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Chapter 251 Main War Faction

There were still traces of the poor pig's blood in the cat's paws.

Quickly point out the location on the simple map drawn by Yan Yu.


They are moving towards the river.

Yes, they probably want to go to Yongning City.

Assuming that these Beirong soldiers knew something about Guanzhou, then in their impression, the location of their village should still be a wilderness.

But once they come out of the mountains, they will see that this wasteland has been reclaimed and populated.

They will definitely investigate things that appear suddenly or unplanned locations.

Entering the village has become inevitable.

Daya handed her sister a bamboo tube filled with hot water.

Yan Yu took a small sip, and the sweetness filled her lungs.

It's sugar water.

Her little eyes narrowed, and her mind gradually became active as the heat was added.

"They will go into the village to check. When they find that there is no one in the village, how will they react?"

Yan Yu asked and answered himself.

"Will they retreat? Probably not. After finally climbing over the mountain, they have already reached the territory of Guanzhou. How can they be willing to let them return without success?

Put yourself in their shoes and see that the village is deserted and there are signs of people leaving in a hurry. What will they think of first? Exposed! They have been exposed!

And then? They become very dangerous!"

Yan Yu's little face was tense, and her eyes were full of solemnity.

Li Xuemei raised a possibility: "They might set fire to the village."

Da Ya's pupils trembled and she clenched the corners of her clothes.

Yan Yu added: "If I were them, I would try my best to find people, figure out the situation, and at least ask what the reason was for them to show their weakness."

Lightning flashed in my mind.

Yan Yu suddenly asked: "Mom, do you think their purpose of hiding their identities and pretending to be local hunters in Guanzhou is to come here and kill people?"

"Probably not." Li Xuemei also guessed: "It is more likely to inquire about the news."

"Then if we walk around the village as usual, will they kill us as soon as we meet? No, they should approach us and get close to us so that they can get what they want to know from us."

Yan Yu had a bold idea.

But this idea was too bold, and she thought her mother would slap her if she said it.

Her little eyes moved around uncontrollably, and Li Xuemei's hand clapped over her.

It fell on her little head neither lightly nor heavily.

He scolded sternly: "Don't think nonsense!"

Yan Yu scratched his head and said a little aggrievedly: "I haven't said anything yet."

"You can't even think about it!" Li Xuemei said flatly.

Yan Yu had no choice but to start from another line of thought: "We are afraid of the bows in their hands. Barbarians are natural riders and grew up on horseback. For them, hunting is like eating and drinking. There is no chance for them to fight face to face. Then

What about a sneak attack?"

Li Xuemei is thinking.

But Daya suddenly said: "Xiaoer, they are so dangerous, why don't we run away? Leave the village... Auntie also said that they will burn the village."

"After setting the fire, will they go back the same way? Not necessarily, they may also catch up with those who escaped, and it will be just as dangerous."

Why doesn't Yan Yu just hide and always wants to get out?

It's because she understands that every seemingly safe path has hidden dangers.

If the source of the crisis is not eliminated, there will be no security at all.

Mrs. Qi, who had been silently beside her, slowly said: "Then kill them and it will be over!"

Yan Yu looked sideways and saw that Grandma Qi's eyes were looking directly at where they were. Her pupils were unfocused, but her gaze was extremely firm.

This is an old man with great wisdom.

It is not difficult to see from the Qi family's repeated actions that Qi and his wife are doing business online and are decisive.

"The old girl is right, you can't keep a jackal like this." Uncle Hu also came closer.

As one of the village elders, Uncle Hu actually did not agree to avoid it.

If you can escape once, can you escape the second time?

This is Guanzhou, and all the people are soldiers.

Facing the Beirong, being afraid will lead to death. Only by fighting hard can you have a chance to survive.

It is true that they had just escaped from Qishan.

But are they Qishan people?


Their ancestors are from Guanzhou, and this black soil is their real hometown.

If they want to take root again, they need to learn not only about life, but also about bravery.

"Where are the builders of your house? Invite them to come and ask." Uncle Hu has a head full of white hair, but he is very energetic and his voice is sonorous and powerful.

Li Xuemei paused, Master Lu and the others were unwilling to hide, and shouted at Beirong if they dared to set foot in Guanzhou, telling them whether they would come back or not.

It was her rationality and emotion that calmed them down and allowed them to hide in the dug ice cellar.

Yan Yu moved, then moved again. Seeing that her mother had no objection, she was as nimble as a little monkey and crawled out in twos and twos.

When she got to the ice cellar, she didn't lift the lid immediately, but called someone outside first.

After talking to the inside, the inside and outside worked together to open the lid.

Master Lu didn't need to ask any more questions. He just listened to the master's invitation and understood something in his heart.

When we got to the cellar, Uncle Hu looked like a war fighter.

I hit it off right away with Master Lu.

Uncle Hu asked the key: "They have bows in their hands and they can shoot accurately. They can't even get close. How can this be so good?"

Master Lu said without hesitation: "We need someone to support the attack with a hard object in front, or use the terrain to suddenly pounce on them, turning their bows and arrows into decorations, forcing them to fight us in close quarters."

Seeing that the people around him looked thoughtful, he misunderstood them and thought they were scared, so he hurriedly said: "It sounds dangerous, but in fact it is not difficult as long as you are careful. Those barbarians are also human beings. They just look at

If you want to be more fierce, we Guanzhou Erlang are not bad either. Didn't you say there are only six of them..."

If it were our village, these people would be here to die.

However, he swallowed the rest of his words and did not say them.

Xiaoan Village was able to discover their traces early and figure out Beirong's identity, which is already remarkable.

"Separate them and deal with them one by one." Master Lu gave them reassurance: "Don't worry, we go to the military camp for training every year and have killed several Beirong soldiers. Even the younger ones in my family have seen blood.


"If you believe me, gather the young people in the village and find some thick wooden boards. People can hide behind them so that they are not afraid of being shot by bows and arrows. When they get close, look at us!"

He remembered something, turned to Li Xuemei and said: "Ms. Yan Er, the new door panel of your house is very suitable..."

Li Xuemei pursed her lips. Now that things have happened, there is nothing else to say.

She felt like she was almost convinced by the people in front of her.

In fact, countless painful histories tell us that cowardice, avoidance, and panic will only fuel the enemy's arrogance and make them even more arrogant.

Li Xuemei just doesn't want her daughter to take risks, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't know what is the right choice.

"You can take it and use it."

This chapter has been completed!
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