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Chapter 417 The eighth platform opens

"I was still thinking that the platform has a greater chance of opening on this day, and sure enough it's coming." Yan Yu pretended to study the calendar while peeking at her mother's face.

He keeps talking about everything. He needs to think carefully about what was on the shelves last time the platform was opened. He doesn’t know who he can connect to this time. It will take a long time for the platform to be opened. Oops, he has to prepare quickly now.

Get up...

Make yourself look very busy.

Li Xuemei looked at her calmly.

Yan Yu stopped her one-man show and flirted with her mother with a smile.

Holding her little throat, she said in a long and delicate voice: "Mother——"

"Why don't you say anything anymore? Keep going!" Li Xuemei said lightly.

Yan Yu smiled. Without her father's cooperation, it would be awkward for her to act alone...

At this moment, I miss my dad so much!

Li Xuemei nodded her forehead helplessly: "You! Your father and I used to worry about what to do with this lazy and greedy girl. She doesn't know anything. How will you live without us...

Now you seem to be a new person, capable, able to endure hardships, and you can support your family and the village. My mother is happy but also distressed.

Xiaoyu, don’t push yourself too hard, life has to pass day by day, and nothing can be accomplished overnight.”

Her daughter is obviously a child who wants to lie down, but now she is working harder than anyone else.

Yan Yu: So, mother is not actually angry that she didn’t tell her in advance?

She thought about it seriously and said: "Mom, you know me, salted fish is my heart, lying down is my ambition!

But in this world, it is really difficult to live such a life.

The platform's judgment of the degree of danger... When we first came here, there was a drought, and when we fled famine there were epidemics, and then we encountered the Beirong. On this day this year, I don't know how many people in Guanzhou will freeze to death when it gets cold.

I didn't think I could change anything, I couldn't.

I just want our family to live well.

That's really what I thought at first.

But mother, what touches me the most is not those who have died, but those who live seriously every moment.

They neither complain about hardship nor complain about tiredness. They work diligently and work hard without complaining.

Such people should not suffer so much. They should be rewarded for their hard work.

The uncle said that our family does not need to do anything more, as long as we do what we think is right according to our own wishes.

If we fail, we should learn from it and start over again. We have a little more capital to try and make mistakes than the people in the village.

If we succeed, everyone will be happy, people will admire the strong and follow the crowd. The path we have traveled is the path they can take.

It’s not about carrying everyone on your back and carrying a heavy burden, but it’s about being a leader and letting people see the direction and hope..."

Every time Yan Yu thinks back to her uncle's words of instruction, she feels that every word is so important that it is so inspiring.

"I am not a child with no strength. Except for the three uncles of the Qi family, I am stronger than the uncles in the village. More importantly, my heart is strong." She pointed to her head and said every word.

: "An adult who has received modern education."

"Mom, if I don't dare to try something, then who can?"

“Natural disasters are terrible, but as long as we find the right methods, we can minimize the losses.

And man-made disasters are not unsolvable problems.

I don't know how to march troops to fight, but there are always people who can. I just want to do enough preliminary preparations first, feel out Beirong's background, and find out their strength, so that when I really need to use it, I won't have two people.

His eyes went dark.

Hehe, you know what you are doing, and as for cattle and sheep...what, mother, aren't you really greedy?" Yan Yu smiled flatteringly, shaking Li Xuemei's arm.

Li Xuemei felt sour and numb.

There is pride and pride, but when I heard the end, I had no choice but to laugh.

This child has really... grown up!

The night is deep.

Gouzhu stood up and cupped Yan Yu's head with his dog's head.

The latter got up in a hurry, stroked the dog's head hard, and then lit the oil lamp that had been prepared long ago.

He called softly: "Mom, Mom, I'm going out."

Li Xuemei didn't dare to fall asleep. She would wake up whenever the dog made any movement over there.

The oil lamp was lit, and a dim yellow warm light spread out.

Yan Yu was putting on the cotton clothes on her body, and while putting it on, she said: "Mom, please continue to sleep. Although Dad is not here, there is still Grandma Rong. I will be back in an hour at most."

Li Xuemei paused as she touched her clothes.

If you want to get up and follow along, your words become: "Okay."

My daughter has grown up, and like an eagle whose wings are getting fuller, she needs to flap her wings in the sky and experience the wind and rain on her own.

