustered up the courage to ask: "Brother, if I don't steal, what will be the consequences?"


I asked you what the consequences were. Why are you still drawing on the ground?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't answer him, but instead picked up a wooden underpants and started drawing on the ground, Ke Chuan was immediately confused!

This chapter has been completed!
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