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Chapter 342 The hair on the hair stands on end

Yan Laoer has more homework.

Others are practicing articles, composing poems, memorizing legal cases...

He kept copying books, one after another.

Mr. Tian mastered the speed of his copying and squeezed his time just right.

During the lunch break, Yan Laoer gritted his teeth and insisted on cooking, and delivered it to the elder as usual. The latter did not see him and only asked a servant to deliver a piece of paper with twenty large characters written on it.

It’s going to cost you your life!

He was struggling with the copybook his brother had written for him, and his eldest nephew whispered to him: "Uncle, uncle, the second boy is here!"

He looked up in confusion and saw the little head popping out from the door.

When a pair of big black eyes met his, they instantly burst out with joy.

I saw that there were no teachers in the school.

The daughter called him abruptly: "Dad!"

"Alas -" Yan Laoer stopped writing and ran over like a gust of wind.

"Xiao Er! You are here to see dad!"

Yan Laoer took his daughter's little hand, brought her in, and walked to his seat.

He asked belatedly: "How did you get in?"

"Hee hee!" Yan Yu pressed her index finger to her mouth and whispered, "I brought our fried chestnuts with sugar to Brother Menzi!"

The chestnuts were picked when we went to the mountains to collect herbs. The villagers had saved a lot of them, and they were mixed with the vegetables delivered a while ago. There were also some walnuts, hazelnuts, wild fruits... The quantity was not large, but it was quite impressive for each family to make up for it.

She thought that this trip would not be in vain, she would bring something for her father, and then buy something from Huju City on the way back.

We don’t have much sugar at home, and we need to prepare more salt.

It’s too expensive to make sauerkraut.

Grandma Rong also asked her to buy some ginger and garlic.

There are a lot of these two things, and the wild ginger and wild garlic found in the mountains and wastelands alone are not enough.

Yan Laoer introduced his daughter to several classmates who couldn't help but look around.

"This is my waiter, come on, say hello to the uncles."

Yan Yu called uncle one by one and received many greeting gifts.

These few people were not prepared in advance and took whatever they had in a hurry.

Some gave them a new pen, some gave them ink sticks they had just bought and hadn't had a chance to use yet, and the rest simply gave them broken silver or copper plates since they didn't have anything suitable.

Yan Yu was very Zhou Zheng, bowing and thanking everyone one by one.

Got a lot of praise.

Then she shyly took out the roasted chestnuts from her backpack.

Yan Laoer laughed so much that he almost shed tears.

If others don't know, how can he know?

His daughter picked it, but she didn't want to take it out at first, because she wanted him and his eldest nephew to eat alone, but everyone gave it as a greeting gift, so she felt embarrassed, so she took it out and asked him to share it with everyone.

Yan Laoer opened the cloth bag. Although it was not as good to eat when it was fresh out of the pot and when it was the hottest, these were freshly beaten chestnuts this year, and they were not willing to put sugar in them. They were sweet and glutinous. After eating one, I wanted to eat the second one and couldn't stop.


His classmates praised him and he felt so proud.

Needless to say, the praises from scholars are just pleasing to the ears and come in all kinds of ways.

I looked at the sky and saw that there was still some time before get out of class ended.

He decided to leave early again.

It doesn't matter where he writes his homework.

Yan Yu watched her father pack his things and also helped.

I was stunned when I saw those assignments.

so much!

Her dad worked really hard!

When the father and daughter returned to their residence, Yan Yu asked her father to sit upright. She looked at him and giggled, hehehe.

"What are you talking about?" Yan Laoer couldn't help but said.

"Dad! Let me tell you something, don't be too happy."

Yan Yu cleared her throat and spoke slowly: "Mother Rong can detect whether the baby in mother's belly is a boy or a girl."

"Mom doesn't want to ask right now, but I can't wait any longer, so I'm going to ask!"

Yan Laoer's eyes and mouth opened wide instantly!

"It's a girl, and she's a caring little cotton-padded jacket. Dad, are you happy?!"

When Yan Yu talked about it, she was still very happy and babbled: "She is a lovely sister, a soft, pink and tender girl, hahahaha! As soon as I know, I will come over and share it with you, Dad,

Are you so happy?!"

Yan Laoer was indeed happy. When he realized what he was doing, tears filled his eyes.

"Hello girl, hello girl! This is your sister, this is your sister! She..." Yan Laoer couldn't help but mutter happily. Suddenly he was startled and lost his words. He touched his eyes with his sleeve and grinned widely: "

I care about my daughter. The brat is raised by my mother-in-law, but my daughter is my own. She is cute, considerate, sensible, and lovable..."

Yan Laoer felt that his vocabulary was not enough, so he concluded: "Anywhere is fine, my old daughter, no, I have to go back and see your mother."

Yan Yu nodded repeatedly: "Go back and see if you can, don't tell anyone. I don't know what I think, so I won't ask. We just happened to be walking around in Huju to see if there is anything we can use. Let's buy it back first."

Yan Laoer was stunned for a moment, and then said: "That's right, your sister is going to give birth in winter. There are a lot of things to prepare. Let's go now. You go to the door and wait for me. I'll go and talk to the elder."

He felt like grass was growing in his heart right now, thinking that if he didn't finish his calligraphy homework, he wouldn't have finished it. At worst, he would have to come back and make up for it. Nothing was as important as his old daughter now.

Yan Yu knew that her father was different from others. In her family, son preference did not exist. Equality between men and women was just talk. Only daughters were the eldest treasure.

Her father is a true daughter slave.

Yan Laoer and Yan Yu were happily shopping in Huju City.

There are three hens in a cage. Take it without bargaining.

The rattles sold on the street are fun, so take them.

I have some colorful quilts for swaddling children at home, but I have to take them off.

Buy brown sugar and white sugar.

That package of exquisite and expensive snacks, buy them.

Candied haws on a stick... The eldest daughter is greedy and buys it.

Yan Laoer took his daughter to the cloth store again and bought cotton. He insisted on buying the white Songjiang cloth, saying that the color at home was too dark, so this was better. It looked translucent and felt soft.

Yes, buy it!

Yan Yu watched helplessly as her father's money bag continued to shrink.

When he finally bought garlic and ginger, Yan Laoer waved his hands and wrapped them for everyone...

The former disinfects and the latter warms the body. They are both good things and must be bought and taken home!

Yan Yu:……

But she didn't dare to take her father to continue shopping.

The two men walked almost all over Huju City, and it was getting dark before their eyes.

Yan Laoer seemed to be a little too excited, and suddenly remembered that he was going home. He had already talked to the eldest man, but he forgot to tell his eldest nephew.

With a slap on the forehead, the two of them returned to the government office.

Yan Yu was waiting at the door, and Yan Laoer went in to say something.

Yan Yu has a sweet mouth and a sweet smile. She is generous and has no stage fright. Everyone who meets her thinks she is a rare child.

Menzi smiled and chatted with her.


A rapid sound of gongs sounded from far to near.

Along with the sound of gongs came a male voice that changed its pitch and went out of tune.

"Beirong is coming!"

"The Beirong soldiers are coming!"

"Beirong is coming!"

The door immediately changed color, and he quickly moved the lower threshold open.

"Quickly, come in quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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