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Chapter 51 Entering the Town

The three of them felt that they had to talk to Lao Yan about this matter.

After listening to what his brother said, Yan Huaiwen immediately said: "Find a few people and go explore the situation. It is best to enter the town."

Yan Laoer nodded and was about to leave, but was stopped by his brother: "God bless, be careful. If the situation goes bad, come back quickly."

Li Xuemei clenched her hands at the side.

Yan Yu went to find those friends who were holding ropes to let the chickens go.

Each family was reluctant to give food to the chickens, so they let them out to find food on their own. They tied long ropes around their feet for the children to hold, so as not to let them out to find food and not come back.

Yan Huaiwen summoned the village elders to discuss matters.

Yan Xiangheng and several boys from the village were sent out to find the person.

Fortunately, everyone knew not to go far, so they all wandered around the area collecting firewood and grass, and soon they all came back.

Yan Laoer found Qi Si, Qi Wu and the triathlon.

The Qi brothers are strong, they feel safe when taken out, and they are smart in three irons.

Why not call him Qi Da?

You have to leave a man to take care of the family.

The group of people walked very fast, which was all tempered during this period.

After about an hour's journey, we saw the town that Yan Laoer mentioned in the distance.

It was now Shen Shi, and although the hottest period of the day had passed, it was still oppressively hot.

Yan Laoer discovered that while fewer people were entering the town, more people were leaving the town.

Just as they thought, these people were walking in a hurry and looking miserable. A large family was either driving or pushing a cart, and they were all heading in the same direction, carrying their baggage.

The four of them stared for a while, and when they saw that the government officials really didn't care, they boldly went over and followed the people entering the town with their hearts in mind, and sneaked in.

Entering the town, the four of them were even more frightened.

Most of the shops on the street were closed.

The food store, which was crowded with many people, was being put up. The waiter closed the door and shouted impatiently: "Get out of the way, everyone, get out of the way. I said there is no food and there is no food. Why can't you understand?"

Someone was begging outside: "Shop, shop, please sell me some food. My family is waiting for this food!"

"I am willing to pay high prices and buy high prices."

"I'm willing too, don't close the door, don't close the door! I saw a lot of rice noodles in your store the day before yesterday..."

The waiter was furious: "Why didn't I buy it when I saw you the day before yesterday? It's too expensive, isn't it? No matter how much money I take today, I still have no food. Get out of my way now, don't delay my closing."

"You must have grain in your store!" Someone said angrily: "All the grain shops in the town are closed. What a coincidence. You profiteers, do you want to hoard grain and sell it at a high price?"

When the waiter heard this, the door panel was closed, "Come on, come in and see for yourselves. If there is any grain left, I will feed it to the door panel!"

"This year's harvest is not good. What we sell in the store are all the previously stored grain. Why are the grain stores closed together? They are all sold out! If we can only go out and not go in, will there be a time when we are not sold out? The disasters in various places are serious, and our main

The family can’t move any food. You want to buy food, but our master’s family still wants to buy it!

Hurry up and disperse, there's no point in hanging around here. If you say there's no food, then there's no food!" The man took advantage of their daze and moved quickly to put up the remaining boards.

A group of people gathered around the grain store for a long time and gradually dispersed helplessly.

After hearing the general idea, Yan Laoer and the other two went to other places.

Further forward, I saw a large number of people surrounding me.

They hurried over.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the yamen door.

But the four of them were so frightened that they hid in the crowd and did not dare to show their faces.

I could only hear the voices of these people weeping and begging the big boss to open a tax-free position.

When Yan Laoer heard this, he took a peek.

Ouch! These people are obviously not ordinary people.

The leading ones were well dressed, in good spirits, and most importantly, fat.

These days, people with this figure are basically rich people.

Looking at those who are having fun, they are all wearing similar shorts.

He is obviously a servant.

Only a commotion was heard.

The elder put aside his official stance and walked out.

As soon as he appeared, he cleared his throat and the whole place fell into silence.

"Everyone, gentlemen, please listen to what I have to say."

Yan Laoer took another quick look, oh, it turns out that it's not that surprising that the eldest man looks like this.

"I have asked the government officials to send tax-free gifts to open warehouses for relief, but there has been no reply! How dare I release grain privately without receiving an order? Everyone, please go back. If there is good news, I will arrange it as soon as possible.

We are opening a warehouse to provide relief, please rest assured."

"My lord Mingjian, although we have a somewhat meager harvest, the villagers are constantly coming to our door to ask for food, which is really unbearable!"

"Sir, it's not that we are ungrateful, it's that we really can't survive these days. Our farmland has been reduced in production. If we pay the tax, we will go hungry. If we don't pay the tax, we will be fined according to the law. It's really not possible. It's really not possible... Please...

Sir, please be kind and help us delay some time, get through this summer, and then wait until autumn to make up for it."

"Please, sir, have mercy!"

"Please, sir, have mercy!"

Yan Laoer understood that these people wanted two things.

The first is to help the villagers to open a warehouse. If the warehouse is not opened, they will not be able to ruthlessly send away the people who come to the door. They will always have to give up some rice and grain. But this year's situation is really bad, and the landlord's family has no surplus grain!

Second, we ask for an extension of the grain tax, so that they can pay it again in the fall, and wait until they get through this disaster.

All quite reasonable.

However, the first item also said that he could not release grain privately. He had asked his superiors for instructions, but there has been no reply. I was afraid that they would not be able to do so, so everyone focused on the second item and begged the elder to let them postpone it until autumn.

"You... you are... making things difficult for me!" The elder looked sad and left without any further words!

Yan Laoer: What's going on?

Isn’t it clear whether you agree or not?

But the people surrounding the yamen gate seemed to understand and dispersed.

Yan Laoer thinks that what he heard is similar, so he should go back quickly.

Ask Lao Yan if he understands.

His brain is really not suitable for thinking about such convoluted things...

When he came back to learn it, Lao Yan really understood it.

Yan Huaiwen sighed: "Even if we allow them to pay their taxes in the autumn, it will not help."

This drought in Qishan Prefecture lasted for two full years.

There was no time for the grain delivered by various government offices to be distributed to the lower levels.

A large number of disaster victims fled to Fucheng. Fucheng itself was unable to protect itself. The victims continued to spread to the surrounding cities, like locusts, eating everything they could find and see to satisfy their stomachs.

Those who go first are fine, but those who are left behind are really miserable.

Grass roots and tree bark are considered good things. If you eat the soil, you will die, if you change the seeds, you will eat...

He closed his eyes, not wanting to think back on that heavy reminder of the disaster.

The imperial court's tax-free autumn harvest has just arrived. If the squires here have survived this year, they don't know whether they will be able to survive next year.

Yan Laoer said, "So, the old man turned back and just agreed?" Then why didn't he say anything and be so mysterious?

Yan Huaiwen patiently taught him: "In officialdom, there are many people who are wise and protect themselves. They don't say anything and don't give in. If someone takes advantage of this to cause trouble in the future, they can just push it away."

This chapter has been completed!
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