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Chapter 261 The King of Englands Gossip

Atractylodes is burning in the brazier, and both Yan Laoer and Yan Yu know each other.

It is one of the medicines prescribed by Dr. An.

The two men quickly stepped over.

Regardless of the crude method, this is a method often used by ancient people to remove impurities.

Going forward, neither of them dared to leave.

This team of government officials also stopped here.

Ask someone to help call Dr. An from Huimin Hall.

It's Doctor Xiaoan's father who's here.

The same mask covered his face, and his brows looked a little tired.

Dr. An first thanked Yan Laoer for sending the letter, and then asked: "This fellow looks at Yan Sheng, but I wonder what his connection is with my son?"

"Little Doctor An is currently visiting Huju. I invited him from Yongning City that day..." Yan Laoer explained the situation. "You should read the letter first. Doctor An specially told me that if there is any

If you have the opportunity to meet in person, please be sure to write him a reply. If writing is inconvenient, a verbal message will do."

Dr. An hurriedly read through the letter at a glance.

Then without pausing, I watched it a second time.

The frowned brows relaxed for a while, and then knitted together again.

"Is what my son said in his letter true? Is the epidemic in Huju really getting better?"

Yan Laoer: "That's right. Dr. An also said that when Huju is in trouble, he will leave for Gufeng..."

Old Doctor An pondered: "He also mentioned this in his letter, and also said that you have his prescription on you. Can you take a look?"

Yan Laoer does have it with him.

Not only the one from last time, but also the new one opened by Dr. An this time.

This is for the convenience of purchasing medicinal materials.

He thought for a while, took out the prescription and put it on the ground.

Dr. An:......

The government servant next to me couldn't laugh or cry. You are like us, but you are also like this with Dr. An?

In fact, there is no need to treat them equally.

One of the yamen servants picked up the prescription and handed it to Dr. An.

Old Doctor An didn't mind either, and his attention quickly focused on a few prescriptions.

The browsing speed is getting faster and faster.

"He...this prescription!"

Some of the medicines were very heavy. If he saw such prescriptions, he would probably be so angry that he wouldn't be able to eat.

At this moment, there are people coming to testify that the situation in Huju City is improving.

That means these prescriptions work.

"Do the patients in Huju City really take medicine according to this prescription?" He asked again uncertainly.

"Not only did they take medicine, Dr. An also asked them to live separately and be isolated..." Yan Laoer glanced in the direction of Gu Fengcheng and told everyone about the measures taken by the tiger in the city in detail.

Doctor An said, "please wait a moment," and left in a hurry.

Yan Laoer and Yan Yu took the cow and pretended to tie the three treasures under a tree far away.

While they were waiting, the group of government officials got some rice from somewhere, cooked some porridge in a pot, and kindly invited them to come over and eat some.

Just when Yan Laoer was about to refuse, Yan Yu tugged on her father's clothes.

People invite them to eat with good intentions, but it would be too hurtful to refuse them directly.

But to be honest, they are resistant to eating from the same pot.

Looking at Gu Feng now, he looks like he is not safe anywhere.

Yan Laoer thought for a while and found some crispy fried fish from the basket he brought.

"I made it at home, as a side dish for the officials."

Then he took out two bamboo tubes, gave one to Yan Yu, took one for himself, and explained with a smile: "My family is worried when I go out, so I have prepared a lot of food and soup, but I don't want to put it down."

Come on, let’s eat what we brought home to avoid spoiling it.”

The officer who greeted them laughed out loud.

I caught a small crispy fish and put it in my mouth. The more I chewed it, the more delicious it became.

"You two are really interesting. Why are you running out if you are so scared? Wouldn't it be better to stay at home..."

"In addition to looking for people and delivering messages, we actually... also want to see if we can buy some medicinal materials and food to go back."

Yan Laoer decided to tell the truth.

"Come to Gufeng to buy medicine and food? I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place." The round-faced government servant, who took off his scarf, poked at the firewood to make the fire burn brighter and said casually.

"This..." Yan Laoer whispered awkwardly: "It's just a way to Gufeng. In fact, we want to go..."

It seems that the leader of this team of government officials glanced at him and said calmly: "You want to go to Changping, you can go there by walking along the current for more than half a day, but you have a good time to go, I'm afraid it won't be easy to come back.

It’s even harder to upload items.”

There was no mention at all that there was no flat ground on the road.

It's good for everyone to know some things well and there is no need to say them in person.

