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Chapter 356 No retreat

The reason why I didn't tell Mr. Tian in my last letter was because the victims were still here. If they didn't register and register, something might happen unexpectedly.

He doesn't like to talk too early, and it's not too late to talk until things are done.

Li Tou was on duty tonight. Hearing the sound, he looked carefully where he was going and saw a figure running towards him quickly.

The person came closer. When he saw the person clearly, he let out a sigh and recognized it as a boy from Xiao'an Village.

At this time, Li Tou couldn't help but murmur in his heart, fearing that something was wrong.

Ertie went to Xiucai Gong and told him exactly what the waiter asked him to say.

After listening, Yan Huaiwen quickly grasped a few key points.

So far, no news has come out from the border guards and Huju. Instead, people from Xiao'an Village came to report the news. There were many people coming from Beirong this time, and they intercepted and killed the messengers at the main roads, which caused the information in Zhucheng to be blocked.

God Bless, as people from the mountains went to the countryside to collect grain, Xiao'an Village was definitely targeted by Beirong.

As for why Beirong knew about it, there should be lurking spies who secretly reported the news. The loss of the border defense was probably related to this. Otherwise, why did Mr. Tian's three years of building city defenses be lost in one fell swoop? Without internal cooperation, foreign thieves would not

Easy to get.

The reason for this will be investigated in detail in the future.

The most urgent task now is to send troops as soon as possible!

Yan Huaiwen made up his mind, found a new pair of clean masks, put them on, and walked quickly towards the city gate.

"Hurry and report to the Great Master that Beirong has entered the pass and Huju has been lost. Please send troops to help as soon as possible!"

When the officer guarding the city gate heard this, he fell asleep for a while and then disappeared.

Hurry into the city and report.

The eldest man from Gu Fengcheng arrived quickly.

He was accompanied by the assembled defenders.

Yan Huaiwen glanced at it and knew the approximate number of people. Gu Feng's permanent city guard army had more than a thousand people. Excluding some miscellaneous soldiers, the regular army was less than a thousand. There were about 500 in front of him, which accounted for half, which was quite generous.

"Please, Sir, please lend me a few military horses to rush to Huju for rescue." Yan Huaiwen solemnly requested.

The eldest man in Gu Fengcheng has a certain liking for Yan Huaiwen. Literati have this problem. They like people who are knowledgeable, well-written, capable of doing things, knowledgeable and knowledgeable. Yan Huaiwen also has something that most people don't have, good looks, good manners...

If Yan Hushu hadn't already had a grown-up son and a daughter, he wouldn't have minded that he was a widower and wanted to betroth his daughter to him.

Even though he is a commoner, he is still the pearl in his palm.

He has three sons, but this is the only daughter, and he really wants to find a husband for her.

This Yan Huaiwen has a promising future. Once he enters the officialdom, he will be like a fish in the sea and a bird in the sky!

"It's easy to talk about this. I have sent someone to Yongning to report the news. Secretary Yan Hu must remember not to rush in hastily. We should wait for reinforcements from the city and discuss together a good strategy to save the city."

Yan Huaiwen raised his hand and saluted, accepting the great master's kindness.

Seeing that Yan Huaiwen understood, the eldest man of Gu Fengcheng sighed.

The clerk next to him saw this and comforted him: "My lord, don't worry. As soon as the reinforcements arrive, the Beirong will retreat as soon as they know they are outnumbered."

He glanced at the document with disgust. The old man didn't want to speak.

Look, why there is such a big difference!

First, he hinted that Gu Feng's city defense army would take Yan Huaiwen's opinions seriously.

In this way, he was qualified to negotiate with the reinforcements sent by Fucheng.

After all, Yan Hushu is from Huju, so he will be more prepared for Huju to avoid being suppressed by others who put the overall situation first and ignore Huju's defeat.

Just think of it as repaying the favor of Master Tian for sending people to Gufeng to rescue the victims.

Second, people from Yanhu Shu Village came to report and asked for help.

As far as he knew, Xiao'an Village was just halfway between Yongning and Huju. With his 500 city guard troops, he could save a small village... and it was probably enough to wait for the government army to have a break.

It will not delay the military situation, but also help the people. Taking both into consideration, why not do it?

Yan Huaiwen already knew the meaning of his words, so he showed his courtesy.

Don't say anything in your mouth, keep it in your heart.

But this idiot in front of me actually thought that I was worried about Beirong not retreating...

Beirong is the most cunning wolf group. If their goal is achieved, will they still fail to fight to the death?

The military horses raised in Gu Fengcheng are strong and tall. At first glance, they are good horses that have been carefully raised.

Since he was rushing to help the tiger, his speed was extremely fast.

Li Tou and the other officials could barely keep up, but Yan Huaiwen, on the other hand, kept pace with the leading young generals and did not fall behind.

The two were very close to each other and communicated on horseback all the way.

The second iron was led by a guard. Not far from the two men, he could see clearly that the general threw a bow and quiver to Xiucai Gong, who caught them on his horse.

The bow and arrow soon came in handy.

When the team found Beirong ambushing halfway, it was Xiucai Gong who drew the bow and shot the first arrow!

Quick and accurate!

Kill with one arrow!

This arrow shocked the guarding army of Gu Fengcheng.

They all praised it loudly!

After annihilating dozens of enemies, Yan Huaiwen shot six to death by himself.

Guard Gu Feng became more and more convinced.

Ertie felt something was different, but couldn't tell.

Li Tou was talking to his men from behind: "This Yan Hushu is really capable of literary and military skills. He will be more polite to the Yan family in the future. Our eldest brother appreciates him. After changing places, eldest son Gu Feng still appreciates him...


"I don't know what's going on in Huju. They say they are being surrounded. There are soldiers ambushing me on the way to Gufeng... I'm so panicked!"

"Brothers, what's the matter? We can't count on these reinforcements. We have to work hard on our own to fill our stomachs quickly. Don't be weak. You can't lift the knife or chop off your head. I can't say that I have lost my private house this time.

I can earn it back and save my mother-in-law from staring at me like a human being every day without even being able to have a nice drink..."

Xiao'an Village's defense line is constantly retreating.

Without Yan Yu's order, not a single arrow was shot from the arrow tower in the entire Xiao'an Village.

It's all up to the people below to hold up door panels, wooden sticks, and knives to fight against Beirong.

Beirong looked at them like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and all their current struggles were in vain. They rushed harder and harder each time like a tease, watching them deal with it in a helter-skelter manner, struggling from left to right.

They worked hard and killed several more Beirong people.

What's worse is that several door panels could not withstand the double attacks of arrows and knives, and they broke apart. Beirong seized the opportunity and injured several people.

If the people next to him hadn't rescued him quickly and the knife and stick behind the door panel hadn't reacted in time, he might not have been injured but would have lost his life.

The injured were taken to the Arrow Tower.

"Back off!" Yan Yu's voice was no longer clear and became a bit hoarse.

The remaining door panels quickly retreated, widening the distance between them and Beirong.

Leaning against the arrow tower, I saw that there was no way to retreat.

Beirong had long seen the tube tower erected in the village, and there were several children on it who kept poking their heads.

There is only one entrance down there, and the people in this village must be hiding here.

This chapter has been completed!
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