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Chapter 256: Store more food and build a high wall!

Hu Er felt silly and happy by himself, mumbling about numbers and trying to figure out how much money he could get.

I was still thinking in my mind that I could bear the name, but I couldn't be greedy for the two taels of silver from the Yan family. I had to give it to others when it was paid out.

After the officials finished their errands, Village Chief Luo stayed with the family to eat in the village according to custom.

They have always come here like this in Qishan.

As long as there are officials who go to the countryside, no matter what they are doing, official or private, they have to provide for this meal. If they are to collect grain taxes, they have to stuff in some money to prevent others from fighting too hard...

What surprised them was that this group of officials didn't even eat, and they were only asked to find a few people to go to Yongning City to pick up their families.

Village Chief Luo is very grateful.

After sending the person away nicely, everyone looked at each other.

"Does the official think our village is poor and poor, so he doesn't want to stay for dinner?"

Their houses are relatively shabby.

These officials did not go inside, and the area at the entrance of the village was in a mess and looked unseemly after the battle.

Master Lu said: "Most of them have errands to carry out and cannot delay."

Village Chief Luo asked him: "Are the officials here happy to have dinner in the village? How do you usually entertain them?"

Master Lu recalled: "They would come here every year when the grain was collected and sent out, and they had to weigh a hard vegetable. Moreover, if someone committed a crime in the village, they would come down and lock them up, and they would have to take good care of it...

However, such cases are rare. We all work hard to farm the land, and we usually don’t get involved in lawsuits.

You don’t have to worry about your village, because the owner who asked us to build a house has a household registration in Huju City. Tsk tsk, there are many benefits here, and you can save a lot just by taking care of the food."

Village Chief Luo shook his head and said, "You don't know. In the past, when official officials went to the countryside, even though they didn't think it was too much for the sake of our scholar-gong, they still had to follow the rules, and they couldn't go wrong."

"It's different!" Master Lu sighed with emotion: "I've been to a lot of people, and I've heard some things outside Guanzhou. Jin Guizhuo, a scholar in Guanzhou, if there is a scholar in any village, the officials will be very polite.

What's more, it's even more different that the two educated gentlemen in your village are still holding the yamen's job.

Perhaps those officials in Yongning City just now were embarrassed to leave food because of this, fearing that the news would spread to Hu Ju and people would talk about it.

How can you, if you are not an official of our Huju, eat our food?"

Yan Yu listened to everything.

I thought to myself: What Master Lu said is true and it sounds quite reasonable.

Our village belongs to Huju City. You, the official from Yongning who is enforcing the law across the city, can be said to have caught up and helped you, and came to our village for dinner...

We think it's nothing.

I'm afraid that Huju City won't be happy with it.

Yan Yu begged Uncle Qi to cross the river with her and row her raft back.

Without saying anything, Qi Wu lowered himself and let Yan Yu climb onto his back.

Just put the child on your back and leave.

Yan Yu's face was filled with internal fluids.

This was because Uncle Qi Wu thought her legs were short and she walked slowly.

Crossing the river from the big stone bridge, the two walked along the river bank and saw a raft tied to a tree by the river.

Qi Wu quickly pushed the raft back and tied the knot on the wooden pier.

As soon as Yan Yu jumped down, he saw the eldest sister walking with a wind.

"Xiaoer, uncle and the others are back!"

"Alas!" Yan Yu's little face blossomed and she responded happily.

He turned around and said, "Uncle Qi Wu, I'm going back first!"

Qi Wuhan smiled and nodded, "I'll follow you."

Yan Yu started to move her calves, and when she reached her eldest sister, the two sisters took her hand and ran home together.

It was rare for Da Ya to run around like this, her face turned red and her hair was a little messy.

Looking at Yan Yu again, her little face is flushed, and with her sparkling eyes, she looks like a doll in a New Year painting.

Qi Wu strode behind and saw from a distance that the big rock in the center of the village was crowded with people.

The cars were empty when we went there, but when we came back every car was filled with vats, jars, and jars.

There are also these small hoes and sickles that Yan Yu has mentioned, inserted in the gaps.

The bags looked familiar, and they should be filled with salt. The last time they bought salt, it was similar to this.

No one unloaded anything.

As soon as Yan Laoer and his party came back, before they could stand still, they were surrounded by villagers, talking about the major events that happened today.

"Good guy, there are people from Beirong coming over the mountain. It's always dangerous. We are hiding in the cellar and crossing the river to Yongning City to escape the disaster. My father, mother, my family and the baby have been here until now.

