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Chapter 114 Allow me to observe

"Uncle, can't we practice? If we practice earlier, when we are older, we will definitely be better than the adults!" Yan Yu waved her little fist.

Yan Huaiwen was a little more patient: "What does the awesomeness you talk about look like?"

Yan Yu answered this question quickly: "Uncle is great, dad is great, Uncle Hu is great, Second Uncle Hu is also great, Uncle Qi, Fourth Uncle Qi, Fifth Uncle Qi..."

"Is uncle also powerful? Where is he?"

"Uncle is well-read and knows a lot, and he can say some sensible things. Dad and the people in the village all listen to uncle. Uncle is the most powerful!"

A little flattery, uncle, do you accept it?

Yan Huaiwen was indeed delighted.

He smiled and said, "You know quite a lot. Is it all from eavesdropping?"


The uncle actually knows her little secret!

Yan Yu's little face felt a little hot, and her behavior in the corner looked more like wiping her mouth with her sleeve than a little fairy.

"Why do you want to listen to adults? Can you understand me?"

Yan Yu thought about it seriously and said, "Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. If you don't understand, just ask your parents and they will tell me."

Yan Yu: I am still a baby. What I know, of course I have to leave it to adults.

Yan Huaiwen felt troubled by the way Tianyou and his younger siblings were educated.

For such smart children, they don't want to give detailed instruction. Instead, they do whatever they want, letting their children eavesdrop without blaming them, and answering their questions.

I really don’t know whether to call them enlightened or indulgent...

"Eavesdropping is not good, it is a bad habit. You are not allowed to do this in the future." Yan Huaiwen said seriously.

Yan Yu drooped his little head, "I know, uncle."

"However," he said with a smile in his eyes and slowed down his voice: "In the future, when I talk to people, you can stand aside openly and listen, watch, learn, and remember. If you don't understand, you can tell me in private.

ask me."

Yan Yu suddenly raised his head, and the stars in his small eyes were connected and twinkling.

"Really, uncle?"

Yan Huaiwen nodded, his smile slowly spreading, "If there is any inconvenience, I will ask you to avoid it."

He thought for a while and then said: "You can still ask your parents. Our answers may be the same or different. You can make your own decision and let me know what you think is right in the end."

Find the wild boar!

Yan Laoer took the Qi brothers through the mountains.

Go far, far away...

He was constantly unsure, was this cat malfunctioning?

Why haven't you found it yet?

Did he go in the wrong direction?


Just according to what his daughter said, left paw and right paw. He is not Lao Yan, how could he not know the direction!

Qi and the other three didn't complain at all.

Who can guarantee that you will encounter wild animals when you enter the mountains?

It's all luck.

Yan Er was right, just find a direction and go.

Whether they meet him or not is their fate.

However, this journey was not fruitless. The deeper they went, the more wild fruits they found. They picked the familiar ones that they had exchanged from the hands of the mountain people, shook the branches, and picked some.

You cannot climb trees, and the Qi brothers are self-aware.

He is too tall and tall, and he is far less agile in climbing trees than his peers in the village.

It is more convenient to shake the tree.

Judging from the traces around the wild fruit trees, there must be wild animals in this mountain. They also managed to eat a lot of these wild fruits. There were paw prints on the trees, some left on the ground, and trampled wild fruits...

"Brother Yan, there seems to be some movement ahead." Qi Si said.

But there was no movement. Yan Laoer kept walking forward in a daze, not noticing that not far in front of them, a male wild boar and his family were taking a nap in the forest.

Several piglets were larger than those they had hunted some time ago.

There are two sows, lying not far from the male wild boar.

A row of thorn bushes stood between the man and the pig.

If it weren't for this layer of obstruction, Yan Laoer would have almost come face to face with the wild boar.

Yan Laoer's feet went weak and he almost fell over.

Fortunately, Qi Da was right behind him and stretched out his big hand to hold him firmly.

They discovered the wild boar, and the wild boar discovered them.

It's simply unavoidable.

You will face the battle before you have time to react!

Yan Laoer was panicked and speechless.

What to do? Yes, shoot it!

While he was hurriedly grabbing the iron crossbow, the three brothers of the Qi family had already charged forward!

Sows are nothing, we have seen it before, boars are the powerful enemies.

Look at that sturdy physique, shiny black skin, arrogant big teeth, and irritable little eyes.

When they met each other's eyes, they hummed and came towards the three brothers of the Qi family.

The intuition of a beast is so accurate!

In the eyes of the male wild boar, the three brothers of the Qi family are the real enemies that can threaten it.

As for the weak chicken at the back, you can ignore it.

Qi Wuyi swung his stick, but the male wild boar dodged nimbly and missed his head, but was hit on his body.

The male wild boar howled, it was really painful.

Qi Si shouted and hit him in the head.

Got hit hard.

The male wild boar was a little dizzy and could not stop its momentum. Qi Da saw the opportunity and grabbed its two arrogant teeth.

Qi Da let out a low cry and used all his strength to hold the male wild boar in place, unable to move.

The male wild boar struggled wildly, rushing forward, retreating, twisting, and trying to roll...

All struggles are in vain in Qi Da's hands.

Control it tightly!

Qi Si Qi Wu cheer up!

Bang bang bang bang!

Two big sticks hit the male wild boar on the head repeatedly.

The wild boar's barking became more and more miserable.

The two sows rushed over impatiently.

Yan Laoer finally raised his iron crossbow. He yelled and, regardless of fear, he bravely moved forward and shot an arrow at the restrained male wild boar.

An iron arrow penetrates the bone.

The boar stopped struggling.

Qi Dalian couldn't even take a breath.

Two sows rushed over.

Qi Si Qi Wu swung the two sticks hard, and the sow was knocked to the ground with a bang.

Qi Da had just succeeded, and he only had one move in his mind at the moment: he pounced on him and suppressed it firmly.

He shouted anxiously: "Press that one down!"

Qi Si reacted faster, throwing sticks and imitating others.

The two men were holding down the two pigs. No matter what the sow did, she remained motionless.

Yan Laoer was stunned.

Qi Wu was extremely anxious: "Brother Yan, shoot quickly! Don't let them escape!"

Yan Laoer looked at him and his two brothers with a complicated expression.

He said in his heart: Look at those two sows, they have given up resistance.

Are they still running? Can they run away?

You three brothers really don’t know how much strength you have!

It has been proven through practice that the wild boar is your younger brother in front of you.

No, there are still younger siblings...

Qi Da and Qi Si were still waiting for him to go over and shoot an arrow.

Under the expectant gazes of the three people, Yan Laoer shot two arrows expressionlessly.

Sow, finally free!

The three brothers were as happy as three monkeys.

No, orangutan!

Dancing with excitement.

She grinned and ran towards him, apparently wanting to hug him, but she still remembered what Yan Laoer said before and didn't dare to take action.

If you hit me three times, I'll give you a slap.


Yan Laoer vowed to stay away from their celebrations in the future.

It’s definitely a weight he can’t bear!

This chapter has been completed!
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