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Chapter 293 Taking Uncle for a Walk (Part 1)

Start with your own home.

"Uncle, look, this is the cellar our family dug. It's quite big. This side is connected to that side." Yan Yu pointed out the passage connecting the two cellars to Yan Huaiwen.

Yan Huaiwen soon discovered that there was more than one passage in the cellar. He walked over and pushed the diagonal wooden planks.

A hole more than half a foot high was exposed.

"Where does it lead?"

Yan Yu didn't expect that his uncle would find out so quickly.

"Uncle, you are so awesome. How did you find out? Is it obvious?" She looked at the darkness opposite and said: "Hey, that's the cellar of Grandma Qi's house over there. Our two families are next to each other, and the cellar is dug close.

, make an opening, just in case."

Yan Huaiwen was noncommittal and suddenly asked: "Where did Beirong die?"

Yan Yu's eyes glanced in a certain direction uncontrollably.

Yan Huaiwen keenly grasped the direction and walked closer to take a look.

Next to the existing channel, there are traces of filling and re-construction.

I felt relieved.

"So, the document recorded by the Yongning City Yamen Officer is not accurate. On that day, Beirong entered the cellar and died in the passage. Was it really shot by Hu Er?"

Yan Huaiwen's faint questioning voice was slightly echoed, and the feedback was particularly clear in the cellar.

Yan Yu:……

She just wanted to show that they had a big cellar that could store a lot of food, and it also had a passageway that not only led to her own house but also to Qi's house next door.

She really didn’t say anything, how could the uncle restore so much with just one look from her?!

"Uncle, listen to me..." Yan Yu swallowed.

Yan Huaiwen looked at her calmly: "Well, I'll listen."

"That day... that Beirong did die in our cellar." Yan Yu's brain started to work for a moment and then stopped immediately. He was hiding something. Why should he hide it from his uncle? He couldn't hide it anymore...

"We were all hiding in the cellar at the time, but we didn't expect that Beirong would find us here. He had a knife in his hand. He came from the passage, and while crawling, he knocked on the sound with the knife, one after another, which made people panic, and my mother just...

…shot him with an arrow.”

She looked at her uncle cautiously, and added hesitantly: "That day, my father took people to Huju, and we found that those people had bows and knives in their hands, so my mother found the iron crossbow and gave it to Uncle Hu, who didn't use it.

Those Beirong soldiers were knocked down by the villagers unpreparedly. Uncle Hu picked up their bows and shot them without letting outsiders see, so he quickly sent the iron crossbows back.

After my mother shot the arrow, Uncle Hu also arrived, so he recognized the head... The original passage to our house was also blocked, and a new one was opened.

Uncle, no one really saw our iron crossbow." Yan Yu emphasized.

Yan Huaiwen closed his eyes and sighed softly.

He reached out and stroked the bun on Xiao Er's head, bent down and picked up the little person.

"Let's go and look elsewhere."

He sent the person up the rope ladder.

After the waiter climbed up neatly, he stuck his head out and looked back. His bright eyes were wide and round, looking at him with a little anxiety.

Yan Huaiwen tied the corners of his robe around his waist, climbed out of the cellar, and then lowered his robe and smoothed it down.

Seeing that the waiter was still frowning, he said softly: "It's nothing. No one knows except me."

Yan Yu's eyebrows instantly spread and curved into a beautiful arc.

"This is our pig. Madam Rong has fed it carefully. When it came, it was small and weak. People in the village said it was difficult to feed. Now it is big and fat, and it is becoming more and more edible..."

"Except for this one, which is female, the others are all rams. Madam Rong said that she would keep it and give birth to lambs. When the lambs are born, she would keep all the females and then give birth to lambs. The males will be raised to eat meat. If they are too busy,

You can come and sell it to people in the village, many families are waiting for it."

"Yesterday was a big market. It happens once a month. Almost everyone in our village went there. Dad set up a stall to sell grilled fish and braised fish. You can give copper coins or other top coins. He also collects all kinds of poultry and brings them back.

There are quite a few, and there are five puppies left, but they were all divided up by the villagers. These are the remaining ones. Dad said that they should be raised and eaten later and used as meat stockpiles."

Yan Huaiwen was led by Yan Yu to see the chickens in the nest and the vegetables grown in the back garden. The vegetable seedlings stretched their tender bodies and were light green, which made people happy just to look at them.

After inspecting the backyard, Yan Yu solemnly introduced the fire wall.

"Uncle, this fire wall is great. Not only can it keep the room warm, it can also be used to make paper."

She found some dull-colored recycled paper in her small backpack.

"This is the paper made by our family. It's the first time we made it. It's not very big. Some are thin and some are thick.

Dad said it’s okay to use it for calligraphy practice. Our family all uses this now.

Hee hee, look at this, uncle, he used this to make paper pulp, and then brushed it on the fire wall. The paper pulp will dry in a short time, peel it off and dry it on a pole, and it is done!"

Yan Yu pointed to the tools used for papermaking and gestured with the paper mache to put on the wall, trying to show the enthusiasm of a little girl introducing new things to her uncle.

Yan Huaiwen can always grasp the most critical points.

After he learned that his younger brother had been hanging waste paper in bags in the river for a long time, he understood this clever method of making paper.

It cannot be compared with the paper for sale, it is more time-saving and convenient.

It is enough for your own household needs.

After walking around the house, Yan Yu took his uncle out of the house.

"Uncle, look, this is the cement brick we made. It's very easy to make. Just mix the mud, pour it into the mold, leave it there and forget about it. It will be ready the next day.

Dad said that we should build a watchtower here at Big Stone and use these cement bricks. Once it is built, people will stand on it every day and can see far away, so we no longer have to worry about Beirong coming."

Yan Yu glanced at his uncle's face and said briskly: "There are six bows left by Beirong in our village. Dad also said that if Uncle Hu and Uncle Hu stand on them, one of those Beirong will die, and the other two will die."

A pair of dead ones."

Yan Huaiwen picked up a cement brick, weighed it in his hands, and threw it on the ground.

"Arrow Tower?" He raised his eyebrows and asked indifferently.

Yan Yu got lucky, smiled and showed off her cute millet teeth, and said sweetly: "Do you want to see it, uncle? My father told me about my painting, and the village chief and grandpa said that my painting is good."

Yan Huaiwen hummed and motioned for her to take it out with his eyes.

Yan Yu began to rummage through the small backpack again and found a crumpled piece of paper.

This thick piece of recycled paper has passed through the hands of countless people and is no longer the same as before.

There are layers of marks of deletion and redrawing on it. If Yan Yu hadn't looked at it every day, at first glance, he might not have been able to tell that this was a drawing of an arrow tower.

It’s so messy!

There are also dimensional parameters marked by Master Lu that only he can understand.

Circles, crosses, triangles, and some miscellaneous lines with meaning...

Yan Huaiwen looked at it for a while, pointed to the locations of the other four arrow towers marked on it, and asked: "Besides here, there are also those around the village? Are there five in total? Are these... city walls? Enclosing the village?"

This chapter has been completed!
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