Haven’t come back yet.”

"The officials from Yongning City are also here. They gave us a good questioning before leaving. I'm so nervous..."

"Why did you come back? Didn't you meet the people who went to Huju to report the news?"

"Oh my God, where did Wang Erlang go? Did he find the wrong way or get lost?"

"That's not possible. Wang Erlang knows the way. He said it himself. He can remember it after walking through it once."

"Then do we need to go look for someone? Yan Er and the others are back and have gone two ways?"

"Yan Er, those six dead people are still lying at the entrance of my house. Those officials said that the officials on the other side of Huju City should be taken away? Didn't Huju City be closed down? How come they are taken away? No, no, we will take them away.

Are they sending it?"

"Sun Erdan, what do you think? It's unlucky for the cars in our village to pull those people. They are not our people, they are barbarians."

"Don't think of them as humans, think of them as animals. That's it. They only have two taels of silver. We are transporting them over to receive the reward."

"I should have collected the money early."

Yan Laoer's head almost exploded when he heard this.

They just made this trip, and it only took more than half a day. How could such a big thing happen?

Oh my God!

That Beirong actually wanted to climb over the mountain.

Will you read it again in the future?

Will you still come to their village after turning over?

My daughter found it in the mountains?

My wife shot another one to death?

The iron crossbow was not exposed, and the bow was snatched from those turtles?

The officials from Yongning City didn't take them away, but left all the weapons with them?

Didn't eat in the village.

Those who went out to hide have not been picked up yet.

There were too many messages to receive, and Yan Laoer was immediately confused.

"Well, let me go home and take a look first."

He had to see his wife and daughter first.

Especially the former.

Can a pregnant woman endure being so frightened all the time?

Yan Yu shouted happily: "Dad!"

When Yan Laoer heard this and saw the girl jumping behind the crowd, he almost burst into tears.

"Xiao Er! Go home, go home quickly."

The villagers made way for him to come out.

The guys finally finished talking and helped unload the truck and move everything down.

Luo Da and the other drivers were also stunned.

It took a long time to regain my composure, but I was frightened for a while.

After entering the courtyard, Yan Laoer went straight to his room.

Yan Yu rushed forward and stopped the man.

"Dad, don't go over there yet. Mom went to sleep when she came back. She didn't come out even if there was such a big movement outside. She might not have woken up yet."

Yan Laoer turned to look at her: "Tell me, why did they come from the mountains? It's so scary. It's not safe here!"

He grimaced: "It's my fault, I picked the place."

Yan Yu dragged him to the backyard and used his little hands to comfort his obviously frightened father.

"Dad, it's the same everywhere we go. You see, Master Lu, when he heard about Beirong, he screamed and wanted to rush.

Even if we can do anything in Yongning City, if these people come over from the other side of the mountain, no one will notice it, so we might as well let them get in.

On the contrary, since we are here, it is impossible for them to sneak over here. Our cat will search for them and find out exactly where they are."

"Is your mother okay?" Yan Laoer asked.

Yan Yu: "It doesn't look like anything is wrong. Mother has a strong heart and is better than you can accept."

Yan Laoer: "You don't know that I heard from the villagers that they were both skilled with bows and knives, and I was scared to death.

There are only six people this time. What if there are more of them next time? How can we resist? Hiding in the cellar will not work. These Beirong elders have come here and have figured it out. They know that every family here digs cellars.

You'll find it if you pay close attention.

That's how you were found this time, it's too dangerous! If Hu Er doesn't ask someone to send the iron crossbow over, you..."

"Nothing wrong, dad, we have a better memory this time, there will be no next time." Yan Yu also felt that hiding in the cellar was too unreliable.

It almost made people choke in it.

"Dad, this time the passage in the middle of our cellar has done a great job. Do you remember there was a movie about digging a tunnel?"

"Tunnel battle." Yan Laoer said to himself. I have watched this movie countless times.

"Yes, that's it." Yan Yu nodded hurriedly and said: "Let's dig tunnels in the whole village. If this happens again in the future, we will go around in the tunnels and fuck them!"

Yan Laoer looked at her with an expressionless look.

"Daughter! Do you know how difficult it is to do it in practice?"

Yan Yu thought for a while and asked: "What's the difficulty? Connect the cellars of each house, dig some hidden spaces to hide people, remember a few important hubs, and add some things in the painting that only we can understand

There are signs to guide the way, but it just takes a long time.”

"Just remembering the road will kill the people in our village." Yan Laoer hit the nail on the head.

