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Chapter 446 We are transporting cattle and sheep in the mountains

On a snowy night, the grassland is vast and empty.

The not-high snow wall keeps people, cattle and sheep together, keeping each other warm.

The men in Xiaoan Village gave some of the dry food they brought to the children. The children immediately ran away and handed the food they were holding tightly to their mothers. They looked at them one by one and wrapped them up and carried them on their backs.

Here, again, were the men who were feeding them. In their innocent deer-like eyes, there was fear, panic, curiosity and... desire!

The women roasted the dry food by the fire for a while. When it was not so cold, they broke off the soft part inside with their hands and put it into the children's mouths, while they themselves ate the dry and hard outside.

While feeding, she told her child over and over again in a very small voice:

The grassland is not my mother's home, it is over the mountains.

That place is called Guanzhou, and my mother is from Guanzhou. I know that my mother and aunts were kidnapped by the Beirong, and people from my hometown came to rescue them. From now on, they will no longer be beaten, and no one will bully them. They will finally... go back.


Yan Yu sounded very sad.

She looked at the cows waving their tails comfortably and the sheep, who were always good-natured.

The reason why they came here is for these cattle and sheep.

There may be some thoughts of revenge against Beirong.

But the focus is indeed on cattle and sheep.

It was purely a coincidence that these women and children were saved.

Yan Yu: "Dad, do you think the border army knew that there were people kidnapped in Beirong's tent..."

Yan Huaiwen looked at her thoughtfully.

"How could I not know?" Yan Laoer lowered his voice: "But what can we do if we know? The grassland is so big and they always change places, so it's hard to find them."

Yan Yu looked away from the women and children and fell on the fire. The burning flames illuminated her eyes and flickered.

"They said this was a tribe from Beirong that was set up to herd cattle and sheep. The priests in the tribe predicted that there would be a white plague this year. The regular pastures every year were not enough for the cattle and sheep, so some people were sent out to herd.

There should be others who are separated for grazing like this..."

Yan Laoer frowned, understanding what his daughter meant. It was precisely because he understood that he was so entangled.

"Xiao Er, they are too far away from us. Look at us this time, for fear of being exposed, we stayed on the edge of the mountain with donkeys and mules. We didn't even have a means of transportation. We came here on legs. If we were further away, the round trip alone would take us

We walked for several days, in this heavy snowy weather, it was unbearable for a long time.

This time Beirong was unprepared. Since he came out of the tribe, there must be a connection between the two sides. If no one is seen for a long time, he will come out to look for him. Next time, he will not be so easy to succeed."

Yan Huaiwen suddenly said: "You can do it once, you can do it twice, but you can't do it again."

"The tiger troops on the border have not yet been replenished. If they act frequently and attract the Beirong army to invade the border in large numbers, which one is more important than saving a few people?"

"Uncle, I don't think it's good to just defend and not get out. The more we do this, the more unbridled Beirong will be!" Yan Yu looked serious: "The soldiers on the border are short of troops, but Longxing and Fengming have them. Yongning City is not

There are also... at least, at least we should go out on time to clean up, show our fists, and let Beirong know that we are not easy to mess with." Yan Yu waved his fist.

Yan Huaiwen had a smile in his eyes.

But he still shook his head and said: "The Guanzhou border has been extended. Once we are dragged to a certain place by Beirong, we will lose sight of one thing and regret it too late.

When we leave the pass, if the Beirong army is outnumbered, they can flee in all directions and cannot be pursued. On the contrary, if the Beirong army enters the pass, where will the people of Guanzhou go to hide?

Mr. Tian's policy of repairing the border is indeed one method: first make peace with the inside and then attack the outside.

Building a strong army does not happen overnight. Guanzhou has few people, poor production, lack of silver and grain, and no good generals..."

Yan Yu fell into deep thought.

Liang Jiufang added: "Then one day, there will be a lot of soldiers in Guanzhou, money... maybe not much, but it does have some food, uh, enough to eat, and a powerful general..."