When Yan Laoer saw that he didn't say anything, he felt reassured and his expression became relaxed.

He took another two steps forward and sat on the ground like the government officials.

"This time I came out just for a trip. I don't know if Changping is far away, and I don't know if I can buy medicine and food. I thought Changping and Gufeng are next to each other, and I'm afraid that the medicine is almost the same as that of Yongning City, so they will be transferred.

Come here, you can buy food if you can, let’s think of some medicinal materials..."

A tender-faced government official sneered: "Then you are wrong. We can't adjust the medicine in Changping. People are waiting to sell it at a high price. Even the price of grain is higher than in other places. You go to Changping.

It’s better to go upstream to Longxing.”

"I'm going to Longxing!" Yan Laoer said hurriedly: "I just came back a while ago. Isn't it a long way to go to Longxing? I want Changping to be closer, and the other one is next to Linhai and has a port.

The dock is better than our border towns, right?"

"You have just settled in Guanzhou and don't know the inside story. This old man from Changping is not an ordinary man. He is from the capital and has a solid foundation. Since he took office, he has not entered our Yongning City a few times. I am afraid he can't even open the gate of the palace.

I don’t even know…”

"Shi Shu! Silence!"

"Boss, I..." The tender-faced yamen officer wanted to defend himself, but when the squad leader glared at him, he lowered his head and said nothing.

Yan Laoer didn't want to end this topic.

This kind of secret involving the prince and the great master of the city is impossible to find out.

That is to say, the government officials in Fucheng are familiar with people and have wide contacts, so they can know a thing or two.

"Then he really shouldn't." Yan Laoer said angrily: "My brother, our family, and our whole village all came to rush for the prince. Our hometown is in Qishan Mansion. Think about it, we walked all the way here.

Yes, it's such a long way to go. It's dry again. It's not easy to find food and water. This journey... Oh! It's so hard!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! What we are after is the character of the prince. We have heard about the prince's benevolence and righteousness as far away as Qishan Mansion, even if Guanzhou is cold, stay away

, we want to come too, just thinking that following such a good prince, we will definitely be able to live a better life."

Yan Laoer used to play the magic blow.

Then he helped to fight the injustice: "What about the eldest man in Changping? This Guanzhou is the prince's fiefdom, and the official is older than him. He should take charge of it. How do you say it, report on work? That's how you put it.

, you must not talk to the prince about how he is doing as a Changping official? Is there anything difficult to do? Come over and say hello."

When he said this, an older government servant couldn't help it.

"Excuse me, please? That eldest gentleman is very arrogant and is afraid of getting involved with our prince. I heard from my neighbor's relatives who work in the prince's palace that the eldest gentleman's family in Changping is still related to our prince."

"Still a relative?!" Yan Laoer's exclamation and shocked expression pleased him.

The older government servant continued to reveal the news: "I didn't expect it. No one will believe it if I tell it, but it is true. Otherwise, why would he be special? Not to mention, the eldest man of Gufeng City, the eldest man of your city."

Master, whoever is not sent by the imperial court to serve as a minister, who is sincerely convinced and respectful to the prince, is like him..."

The head yamen servant coughed at the right time, and the older yamen servant stopped talking.

The lawsuit between his eyebrows did not stop, and he winked at Yan Laoer.

Yan Laoer also responded with flexible and rich facial expressions to express that he had eaten the melon.

Yan Yu was very excited after hearing this. It was so heart-wrenching and heart-wrenching.

This is the gossip of the feudal king of Guanzhou.

Ah! Let it come more violently!

"Our elder in Huju City is a really good official. How else could we settle there? Mr. Tian told us frankly and honestly about the registration instructions for each city, and he didn't hide anything from us.

I feel that Mr. Tian is sincere, and I heard that he tightened his belt and built the city wall to block out the Beirong troops so that they could not come in...

There are a lot of wastelands in Huju, so we finally chose the place close to the river, with mountains and water, close to the three cities of Yongning Valley and Fenghuju.

Mr. Tian has also prepared enough, providing enough food for three months, and the people in our village are very grateful."

Yan Laoer thought that they were very lucky. They were chased from Huju City into Guanzhou. Unexpectedly, they got caught in a lucky trap and settled in a good place.

It’s not that Tiger City is so satisfying.

The key lies in people. The big man in charge is wise and kind, and the future development of Huju City will be the same.

Judging from Mr. Tian's several actions, he is a very good official.

They are blessed.