"Don't talk about the distance, let's talk about Wang Erlang in the village who is better at knowing the way. Did you hear it? Village Chief Luo asked him to go to Huju City to report the news. He should meet us. Where are we now? Where are they going?

Did you do it? You have to report it to yourself."

"Build a tunnel in the village, wait until they know the road well, and then use the tunnel to kill the Beirong. The Beirong will not know how many enemies have come, and they will not be able to make it in time."

Yan Yu frowned.

I think what her father said makes sense.

This is the benefit of eating rice and salt for many more years, and it makes thinking about the problem more practical.

"And that tunnel not only affects Beirong, but also takes away the advantages of our village." Yan Laoer said.

Yan Yu thought for a moment and then came to his senses.

"Dad, are you saying it will also affect the people in our village's archery?"

"Yes! Uncle Hu and Uncle Hu won't talk about it. People in our village can shoot from a distance, but not at close range. We can't compete with the locals in Guanzhou. We haven't practiced."

At this moment, Yan Laoer felt that it was quite necessary to bring everyone into the military camp for training during the slack farming season in Guanzhou.

If it weren't for this, Master Lu and the others wouldn't have rushed forward without hesitation.

Yan Yu thought for a while, "Those Yongning officials didn't take away those weapons. Did they belong to Hu Ju by default? Or can we keep them for ourselves?"

Yan Laoer's eyes widened.

Then his daughter said again: "Since it is normal for Beirong to cross the border, and Guanzhou even has some intention of all the people becoming soldiers, we can't fight with bare hands. Then where did this weapon come from? The enemy sent it to us!"

Yan Laoer:......

Summarized very well.

"To give full play to the advantages of our village... let's build a few archery towers. The location should be well chosen, from a high position, with no blind spots in all directions, and shoot them to death."

She waved her little fist fiercely.

Yan Laoer praised: "Yes, I think so too. Isn't there a saying: Store more food and build high walls."

"Dad! That's called building a wall high, accumulating grain widely, and becoming king slowly." Yan Yu corrected him.

Yan Laoer said nonchalantly: "Give it to the last three words, that's pretty much what it means."

"We need to build an arrow tower and a high wall. We need to surround our village, use cement for our family, make the wall thicker, and dig a moat outside? Oh no, the homestead has been mapped out, and there is not such a big place.


Yan Yu thinks this is reliable. The key is to follow the idea and stay in the village to feel safe!

Yan Laoer also turned this matter around in his mind for several times.

He nodded heavily and said, "I'll go find Village Chief Luo and talk to him later."

The two men were about to go back to the house when they saw Grandma Rong and Daya coming to the backyard.

Da Ya seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Grandma Rong glanced around with a smile on her face and walked straight towards the hens taking a leisurely stroll.

Bend slightly and reach out.

A hen was caught by her wings.

The hen struggled a few times, but when she couldn't break free, she stopped trying and kept cooing.

The hen walking next to me was frightened and flapped her wings, which had been slightly clipped.

Although it can't fly high, it really tries its best...

Try your best to stay away from the dangerous position just now.

Yan Laoer and Yan Yu looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

What are you doing catching chickens?

Soon they found out.

Grandma Rong has boiled the water.

The knife falls from the hand!

Hot and plucked chicken!

Yan Laoer:......

Yan Yu:……

Good luck, let's eat chicken tonight?

Daya came over and whispered: "Aunt Rong said that my aunt was frightened and had to eat chicken to calm it down."

Yan Laoer and Yan Yu stared at each other again.

Does eating chicken still have this effect?

But...it's all about killing, just eating.

Aunt Rong said yes.

Yan Yu started to salivate and swallowed again and again.

My little brain couldn't help but wonder what this nanny would do.

It's her egg-laying hen.

Aunt Rong takes good care of them on weekdays. The only rooster in the family wants to eat more, but she has to look at the looks of both the hens and the rooster.

Alas, why don’t you eat the cock?

She looked at the little rooster who had regained his strength and continued to wander around the vegetable garden.

Well, it still looks a little thin. Grandma Rong probably thinks it’s not meaty enough.

Yan Laoer tiptoed into the room, took a look, and then came out quietly.

Out of the house.

Everything he pulled back from the big rock was waiting for him to distribute.

The two sisters, Da Ya and Er Ya, entered the kitchen.

The former is to study hard.

The latter is curious to death.

I saw Aunt Rong taking out a cloth bag and opening it layer by layer.

Yan Yu's eyes widened.

Isn't that...her father's precious ginseng?

This chapter has been completed!
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