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Chapter 370 Please

After Master Tian finished speaking, he picked up his robe and slowly knelt down.

Yan Huaiwen also fell to his knees.

Yan Laoer will definitely not be able to stand anymore, and he can kneel down easily.

Gu Feng's young general stood up quickly as if he had been burned.

People coming from Fucheng are a little slow.

The Prince of England hurriedly stepped forward to help the man up.

He looked moved and said: "Sir, why are you doing this?"

"Huju has been lost, and we cannot escape the blame for our crimes. I beg you, Your Majesty, to allow us to make meritorious deeds, settle down the people, and spend this winter!"

I beg the prince... to have mercy!"

Mr. Tian had tears in his eyelashes. At this time, he could not care about any decency or decency.

It is even more helpless to beg the heir who has just got married and is not as good as a weakling.

He just saw that the prince had a kind heart and couldn't bear to bully him.

Wang Shizi opened his mouth and allowed the officials to be temporarily exempted from punishment and continue to serve.

He has selfish motives, but they are selfish for the public good.

If the tiger suddenly changes, the people will panic, and the people's hearts will panic. It's not easy to change!

At this time of year, stability should be the priority.

Stabilize the people's hearts and minds, and stabilize the tiger's position.

The government offices are still able to act and maintain governance, but it is not a good time to change things!

If someone else takes over this mess, they won't be able to do better than them.

It’s not because he has a villain’s heart and speculates on the people who will come after him.

It is true that Huju's situation cannot withstand any more storms.

The face of the Crown Prince of England changed, and he soon calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "My Lord, I am already aware of your request. Since you have reported the news in time, and have done meritorious service in resisting the enemy, I order you to temporarily stay in your original post, and under the rule of peace and prosperity, you will be punished and meritorious!"

"Thank you, Prince Hong." Mr. Tian thanked you.

This time the prince helped him, and Mr. Tian stood up.

"Huaiwen, are there any consequences for the casualties of the people in this city?" Mr. Tian asked in front of the prince.

Yan Huaiwen also stood up when Mr. Tian stood up, and even gave his younger brother a hand.

"Your Excellency, Your Majesty, the people in the city who died in this battle...among them the elderly...young and strong...the mutilated women...the children...

Seriously injured...slightly injured...

Lost women and children...the people have not been found..."

Yan Huaiwen presented the collected figures one by one in handwriting.

"Here is the list of those who were killed in the Huju city guard army."

"The corpses of Beirong have also been inspected and found to be correct. I will ask the prince later and the general will send someone to count the heads to see if there are any errors."

"Teacher, there are a few things I don't understand, and I want to ask you." Yan Laoer supported the elder and slowly moved towards the backyard.

"I told you before my teacher came here that you should listen first and ask me if you don't understand anything. If you don't understand something, just ask." Mr. Tian said harmoniously.

"Teacher, what will happen to our government officials if we are questioned?" This is what Yan Laoer is most concerned about.

"It is not a trivial matter to fail to protect one's territory. If you want to punish the crime, you need to have evidence.

We have no excuse for the city being broken, but the border guards broke through too quickly and did not deliver the message in time, so the government officials had unknown reasons.

Hu Ju lit up the beacon, reported the news in time, and did not make a big mistake, so it can be regarded as a success.

The officers and soldiers of our army were united, and the entire city perished. It was shocking! The situation was pitiful.

Then there are the two adults, Xiao and Zhang, who have shown their loyalty by sacrificing their lives for justice.

The tiger has taken possession of these few things... it should be fine."

Yan Laoer wondered: "If nothing happens, then why..."

"For such a big thing as Beirong's destruction of the city, the imperial court will definitely send someone to take over the government affairs, take custody of us, and investigate in many ways." Mr. Tian sighed: "I have suffered a terrible fate as a teacher, which makes the prince feel pity.

The prince has shouldered the responsibility for us to stay in office. Don't think that he just accepted it lightly. After returning, I still don't know what the prince's attitude will be and whether he will reprimand him. Although Guanzhou is a fiefdom for the prince, it can't be done.

We, the officials, are all appointed by the imperial court, and it is really an embarrassing thing for the prince to bear this responsibility in front of him. It is his selfishness as a teacher, and he has been plotted against him..." Mr. Tian sighed deeply.

Yan Laoer didn't want it to be so complicated.

He sighed with emotion: "That prince is really good."

Mr. Tian looked at him and said: "Your brother has made great contributions to this. In a short period of time, he has clarified the internal and external aspects of the tiger's nest. The government has been clear and clear, the people have support, and they are extremely sad, so that people from the city can look up to us."

One glance, otherwise His Majesty's mercy alone would not be enough. If someone were to stop him, your teacher would not be able to succeed today.

There is also a man named Gu Feng, who has not said a word, but his actions cannot be false. He is on our side, probably because of your brother's face.

I'm just glad that your brother will take the exam next year. At this critical moment, I really can't live without him!"

Speaking of his brother, Yan Laoer had a smile on his face: "My brother is really good. He is smart and capable. He doesn't panic when things happen. He is also good at literature and martial arts. Sir, no, teacher, you are really discerning. You can spot him right when you meet him."


Oops, I just remembered that I haven't told my brother that you will accept me as a student. No, I have to go and talk to him and ask my brother what the regulations are for becoming a disciple. Don't worry, it should be there.

We all have etiquette, so I’m sure it will be the same!”

Mr. Tian narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

Needless to say, his disciple's straight-talking vernacular is quite pleasing to the ear once you get used to it.

"Brother, big brother!" Yan Laoer squatted beside him for a long time. Finally, when there was no one around his brother, he hurriedly called for someone to pull Yan Huaiwen aside.

"What's the matter?" Yan Huaiwen asked calmly.

"What, brother, Mr. Tian wants to accept me as his student, and I agreed." Yan Laoer whispered.

Yan Huaiwen glanced at him and said coolly: "I understand."

He thought to himself: You have already agreed, but why are you here to tell me?

Yan Laoer felt his brother's pulse accurately, but when he looked at his brother, he felt unhappy.

He hurriedly explained: "Brother, you don't know how pitiful the eldest master was at that time. He hasn't recovered from the death of the second master and the third master. He said that I am good, said that I have a kind heart, and praised me. I'm sorry.

I know that he was grateful to me for holding him along all the way, so he didn't act like the second master or the third master...

I don't want to acknowledge any kind of life-saving grace. It's just that he is old and has no children. He wants to take in a student. He doesn't want me to take the official exam to make him look good or something. He just wants to have a career.

A support.

I didn't respond at first. The old man's look was too... Anyway, it was quite unbearable. He wanted to cry or not. It made me uncomfortable. I just thought about it and accepted it. No matter if he was a teacher or something, I would treat him well.

From now on, he should be treated like his relatives and elders, respect him, take care of him, and just move around more.

Otherwise, what can you say to fix it? Before the city was destroyed, the old man shouted: Defend the city to the death, but after the city was destroyed, he would arrange his clothes like this and this, as if he was seeking death..."

Yan Laoer gestured and his voice slowly lowered.

Thinking of those scenes that I didn't want to think of, my eyes started to turn red.

Yan Huaiwen was relieved.

Mr. Tian's eyes are quite vicious.

His family is blessed by God and his heart is most kind.

Just look at what Mr. Tian is doing in the hall today. How can his Tianyou resist it? Besides recognizing this teacher, what else can he do?

This chapter has been completed!
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