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Chapter 506 Good Material

Yan Yu sneaked around and found the small courtyard prepared for her by Wang Gonggong.

There was no one around, so she pushed the door open and quickly found her small backpack at the location mentioned by Dong Zhi.

Quick change of clothes.

Fold the pink skirt that you took off and put it into your backpack.

I combed my hair again, tugged it a little, put on the square scarf skillfully, looked at it in the bronze mirror in the room, and nodded with satisfaction.

She was adjusting her belt when she suddenly heard movement in the yard and stopped.

He hurriedly hugged his small backpack and hid behind the curtain.

Two people, a man and a woman, entered the house.

Footsteps walked around the room for a short while.

"Okay, there's no one in this house," the woman said.

The footsteps paused, and the man whispered: "Be careful and you won't make a big mistake."

"Next door is the Zaiwang Pavilion, where the prince rests. Wang De has always made good use of this room. This time the Crown Princess held a banquet and specifically asked to leave this room aside. Even the person who originally looked after the room was transferred due to lack of manpower.

Let's go." The woman was quite happy and said, "The good thing is that there is only one wall between this place and the resting place arranged by the Crown Princess for the Crown Prince and the Young Master."

Yan Yu calmed down his breathing and quickly found the room on the other side of the wall on the three-dimensional map constructed in his mind.

It was very close to where she planned to go.

"The princess specifically reminded you not to get the wrong amount. If you put too much, your whereabouts may be exposed, and the young master will also suffer." The man said.

The woman then said: "Don't worry, the house just bought a batch of river fish a few days ago, and they were frozen into lumps when they arrived. When something happens, I will assume that the fish is not fresh."

Yan Yu's eyes slowly narrowed as he listened to the two checking the time again and identifying the medicine bag in their hands.

One package is prepared for all the boys including the young master they call, and the other package is prepared for the prince brother.

In the words of this man and woman, intoxicants and other drugs are not so easy to obtain. It is better to use croton and run to the latrine until your legs are weak. Then you will have to change clothes. At that time, as long as men and women are in the same room, there will be no explanation.


It sounds like these two people are from the Princess of England.

The princess has been in charge of the government for many years. Once she leaves the palace, it is impossible to completely clear out all the people under her control.

This time the Plum Blossom Appreciation Banquet was short of manpower, and it was not enough for the Crown Princess to mobilize people within the palace, so she also found some temporary helpers from outside.

This gives people with ulterior motives an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Contact Miss Xue’s gossip about the palace, plus a few words from these two people.

Yan Yu made a bold guess.

The Princess of England was probably unwilling to leave the palace and wanted to find an opportunity to come back. However, although she was praying for blessings in the name, she actually made a big mistake and it would be very difficult for her to get her wish.

But that didn't stop her from causing trouble for the Crown Princess.

They are both mistresses, one is safe in the palace, and the other is in a state of distress, managing the affairs of the palace into a mess...

The imperial concubine also left a bomb beside her. Her concubine, Sima Zhao's heart, was known to everyone. A new aunt who had just arrived could not do much even if she wanted to, but with the help of Princess Ying, who had been in charge of the palace for many years,

It's easy to plan something.

The heavy portion of croton was given to the prince, and then Miss Wei found the right opportunity to sneak into the room where the prince was resting... The prince's brother, who had weak legs, met the scheming aunt...

The smaller number of Crotons are sent to the young masters of the palace and other young masters, which can not only cover up others' eyes, but also add a fault to the Crown Princess. At the least, it is because the young manager is negligent. At worst, is it deliberately targeted?

The young prince born to the princess...

Although the plan is simple and crude, it still uses croton, a must-have medicine that often appears in major online articles.

But I have to say, don’t be afraid of getting old when recruiting, as long as it’s easy to use.

What made Yan Yu the most angry was that tiger poison would not eat its seeds, even if the portion was small. She remembered that the young master born to Princess Ying was very young, so she was not afraid that the child's body would not be able to bear it.

What makes her even more angry is that everyone has to be tricked. If she hadn't happened to hear it, wouldn't she have drank the fish soup and had diarrhea, and kept running to the hut...

Speaking of latrines, there are only a few latrines in the palace. If so many people run together, if they can’t grab them...

The consequences could be disastrous!!!

It was so easy to wait until they left.

Just after calming down her little heart, she walked to the door of the room. She didn't dare to walk faster or heavier, for fear that people would leave and come back.

After a few steps, I reached the courtyard door. Before I could relax, I heard footsteps outside the courtyard again...

Yan Yufei nodded his toes and ran back.

It was too late to run back to the house.

I had no choice but to take shelter nearby.

Yan Yu quickly hid behind the water tank in the yard, her heart beating fast.

He moves his position as the visitors move, always keeping a large water tank between him and them.

This time, Yan Yu was gritting her teeth and fighting madly in her heart, whether she should rush out or not...

There are two men. Although she is stronger and has the short knife given to her by Brother Qin Huai tied to her leg, listening to the two men talking, this house is not clean. They have accomplices. If they can't defeat the enemy with one move, there may be trouble in the future.


So, Crown Princess, Crown Princess, why do you want to organize such a large-scale banquet? If you don’t have enough manpower, why don’t you ask someone who knows the situation to borrow someone? Who are the people you’re looking for? You’ve even recruited Beirong.


At first, the two Beirongs seemed like helpers who had never seen the world and took the opportunity to wander around. They also complained slightly that there was a lot of work in the palace, and there were so many ladies and ladies coming, and they had to prepare in advance and avoid them.

, I broke my legs just by moving those charcoal pots back and forth.

Yan Yu was initially puzzled that the two of them found a place to laze around, just talking and moving around.

Later, the two men found out that there was no one inside and outside the house, so they felt safe to talk.

But he accidentally muttered a foreign language.

Yan Yu is particularly sensitive to this.

After that, the two of them were cautious and spoke Guanzhou dialect throughout the whole process.

There are only a few intriguing pieces of information mixed in among a bunch of meaningless conversations.

For example, they mentioned what kind of clothes the prince and the young master were wearing today, and also mentioned the prince's concubine's arrangements for the boys of each family, first pairing, and then archery...

Yan Yu's eyes were as cold as stars, and she wrapped her clothes tightly, trying to fit them as tightly as possible, and carefully circled the water tank.

"...There are too many people in the kitchen. They are crowded and there is no place to step down. Those master chefs have bad tempers and sharp eyes. If they move a little slowly, they will be caught and scolded. It is a pity for the good ingredients we have prepared..."

"It's inconvenient to carry it with you, so you might as well find a place to bury it."

The two men dug up a stone under a plum tree planted in the yard and hid their "good stuff".

After the two left, Yan Yu stood there for a while and then stepped out.

The first thing I did was run around under some plum trees.

Found it, it's this one.

She quickly walked over, squatted down, and without hesitation lifted up the loose stone.

Under the stone, there was a paper package.

This chapter has been completed!
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