"We have heard about Mr. Tian's reputation in Yongning City. You were right not to stay in Gufeng. Look, isn't this proof?" The older government official pointed in the distance.

Yan Laoer looked at his finger and sighed in his heart.

Since he thought they were coming from Gufeng, he didn't explain, so people would misunderstand them.

Why is the matter of entering Guanzhou from Huju better to be buried in the stomach and not even mentioned at all?

Yan Laoer said very sincerely: "Actually, I think what we at Hu Ju do is quite good. Gu Feng should also learn from it. Maybe... maybe it will be good."

I can't say this for sure, but if I can say it, I'll try to say it as often as possible.

"It's a pity that our brothers don't count. You tell us what we are here to do. Gu Feng is seriously short of manpower, so we were sent here specifically to collect corpses."

Yan Laoer:......

"They are so short of people? They don't even have anyone to carry the body?" Yan Laoer was shocked!

How deep is the shortage of people? Could it be that... everyone in the city is sick?

so serious!!!

"There is a shortage of people. As for why we are assigned to do this... Haha! The child has no mother, it's a long story." The older government servant vigorously poked the firewood a few more times, and the firewood failed to break.

Pile up.

The round-faced government servant gathered back the firewood that had escaped.

The atmosphere is a bit gloomy.

Yan Laoer and Yan Yu looked at each other quietly.

Is this offending someone?

Sent here?

Seeing the expressions on the father and son's faces, the leader smiled and said, "This boy of yours looks quite smart."

"My head is still bright, but I can't. I studied with his uncle and I know a few words." Yan Laoer said carefully considering the words.

"Oh? But what if you want to go to school?"

"My brother and nephew are both going to take the exam next year. Having said this, let me shamelessly ask a few more questions. I heard that many people have been admitted to the scholar examination and then entered a private school. Is it better to study there?

Is it better to study in our county?" Yan Laoer asked.

"Of course." The head of the government office gave an affirmative answer.

"In the three border towns of Huju, Longxing and Fengming, the county schools are in name only. There is not even a teaching instruction. What is the difference between self-study at home.

Even though we are all rough people, every year during the provincial examination, we take turns serving in the examination room. We have seen a lot, so naturally we know a little bit about it.

There are many doorways here.

There are only a few scholars in Guanzhou, but some people pass the scholar examination every year. How many people can pass the examination every three years? The scholars who do not rank are not willing to accept it, and they have to take the examination for the second three years, and the third one.

the fourth……"

The round-faced yamen servant interjected: "There are even fewer scholars outside the government schools who have passed the examination."

"Why are you asking about the examination? Could it be that...your brother and nephew are both scholars?" the tender-faced government servant asked in surprise.

"No no!" Yan Laoer waved his hands repeatedly and said: "My brother is a scholar, and my eldest nephew hasn't started taking the exams yet. He has to start from scratch. This won't happen next year. One will be in the spring and the other in the autumn. If he is lucky

Well, maybe he can go to the provincial examination with his father..."

Thinking of this, he paused and said with a smile: "It's not impossible for father and son to enter the examination room together, right?"

"It would be a great story if a father and his son can win the exam at the same time." The head of the government office said in a somewhat solemn tone.

Before, they only knew that the eldest brother named Yan was a scholar in Huju City, but they didn't expect that he was actually a scholar.

A scholar from a foreign country!

It would be much easier to pass the exam in their barren land like Guanzhou.

Whether they are willing to admit it or not, it is a fact that the scholars in Guanzhou are not as good as the scholars in other big cities.

"Hey! Our eldest brother in Huju City also said that my eldest nephew should go to the county school to study. He personally gave guidance. Who would have thought that this epidemic had spread to us from Gufeng, and the matter of enrolling in school would naturally be delayed.

Otherwise, if Mr. Tian can give you some guidance, Heng'er will definitely be more confident."

"Your brother is a scholar, and your nephew can't be wrong. Speaking of which, you were just humble, right? You said you couldn't study..." said the older government servant.

Yan Laoer hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, I really speak from the bottom of my heart, and I am absolutely telling the truth. My brother and my eldest nephew have all the smart minds in my family. Oh, and this kid in my family, I am a

I get a headache when I read a book, I feel sleepy when I read too much, and I don’t have the nerve to read!”

He tried his best to shame himself.

A few people laughed, but were dubious.

Okay, the eldest brother in the family is so good, the eldest nephew is also good, and the son is also smart, but he is not good?

This chapter has been completed!
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