Yan Yu went out, and the cold wind penetrated her neck unceremoniously. She shrank her neck, wrapped her scarf more tightly, and walked towards the backyard with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

He managed to hold himself back and ran to grab the rope on the sledge, pulling it and following behind.

The snow finally stopped, leaving a patch of uneven snow.

A gust of wind blows, and the snow smoke flies up, swirling with the wind, shaking like a veil, and falling to the ground uncontrollably.

Yan Yu opened the small door of the backyard, pulled the donkey out, and closed the door gently.

Get on the donkey.

The donkey galloped through the snow, leaving behind a plowing hole in the snow. The dog also ran wildly, and the sledge behind him left two shallow traces. After a while, they were covered by the wind and snow, leaving no trace.

Grandma Rong got ready early.

The cellar was opened and several torches were lit inside.

As soon as Yan Yu arrived, he came down directly.

The telescope and trebuchet that were exchanged last time are all here, as well as wooden boats and other things. I have never found a suitable opportunity to show up.

Yan Yu looked at the time, there were ten minutes left.

She took out the small book in her schoolbag and scanned the products on the shelves written on it.

Thinking about what will change this time.

Aunt Rong pointed to it, and Yan Yu nodded to her: "As soon as it reaches 0 o'clock, Aunt Rong, please bring the food down."

It has become a routine to prepare some meals every time the platform is opened, preferably hot.

The choice of users connected to the platform seems to follow this pattern, one is better off, and the other is more unlucky.

Compared with other friends, she is the lucky one.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! When Grandma Rong came out of the cellar, there was only Yan Yu here.

From being accompanied by her family to facing her alone.

Only five short months.

time up.

【Please confirm whether the surrounding environment is safe?】


A familiar page appears in front of you.

Yan Yu looked at the time first, 30 minutes.

She scanned each shelf and matched the products on them one by one.

The seeds are missing.

Fruits and vegetables are gone too.

Only eggs are left on the meat and egg shelves.

On the tool shelves, the fishing nets and harpoons disappeared.

The rice, flour, grains, oils, and seasonings are still the same. Because they were all emptied last time, the quantity on the shelves today has doubled.

All kinds of fabrics remain the same, but the number of cotton, cotton-padded clothes, quilts, and cotton shoes has increased.

Obviously the shelves were not empty last time.

This change made Yan Yu more sure that the platform's shelves changed according to the region and environment where she was located.

Grandma Rong also mentioned the need to prepare more charcoal for the winter.

It seems that this winter is indeed not easy...

The free market icon is not flashing.

She thought for a moment and tentatively touched it with her hand.

Before she could make a move, the icon flashed.

His silky fingers clicked on it, and it clicked almost instantly.

The person opposite was obviously stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"Brother Qin Huai!" Yan Yu greeted with a smile.

Qin Huai clearly felt the change in the little sister opposite him.

There was something different in the familiar smile, making her seem to have grown up.

"Hey, where are you?" Yan Yu asked curiously.

From her side, she could see the place where her little brother was. It was dark, like...a cellar.

She looked at her side and saw, yes, it looked similar.

It's just that the walls on her side are made of dirt, and the little brother's side is reinforced with iron plates and wooden boards.

"This is the shelter I dug myself." Qin Huai was a little embarrassed, and his ears on both sides slowly began to turn red.

He hurriedly explained: "I was afraid that making too much noise would attract zombies and mutant beasts, so I dug it out slowly by myself without using a forklift or other tools."

"Yourself?" Yan Yu's eyes widened: "It looks pretty big, you did it all by yourself? Brother Qin Huai, you are so awesome!"

The corners of Qin Huai's mouth curled up without any trace.

"Let's trade first. If there is still time, I will show you."

He himself didn't want to exchange anything, but it seemed that Xiaoyu liked to exchange various supplies with online users.

Yan Yu heard this and asked, "Brother Qin Huai, do you want anything?"

Seeing that the little brother opposite hesitated for a moment and shook his head gently, she spread her little hands, shrugged, and smiled easily: "Me neither!"

Without waiting for the other party to ask questions, Yan Yu started talking non-stop: "The place I am now in is Guanzhou Prefecture. It snowed early this year and the weather is getting colder. Even the shelves on the platform are prepared for me to keep warm.

"I think it will definitely be very cold in the next few months... Gaba Gaba Leng." Her last sentence was in Guanzhou dialect, which is the modern northern dialect.

