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Chapter 350 Siege

Mr. Tian looked at it and did not answer. Instead, he hurriedly ordered the servants around him: "Go and invite the second master quickly. The third master is here!"

Yan Laoer felt furious.

Obviously Beirong's offensive is not fierce, but the atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

"Sir, is it possible that the person asking for help had an accident? Send someone else!" Yan Laoer suggested.

Mr. Tian said solemnly: "The border defenses were lost and the Bei Rong invaded the pass. The tigers had a city to rely on. As usual, several guard posts would recover the lost territory, gather forces to chase down the invaders and clear the countryside before coming back.

Rush to the aid of this city."

Yan Laoer asked a very crucial question.

"Should we regain the border defense first or clear the countryside first?"

"Both are important, regardless of the order. Just look at the situation, and then the general will make a decision." Mr. Tian looked solemn.

"That is to say, the border troops haven't freed up their hands yet..." Yan Laoer asked: "Why do you think they are stuck?"

"If we have already started to clean up the bandits, why are there so many people gathered outside the city?"

Yan Laoer immediately understood what the elder meant.

If the border guards are recaptured and the Beirong forces within the territory are cut off from their retreat, they will just be turtles in a urn waiting to be caught. Will they still flock to Huju?

He will definitely only be thinking about how to kill him back.

Moreover, if the border troops have spare strength, they can send someone to come over and say something. Even if they can't get through, they can just shout from a distance.

But there is no movement at all, how can we not make people think the worst.

"Sir, are we just waiting for the border troops? Why don't we ask for help elsewhere?" Yan Laoer asked.

"How did you know I didn't have it!" Mr. Tian closed his eyes and remained silent.

Until the second master and the third master came in a hurry.

As soon as the three gentlemen got together, they started a heated discussion.

Yan Laoer stood not far away and listened to everything before he understood the reason behind this.

The elder believes that Beirong’s arrival this time is not a good one. He cannot hope that the letter asking for help will be sent smoothly. He must be prepared for the messenger to be surrounded, intercepted and killed. In addition, the border guards have not moved for a long time, and the movements of Beirong outside the city are also abnormal. The situation is

Increasingly out of control, he advocated lighting a beacon and calling for help.

The other two gentlemen disagreed, saying that the beacon tower cannot be lit easily. Once the smoke rises, it means that Huju City is in danger, and Longxing, Fengming, Yongning, Gufeng, and Changping will all send troops to help.

Especially in Longxing and Fengming, heavy troops rushing to support them means that the border guards are weak and are very likely to be taken advantage of.

Because Huju is close to Xizhou, if there is smoke of war, Xizhou will also send troops there.

When soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first.

There is a tacit understanding between the two governments to support each other. After the soldiers and thieves retreat, the food and grass must be replenished to others.

If it really came to that point, they would not be reluctant, but the second master and the third master had been in Huju longer than the eldest master, and they believed that the Beirong attack this time would not be enough to ignite the smoke of war.

They recognized the risk that the courier might be intercepted and thought that they could send more manpower to go out and ask for help.

The elder became anxious and asked the two men to go up to the tower and take a look down.

The second and third gentlemen are not lying, they just go up.

After watching it, there was another burst of noise.

Both sides hold their own opinions, and it is obvious that the big boss is alone and unable to quarrel with others.

Yan Laoer was feeling anxious while listening to it!

He had forgotten that there was such a convenient way to send messages.

However, he really understood the thoughts of the second master and the third master. If there was an accident and the situation was not so critical, the tiger smoked the beacon and the loss of food and grass was small, but it would be terrible if Beirong fell into the trap of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

Therefore, you have to be careful whether you order this thing or not.

But how to judge the situation outside the city now?!

They were surrounded to death.

Just when several gentlemen were so noisy that they forgot themselves.

Beirong is under attack!

A loud arrow was shot, and the whistle pierced the night sky.

The two parties inside and outside the city seemed to have pressed the start button of the war.

The Beirong troops surged forward, running forward with all their strength under the rain of arrows and flints. The iron hooks they threw were hung on the city wall, and were cut down by the swords of the soldiers guarding the city. Before they had time to cut down another iron hook, another iron hook was thrown.

When he came up, he happened to be hooked on him. The next moment, he was dragged off the city wall with great force...

There was also a Beirong archer who drew his bow and shot at the soldiers on the city. Each arrow was more fierce than the last. As the battle line continued to move towards Huju City, it became more and more advantageous for the archers. Both sides came and went, and those who died under the arrows

,more and more.

Beirong became fierce and tried to attack Huju, even if they suffered casualties.

Even if the tiger is here, it cannot be captured without mercy.

The border troops were well-trained, and while piling up people, they carried down their dead comrades and carried arrows and swords in an endless stream.

How can the three gentlemen have the time to argue?

"Quick, boil the water and can it!"

"Where are the iron filings? Send them up together with the kerosene!"

"Recruit civilian men to come here to defend against the enemy!"


The gong was struck again, this time not to announce the arrival of Beirong, but to summon people to help defend the city.

There were many people running away, and they all knew what they should do.

With the participation of the people in the city, the frontier army withstood Beirong's crazy attack without losing.

But everyone's heart was heavy.

Because Beirong's siege never stopped, as if it was endless.

The second master and the third master had never seen such a battle before, so they finally made up their minds.

Light up the smoke!

Xiaoan Village is ready!

Yan Yu didn't care whether what she said was inappropriate for her age.

Right now, surviving is the most important thing.

It is not advisable to concentrate on one or two arrow towers.

It was full of people and it was very difficult to move around.

There are only a few people who can stand on the arrow tower, but the rest of them can't get up even if they have crossbows in their hands, which is a huge waste.

It is most reasonable to divide the personnel of the five arrow towers evenly.

They can cooperate with each other and form a linkage trend.

But it won't work if we only rely on these five arrow towers.

Someone must be outside to support them, otherwise once they are surrounded, they will be dead.

All the donkeys, mules and carts including the Yan family's ox cart started moving.

Transport food and wood to each arrow tower.

The former is to preserve more food as much as possible.

The latter is because there are not enough bamboo arrows, so they can only bring their own kitchen knives and sickles at home and cut them freshly...

This is also a hopeless solution.

They had tried their best to collect arrows scattered on the ground, but when they thought about the number of people who might come from Beirong, they still felt that it was far from enough.

All the wooden boards were removed from every house, leaving no one behind.

The people of Xiaoan Village found that the door panels are really easy to use. They can block arrows and knives. At critical moments, they can even pounce on people with the door panels.

If you can't crush him to death, stabbing him to death will be the same.

In the previous battle, they had harvested a lot of swords and bows, and after distributing them, Xiao'an Village's dilemma of not having enough bamboo crossbows was greatly alleviated.

The door panel is in front, the bamboo crossbow and strong bow are in the back, and each team is equipped with at least two knives...

Yan Yu expressed satisfaction. This is currently the strongest configuration of Xiaoan Village.

This chapter has been completed!
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