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Chapter 154 Six Cities and Eighteen Institutions

"The first station, the second station... and up to the eighteenth station were all stationed at key passes.

There are six cities in Guanzhou, three cities guard the border, and the nearest big city is Huju."

"Tiger City." Yan Laoer repeated with a laugh, "The name of this city is really impressive!"

"The other two border towns are Longxing and Fengming."

Yan Laoer:......

It sounds domineering on its own, but when put together, it feels like it's dropped down a notch.

"Uncle! Which city are we going to?" Yan Yu was anxious and couldn't help asking.

"We will enter the state from here..." Yan Huaiwen himself was not sure.

According to common sense, only the barbarians outside the Pass, that is, the Xizhou garrison, would enter through Beirongtou Station.

It's very unusual for them to appear here.

I don’t know how Tianyou did it. He didn’t follow the official route and took a detour through the wilderness in Xizhou, but he found him without fail.

"The remaining three cities are Yongning, Changping and Gufeng, but Yongning is the prefecture capital, so it is naturally the first choice." Yan Huaiwen talked eloquently: "Changping City is closest to Linhai Prefecture, and it has two towns under its jurisdiction, Pingbo and Pinglang, both of which have seaports.

You can sail to the capital via Linhai.

It will not be easy if we go further south.

You need to transfer to a big boat and travel without wind or waves.

Gufeng City is close to Leshan Prefecture, and it was originally the first city we encountered after entering Guanzhou. If you cannot naturalize in Yongning, Gufeng City can also be used."

Yan Yu thought to herself, the names of these big cities are really good, each of them carries beautiful wishes.

Peace forever.

Long lasting peace.

Good harvest.

From a geographical point of view, she would first choose Gufeng, which should be the farthest city from the border among the several large cities in Guanzhou Prefecture.

Next is Yongning and Changping.

However, Yongning City had the blessing of the state capital, and it immediately defeated other big cities and took the lead, which became her favorite.

"Uncle, when we go to Yongning, Fucheng must be the best!"

"Brother, let's go to Yongning. The state capital is nice and safe!" Yan Laoer said with a smile.

The father and daughter looked at each other and smiled even more happily.

There's a tacit understanding again, isn't it!

"God bless, please stop moving forward and let's take a rest," Yan Huaiwen said.

Yan Laoer was anxious and said: "We should be there soon. Brother, let's rest when we get there."

"It's not easy to enter the country. I don't know how long it will take. Let's eat some food first. If our stomach is not empty, we won't be impatient for a long time. Besides..." Yan Huaiwen paused and said, "We came here because of the famine.

, it’s not good to eat, drink, sit and lie down in front of others.”

Yan Yu's mouth was faster than his brain, and he said: "Haha, it doesn't matter if you sit or lie down. Aren't we tired from walking all the way? Uncle is worried that others will see us eating meat."

Yan Laoer suddenly realized, nodded and said: "That's right, we can't eat meat in front of outsiders. It's horse meat, and it can't be exposed at all. I have to tell them to hide it, otherwise someone will

When asked, we can’t explain it at all.”

Yan Laoer pulled the reins, and Sanbao stood firmly.

The happy laughter of the cubs came from behind.

When the Yan family's oxcart stopped, they could get off and play.

One after another, the little carrot heads were carried down from the upper bunk and joined the playful team.

Yesterday Mrs. Yan taught them a new game.

The dolls took note of it very carefully.

Today they played for the first time.

Still playing with handkerchiefs, all the dolls held hands, formed a big circle, squatted obediently, sang nice songs, and threw handkerchiefs...

Yan Yu stopped when he heard the familiar children's song and stood watching for a while.

The cubs with shorter legs chased them hard, with seriousness written on their faces like little buns. It didn’t matter if they grabbed the corners of their clothes, they only considered victory when they hugged the person. If they didn’t pay attention while running away, several cubs would roll into a ball.


At this time, the laughter of villagers from different ages can be heard all around.

Yan Yu was also in this group, smiling happier than anyone else.

Fortunately, their chassis was low, their bodies were light and soft, and nothing happened. It was just that the sand on the ground was a bit rough for their delicate skin, and the oily skin was abraded.

This little injury is not taken lightly by the villagers.

Mrs. Yan Er was very interested in it. She grabbed the torn doll and insisted on rubbing it with the wine Yan Er had collected.

The villagers couldn't resist, so they just let her go.

The Zaizai are still young and cannot understand many words, but they can feel the adults' relaxation.

They played happily for a while, chasing and running. Their little faces were red as they were taken away by their mother, who wiped their sweat and fed them...

Yan Laoer ran around everywhere and said tirelessly that the horse flesh must not be exposed.

The village elders were worried and followed him around.

After Yan Laoer finished speaking, the village elders said...it's hard to hear the calluses in everyone's ears.

Liang Manshan came to see Yan Huaiwen, and the two distinguished men discussed the matter of entering Guanzhou for a long time.

Yan Yu happened to be on patrol and didn't hear it.

But it doesn't matter, she still has a younger brother.

"My father said that Guanzhou Prefecture especially welcomes foreigners to come and settle here. Uncle Zhao, oh, he is my father's senior brother. He moved his whole family here a few years ago."

"Which big city did Uncle Zhao settle down in?" Yan Yu asked.

Liang Fengnian thought for a while: "What dad said before seems to be Gu..."

"Gu Feng?"

"Yes, it's Gufeng City."

Yan Yu asked: "If you continue, what else did they say?"

"Your uncle said that we need to think about what to say in advance. One is that we did not take the official route and went in a big circle to get here. This is wrong as soon as we look at the household registration. The other is that the mountain people do not have household registration.

You have to think of something, and another one is your weapon, the bamboo crossbow, whether you want to destroy it in advance."

Yan Yu's face became solemn.

These are indeed problems they will face.

Don't blame the uncle for stopping the team in advance to rest. It's not appropriate to move forward without discussing these matters.

"Have they discussed it?"

"My father said that household registration matters are easy to handle. Many families have incomplete household registrations. They can temporarily register them first, and then separate the families after registering. If family members come to find them, it can also be said that they are relatives and friends who have defected, and then naturalize.


Liang Fengnian is very good at retelling, one by one.

"My father also said that it would be better to tell the story about the bandits, so that the bamboo crossbows and the diversion can be explained clearly."

"But your uncle said that the bamboo crossbow cannot appear, it is better to destroy it. We are new here, and we are not familiar with the place in Guanzhou. This is Beirong Tousuo, the closest to Xizhou. If it accidentally spreads to the ears of someone who is interested,

, knowing that we have bamboo crossbows in our hands, it would be bad."

"My father agreed after hearing this, and then the two of them talked about changing the route. Your uncle said that the bandits can be mentioned. The victims who entered Guanzhou from the official road must not only be us, but also other people. We don't

If the mention is more eye-catching, just say that we encountered bandits and many relatives were washed away. It can also be used to explain the relatives we find in the future, and it can also explain why people from our two mansions got together."

This chapter has been completed!
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