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Chapter 312 Distinguished Guest

But Dad said that it would be fine if the village chief and the Yan family agree.

In this way, Dagouzi went to Luo's house to ask.

Coyotito came to Yan's house.

When Mrs. Cui brought the people back, she found that the ladies were very discerning.

Since Sister Cui's kindness is hard to refuse, they can't live without food even if they stay.

Several ladies took away all the work of Cui Langzhong and the younger ones, occupying the kitchen and yard, joking and working at the same time, having a great time.

At noon, the villagers ate authentic Guanzhou cuisine at Cui’s house.


For lunch, the Yan family cooked fried tofu, stewed goose, radish ball soup and braised fish.

I'm really busy with the staple food, so I just go to someone else's house to eat.

The same goes for Yan Yu. She took her embarrassed eldest brother and eldest sister to Qi's house to get big steamed buns, then went back to her own house to eat a few bites, and then went to other people's houses to continue...

There are some who learn from his father to grill fish, and there are also those who learn from her to braise eggs.

The second brother and third brother of the Luo family also caught a lot of quail and roasted them.

Compared with the morning, the meal at noon is more sumptuous.

There are a lot of meat dishes, even when it comes to stir-fried vegetables, two slices of meat will be added to add flavor.

Everyone is used to this way of eating, squatting comfortably in the corner.

The Yan family has the largest number of people.

The tofu is fried in oil and is delicious!

The goose was stewed in an iron pot and was delicious!

The meatball soup uses meatballs and is delicious!

The braised fish is salty and delicious!

Yan Huaiwen walked in the village, occasionally stopping to hold his own bowl and politely ask someone to add a chopstick.

Any more and he will refuse.

He only cares about the food and eats as he pleases, regardless of whether he is close or distant.

In this way, people in the village feel more comfortable.

The atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

Liang Manshan met him, and the two of them walked together, and when they were happy they even quoted scriptures...

Yan Yu followed them, initially just wanting to know what her picky uncle would choose to eat.

But as he followed, she decisively left.

Literary people are really scary.

I have to read two lines of poetry just to have a meal, which is very tiring.

Yan Laoer was so busy that he was so busy.

Grandma Rong was so skillful that he couldn't compare to him.

Everything went smoothly today because he was fully prepared yesterday.

Village Chief Luo said that his family would prepare six dishes, but he saw that no one listened honestly.

By now, everyone no longer has to worry about several dishes.

All you want is an atmosphere, a happy meal, and delicious wild vegetable soup.

After lunch, everyone squinted as much as they wanted, and walked around the village a few times if they wanted.

The sun was just right, the sun was warm, and the wind was gentle, not as strong as at night.

The path to and from the river is full of people going back and forth.

I have to go back to fetch water, wash the pots and vegetables, and I have to be busy with the main event of the evening.

A donkey cart came from the west.

Through the dense forests, a brand-new village appears in front of you.

The adobe house occupies most of the house, but it is covered with tiles.

The brick and stone houses that should have been the most conspicuous were taken away by the sheds one after another.

Attracted the visitor's attention.

Yan Huaiwen and Liang Manshan were sitting on the ground playing chess.

The criss-crossing roads are filled with solid and hollow circles instead of chess pieces, and are circled on the flat land.

Not long after the chessboard was drawn, the two of them just made their moves.

I heard sounds coming from afar.

Although his back was facing the direction of the visitor, Yan Huaiwen put down the branch in his hand and said, "Here we come."

Liang Manshan looked up and saw Mr. Tian getting off the donkey cart and coming slowly.

As I walked, I looked at the village. When I passed the vegetable field, I would squat down and take a closer look, and touch the leaves with my hands.

"Master Tian is here?" Yan Laoer was cutting potatoes. Hearing this, he quickly put down the knife, wiped his hands and ran out.

He ran halfway and then ran back.

"Mei! Look at me, aren't you rude?"

Li Xuemei smiled and said: "It's good. Your hair is not messy and you are energetic. Don't forget to take off your apron."

Yan Laoer sighed, "I almost forgot."

The great master came to Xiaoan Village. What a big event this was.

The whole village came running.

Under the leadership of Village Chief Luo, the whole village, young and old, knelt down in cheers.

Mr. Tian hurriedly helped the person up: "I am here today just to celebrate the festival with you. Don't be too polite, just be at ease. If you are not able to enjoy the festival because of my coming, it will be my fault. Hurry up.

Get up quickly, if this happens again, I will leave."

Village Chief Luo was relatively stable, and the village elders were a little excited and respectfully invited him to Yan's house.

The main room of the Yan family that had been vacant for a long time was finally put to use.

It welcomed its first important guest.

Yan Xiangheng was busy serving tea and water to entertain Mr. Tian and the village elders.

Yan Yu thought for a while and followed behind.

Da Ya saw that the two of them could keep busy here, so she turned to help her second uncle and Grandma Rong with the evening meal.

Li Xuemei went to Qi's house, and soon Qi Da brought a large wooden board.

After putting the bricks together and the wooden boards, there was a large square table in the yard.

It's easy to talk about stools. Every family in the village can borrow them.

Although they are all made at home, it is inevitable that they will look inconsistent, but at this time I don’t care about that.

It's hard to build a brick stool for Mr. Tian to sit on.

Mr. Tian was very friendly and asked about the land reclamation and farming in Xiaoan Village. He also asked everyone whether it was hard to go to the mountains to collect medicines. He thanked Xiaoan Village for collecting medicines. He also talked about the vegetables grown in the fields and emphasized the good things they grew at home.

, mentioned a few words about the house, and focused on asking whether the people in the village were all sitting on the bed, and then told the village elders in a normal way that the winter in Guanzhou is really cold.

Seeing that the village elders were gradually becoming less nervous, Mr. Tian asked Village Chief Luo again, "I heard from Yan Hushu that your village wants to build a waterwheel by the river. Is this possible?"

Village Chief Luo looked at Yan Huaiwen, who smiled at him.

"Sir, we want to build a water tanker by the river. It can bring water into the village. It will be convenient for us to drink and use water in the future. It can also water the fields. We don't have to carry buckets over there. It saves effort. I heard that the water tanker

It can also be used to push the mill, without the need for people or animals to push it. We brothers think that this waterwheel is good, so we want to consider building one."

"That's right. In our village, only the five boys from the Qi family know how to do carpentry. They will definitely fail in building this waterwheel. We just want to pay more attention in the future to find someone who is good at it and hire someone to help us repair it.


Mr. Tian turned around and asked Yan Huaiwen: "I just saw a foundation outside. Is this a watchtower that Huaiwen mentioned?"

"My lord Mingjian, it is exactly that." Yan Huaiwen said.

Mr. Tian narrowed his eyes and shook his head with a smile: "Arrow Tower is just Arrow Tower, so why not speak frankly? Am I so unreasonable in Huai Wen's heart?"

Yan Huaiwen said warmly: "Normally it is only used for looking into the distance. If the Beirong come again, it can also guard the countryside."

"How many people are good at shooting in the village?" Mr. Tian didn't care what his name was.

Watchtower or arrow tower, it doesn't matter.

"It's less than one hand, so the village still plans to build a high wall." Yan Huaiwen said.

This chapter has been completed!
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