The people opposite her were amused by her, and their expressions became more and more relaxed.

"My house has been built, and each room has a fire pit. It will keep you warm after it is burned. I have gathered the autumn vegetables before it gets cold. Look behind me...

There are two cellars in my house. This is one of them. It is secret and not known to outsiders.

There are quite a lot of these dishes. My father and I also went to other places to buy a lot of grain and store it. We burned charcoal with friends at home and sold it. It is incomparable to what we used to do, but in our Xiao'an Village and even in Huju City

, Guanzhou Prefecture, I don’t know how many people would envy my family’s life like this.”

Yan Yu said with a smile.

Qin Huai was keenly aware of her emotional changes.

"What happened?"

Grandma Rong came down on time, carrying the food she had prepared in advance.

Yan Yu is generous to her friends.

They met each other in the most difficult time, supporting each other and warming each other. Although they only met a few times, each time it was like a war. There was no time to understand each other, no time to introduce themselves, and they were in a hurry...

But everyone left a deep impression on her. Apart from her parents, they were the most affectionate people in her heart.

They have the same roots, no matter where they are, their hearts are always in the same place.

Grandma Rong spent so much effort to preserve the little pig.

They were the ones killed by Beirong.

Yan Yu took it out today and planned to share it with friends.

"Hehe, my family raised pigs, but it was a pity that Beirong destroyed them before they were big enough. Today we are eating roasted suckling pig. Brother Qinhuai, you can change it to whatever you have over there. Eat it while it's hot. It won't be crispy when it's cold.


Yan Yu displayed the cut roast suckling pig.

Qin Huai pulled two large bags of snacks from his side.

"I don't know if these can be traded..." he said unconfidently.

He didn't think much about it when he was looking for it and collected a lot. But after he came back, he remembered the limitations of platform trading.

The packaging is difficult to pass, and the food inside, especially some puffed foods and snacks such as jelly, I wonder if it can be passed.

"Let's try it." Yan Yu looked at the two big bags of snacks and salivated.

So greedy, so greedy!

"If you can, change it. If you can't change it, keep it for yourself. You are over there, I am here, and we are together." Yan Yu said with a smile.

Roast suckling pig exchange snacks.


Yan Yu cheered and ate the potato chips.

Click, click, click, don’t tear the package, just eat it directly, don’t mention it, it’s quite enjoyable!

Too bad there is no ice coke!

Yan Yu still felt a little regretful.

But this is already very good. People need to be content. This was something that I wouldn’t have dared to think about just a few months ago!

As she clicked, she said: "I think I have to be satisfied. I have food, clothing, a place to live, and money on me. It's really good. I don't waste the energy of the platform. I can't exchange for the sake of exchange. The real me

If you need or need it, trade it again. Well, let’s just say it was a bit wasteful this time, haha, but eating these things makes me feel so happy! This should be regarded as spiritual satisfaction, even higher than stomach satisfaction, hehe, little one

Brother, are you right?"

Whether Xiaoyu calls him little brother or Qin Huai brother, he doesn't mind.

At this moment, they are connected through the platform, not for anything else but simply chatting. This experience is very fresh and rare.

"I agree with your idea. Only by adapting to the present and integrating into the present can we live better." Qin Huai picked a piece of roasted suckling pig and ate it. It was charred on the outside, tender on the inside, crispy and fragrant.

"Is the Beirong you just mentioned the one I thought of? A foreigner?" Qin Huai asked.

Yan Yu then told him about Beirong's robbery of Huju.

"They all came to our village. Since we couldn't escape, we had to fight hard. Fortunately, we built arrow towers early and prepared a lot of bamboo crossbows. We killed them all in one fell swoop and took the heads of each one.

Two taels of silver reward, haha, our village suddenly became rich, and we had money to store food for the winter.

The people in the village have also grown a lot after this time. In the future, if those Beirong come again, they must look good!"

Yan Yu clicked fiercely, and she started eating French fries again.

Potato chips and fries are both made from potatoes, but the taste is still different. It's hard to tell the difference. Yan Yu likes both, hehe.

She not only talked about killing Beirong, but also said that she was going to cross the mountain to explore the enemy's situation.

It's just a matter of picking up cows and goats, ahem, she didn't say anything, I'm sorry.

It seemed like she only wanted to eat.

This chapter has been completed!
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