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Chapter 277 Eye-opening!

"So the one to the west and south is probably going to be bigger.

But they came from the mountains last time, so we have to be on guard.

My father and I walked downstream of the river next to the village, leading to Gufeng and Changping, and also to Guiyuan Town in Linhai Prefecture. These places were okay, but Longxing and Fengming upstream were not.

Same, just like our Huju, it is a border town.

Those Beirong soldiers can climb mountains, but there is no guarantee that they will not be able to cross rivers..."

The children were dumbfounded.

So where will Beirong come from?

Yan Yu concluded: "It's all possible, and we need to be prepared. That's why we have to build arrow towers on all sides. But if we can only build one at the moment, the middle one is the best, so it can take care of all directions."

The children understand.

"Then start from the big rock."

"Xiaoer, how high is your archery tower, which is several people tall?"

Once the location was determined, the children's attention quickly shifted back to the watchtower itself.

"As tall as three uncles Qi!" Yan Yu described vividly.

"Wow!" the children exclaimed.

So high!

Qi Da's height is the tallest in his village.

At this time, you can see the differences among the Boy Scouts. Successful children, such as those with two irons and three irons, Dagouzi Fengnian, have already subconsciously looked at the cement bricks they have saved, and mentally estimated whether they are enough to build such a tall watchtower.

Those who react more slowly can wake up and turn their heads after seeing the actions of these people.

But most of them are still ignorant and their eyes are still glued to the arrow tower painted by Yan Yu.

How exquisite can the pictures for children be?

Yan Yu implements the simple and crude line aesthetics, horizontal is horizontal, vertical is vertical, and the painting is extremely simple.

It's just that the children have never seen painting on paper, and it's something new that they've never heard of before, so they find it strange.

The Scouts reached a consensus.

Yan Yu collected the papers and immediately started training.

The appearance of Beirong increased her sense of crisis, which was not only reflected in accelerating the construction of defense fortifications, but also in improving the overall strength of the Boy Scouts.

"Everyone, run, walk!" Leader Yan Yu, like everyone else, ran around the village three times before stopping.

Then there is the obstacle course, where you move a few tree stumps and jump on them; dig a few small holes and jump over them; dig a big hole, slide down and climb up with a rope; pull a rope between trees.

, marked, some are not allowed to touch the rope, jump over... Others are not allowed to touch the rope, just drill through...

Yan Yu used all the big breakthroughs that he could think of and that could be achieved under limited conditions.

The children had a great time playing.

They were running wildly back and forth, very happy.

Later, I found that there were not enough ropes in the big pit, so I urgently went back to the village to find some. There were many children waiting to jump into the pit and climb back up.

It takes a lot of time and effort, and there is even a queue...

Yan Yu also planned a separate training area for short children.

Let Brother 2 and Brother 3 climb a tree, hang a rope from the top, and tie a ball of thread made of hemp rope.

Let the little guys jump up after a run-up and shoot the ball.

She herself gave several demonstrations, with graceful and gentle movements.

Ahem, if you don't do it gently, you'll send the twine ball flying around if you don't pay attention...

Among all the children, Yan Yu focuses on her younger brother Feng Nian.

Farm children are not said to be in great health, but as long as they are raised and have enough exercise every day, they do need to be stronger.

Liang Fengnian, a typical young scholar, is much worse.

After practicing with the Boy Scouts for so long, I have improved my physical endurance.

But it's still not enough.

The more you study, the more you have to practice. How can you pass the imperial examination without good health? How many scholars have fainted and fallen ill in the dormitory?

Huh? Did I miss something?

By the way! Her big brother!

Yan Yu ran home quickly. At this time, Yan Xiangheng had just returned from down the mountain.

His uncle took a few people to Huju to deliver medicine. Following the lesson learned from the last time Beirong entered the village, the people in the village were not at ease, so even if they went into the mountains, they would go in batches and stagger the time, leaving some strong men in the village.


Yan Xiangheng caught up with the batch that came back early today.

As soon as I took off the basket, washed my hands, wiped my head and face, before I could enter the house, I was pulled out of the door by the waiter who ran back from outside.

After hearing that the waiter said it was a boy scout training, Yan Xiangheng stopped struggling.

He was also curious about what the children in the village were busy with every day.

I waited until I arrived at the land where his house was located next to the forest.

Yan opened his eyes to Evergrande!

What is this!

All of them were covered in dust and their faces were red from playing.

Those who pulled the rope to climb the pit used all their energy to feed themselves, right?

Without touching the rope, I squeezed through such a narrow place, twisting and turning like a bug. I couldn't even see...

But as he watched, Yan Xiangheng had thoughts floating in his heart, ready to act.

Yan Yu saw it really.

What about the eldest brother? No matter how big he is, is he still as big as her father?

The boy is young and still a child.

Want to play? Want to play? Want to play?

Even if her father comes, he will definitely want to play for a while.

"Brother, just knowing how to study is not enough. My father has inquired about it and said that the place for taking the imperial examination is quite small!

Everyone is locked up in a small, small room and called a number.

It's so big that you can't even fit a bed in it. If you want to take a rest, you can't stretch your legs and your body will be hunched, which is very uncomfortable.

Also, it would be fine if someone bothered to perform annual maintenance, but if no one remembers, some roofs will still leak.

It's a windy and rainy day, the wind is howling, noisy and cold, and the rain makes it even worse.

The time of year for exams is not very good either. It’s very cold at night and it’s very easy to catch cold and get sick.

Therefore, if you want to go far in the imperial examination, knowledge is important, and your body is equally important.

Don't look at how dirty our boy scouts are during training. Just wash them when you get home. The important thing is that they work!

Look at those little ones. Since they joined our Boy Scouts, they have been able to eat well and have grown taller. They ran around our village three times without any problems, and they still have the strength to train again when they come back.

If we don’t say anything else, I’ll just ask big brother, are you okay?”

Yan Xiangheng was stunned.

He didn't take these children's things lightly.

Yan Huaiwen's education made subtle changes to him.

Make it easier for him to accept and absorb everything that is new to him and has never been exposed to before.

Yan Xiangheng thought very seriously.

Can he do it?

Run around the village three times, this should be enough.

But after running, do you still have the physical strength to cope with these various training contents?

Yan Xiangheng asked himself for a long time.

No...not too sure.

Yan Yu looked at his changing expression and smiled.

"Brother, how about you give it a try? How can you judge whether you can do it or not if you don't try it yourself?"

Yan Xiangheng felt that it made sense.

He arranged his clothes slightly and started from the starting point.

This chapter has been completed!
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