Yan Huaiwen smiled slightly and said: "We have strong soldiers and strong horses, sufficient food and grass, and good commanders to supervise us. Why worry about being victorious?"

Yan Yu clenched her fists and looked at her father subconsciously.

Yan Laoer looked at her in horror.

Hey, Dabao, if you look at your dad at this time, he is feeling very stressed.

The two brothers of the Yan family parted ways in the forest.

Continue moving forward through the mountains and back to the village.

Retrace your steps and return to Huju.

The people of Xiaoan Village have had a difficult journey.

There are always large beasts hanging far away, waiting for an opportunity.

There are also wolves, they are the ones who visit most frequently.

Yan Laoer once again complained to his daughter: "Look at the eyes of those wolves. They look at us as if we are here to deliver meat to them. They are afraid that I will run away with the meat and stare..."

"Dad, don't be distracted. They've been following you for two days and they can't bear it any longer." Yan Yu's little face tightened: "I'll go take a look from behind."

After saying that, he pulled the reins, and the donkey took the lead and ran to the back of the team.

"Uncle Luo, please light the torch." Yan Yu said.

In the past two days, they had relied on setting fires and torches to drive away the wolves. It was still daytime, so logically they shouldn't light it, but she felt that it was better not to save it at this time.

"Well, I'll go talk to them." Luo Da was always calm and agreed with lighting the torch at this time.

Hu Er also fell at the end of the team, and the long bow in his hand had been replaced by a crossbow.

Crossbows are faster.

Two young men, Da Gouzi and Wang Dahu, followed him and acted as Hu Er's "arrow boys".

The people of Xiaoan Village have tasted the sweetness of ensuring the output of the strongest shooter, and will continue to do so unless there are any accidents.

Cui Langzhong was originally placed at the front of the team, but he was worried about his son, so he retreated little by little, and finally fell into the back half of the team. Although he also held a crossbow in his hand and fiddled with it nervously from time to time, everyone in the village knew that Cui

The doctor is a fake, and his archery accuracy is not as good as his two dogs.

Yan Yu looked at the wolves surrounding him from behind and on both sides, and the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Yan Laoer was worried and ran over.

"How's it going? I see the torches are all lit?"

"Dad, we can't go any further." Yan Yu said quickly: "Find a place, let's stop and arrange the arrangements. If the wolves do come, at least we will be prepared."

It is better than being suddenly attacked by wolves while walking. The villagers are not afraid of wolves. Although there are many of them, the people of Xiaoan Village are not vegetarians. What matters are the cattle, sheep, and the rescued women and children.

The team is too long and can easily be broken up by wolves.

Yan Laoer looked into the distance and immediately shouted forward: "Stop everyone, surround me with me as the center, surround everyone."

"Sambo, go there." Yan Laoer pointed to a big tree that was not too tall but very strong.

The height is compared with the surrounding trees. In fact, this old tree, which looks very old at first glance, is more than one foot. Even if it withers in winter, its branches are still very luxuriant. At a glance, it looks like a tree that has been blown away by the strong wind.



(I have received a lot of concern from my relatives. Zhai Zhai is feeling better today, but his heartbeat is still very fast when he moves. I took Jiuxin Pills four times from yesterday to today, but don’t worry, it’s not very critical. I’m just scared o(*//


I really don’t dare to stay up late anymore. There are no people in my circle of friends today. It seems that it’s because of the busy work and the energy and effort that people suddenly lost~~~

Hey, hey, I haven’t lived enough at home~

In fact, I can still get the full attendance this month with hard work, but I want to give up, because my life is still at stake. In the second half of March, I will first ensure that there are updates every day. If I have enough energy, I will update twice, and try my best to give

Come back to normalcy in this chaotic life that is upside down day and night, eh, come on~!ヾ(?°?°?)??

Hehe, if this word limit is exceeded, there will be no charge.)

This chapter has been completed!
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