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Chapter 55 Unexpected Gain

Sanbao easily got rid of the people behind him.

Arrive at the designated location.

The men in the village returned one after another.

A group of men looked at each other and laughed.

"You idiot, you can do it. You can run fast enough."

"It's up to the Qi brothers to fight. Those stick dancers are so exciting!"

"Haha, Brother Wang, where are your shoes? Did they run away? Hahahaha!"

"Ouch! I said the soles of my feet are so hot..."

They are all about the same age. When they were little, they used to play with cats and dogs in the village. Unexpectedly, now that they are adults, they can experience the treatment of a bare-butted doll - letting the beasts chase them away.

Yan Laoer looked at the grain cart behind him and asked with a headache: "Brothers, please stop being happy. How are you going to handle the grain cart? Are the family members who were arrested still there?"

It was very exciting when we were robbing the food. Qi Si Qi Wu, who had finished robbing the ma claws, said stupidly: "Brother Yan, those people have disappeared long ago."

Luo Laodaodao: "I'm not stupid. We made such a big noise, why don't we just run away and wait."

"We pulled a car away, and many people were chasing us. Those old people and women couldn't stand it anymore. You ran so fast that I didn't see you. I looked back and said, Oh my God! It's really fierce when women go crazy. They follow these bastards.

He scratched his face, some old ladies knocked a man down, bit his arms and legs, it was scary!”

Guy: I feel very lucky that I didn’t see it.

"...Then some people started to grab the remaining food, probably because they were afraid that those who were walking in front would turn around and look for them, and they would disappear after a while."

Yan Laoer: After doing a good deed, he found that the food was in his hand.

If you are in trouble, go to Lao Yan.

"Brother, look, the brothers are so capable that they robbed a cart of food. What should we do? Can we still find those people?"

Yan Huaiwen looked at him from head to toe. Well, he was fine. He was not injured.

"Just stay."

Yan Laoer: Huh?

A middle-aged man in the new era who is used to picking up lost items and handing them to the police uncle, couldn't react for a moment.

"You have a good intention of returning the property to its original owner." His second brother had finally done a good deed and probably needed affirmation.

But the current situation is that they can no longer delay their schedule for these people.

"Even if we go back, we won't be able to find him, and even if we meet him again, we won't be able to identify him."

Yan Huaiwen said earnestly: "What we are robbing is ill-gotten wealth, not food for the people. God bless you, you must understand this clearly.

Not coveting but wanting to return is the sincerity of a gentleman; if you stay calmly, you should be safe, and we have no regrets in our hearts."

Village chief Luo decided to share the food among each family.

The villagers were very happy.

When they were rescuing people, they didn't think much about it. They only thought about how those people could be so bad and so black-hearted. They just wanted to make some noise and let those poor people run away.

As for what will happen after running away, they have never thought about it. Why, they saved your life and still care about you for the rest of your life!

As for Qi Si Qi Wu, who was the biggest contributor to retrieving a cart of grain, he said: At that time, we thought that if we didn’t grab enough, we would be afraid that others would not chase us. If we pulled a cart away, those bastards would chase us with their lives...

Village Chief Luo also said that don’t throw away the sticks everyone is using this time, as they can be used in case of emergency in the future.

Besides, these were all unloaded from the Yan family's second-story car, so it's not easy to find such strong wood with such a perfect length.

Qi Wu came over and said, "Brother Yan, if you find suitable wood on the road, I will make an identical frame for you. I have all the tools with me."

Yan Laoer looked around: "Brother Qi Wu, don't be in a hurry. We are about to enter the mountain. I think our car is not very convenient. I think we need to change it. You wait for me to think about it and wait for me to figure it out."

Come one or two, you are busy."

Qi Wu chuckled: "Well, I will listen to Brother Yan. I will do whatever you tell me to do."

That night, Yan Laoer decided to feed everyone meat.

Top-quality ingredients often don’t require complicated cooking.

Snake meat jerky is like that.

The cart of grain they grabbed included both brown and polished rice. Each family received brown rice. Village Chief Luo gave all the polished rice to the Yan family.

Village Chief Luo: Yes, I am such a partial village chief.

Yan Laoer decided to donate generously to celebrate the big guy's victory.

His family produced polished rice, and each family produced water, making three large pots of fragrant white rice porridge.

Chop the dried snake meat into fine pieces, pour it into the pot, and stir to combine.

Instantly transforms into snake meat white rice porridge.

That smells good!

The baby who had just been weaned was so hungry that he cried.

The child's mother carefully scooped out a bowl of porridge and oil, took the trouble to blow away the heat, and fed it into the little baby's mouth.

Turning from crying to laughing is so simple.

Everyone gets a bowl of hot meat porridge.

What was left at the bottom of the pot was rounded up by the men in the village.

One by one, they wiped the porridge pot clean with steamed buns.

Yan Yu looked at the bottom of her bowl and wanted to lick it.

She glanced at her mother and imitated the people in the village who used steamed buns to wipe it.

Nothing should be wasted!

Today, the big snake was finally eaten by the entire village.

I don't know whether it's because I feel good because I did something good today, or because I ate meat porridge, but everyone feels very energetic.

Everyone came to watch the night watch.

Yan Laoer didn't grab it, so he had to come back.

He hit the muzzle of his brother's gun.

"God bless, what is this? Where did you get it?" Yan Huaiwen had something with a cold metallic luster in his hand. If it wasn't his crossbow, what could it be?

Yan Laoer: Huh?!


He was stunned on the spot.

"What the hell, brother, why did you find it? How dangerous it is. Give it to me quickly and I'll put it away." He still wanted to take advantage of it.

"Do you know what this is?" Yan Huaiwen asked with a dark face.

"Isn't it just for hunting?" Yan Laoer avoided the important and took the easy way out.

Yan Huaiwen wanted to throw the crossbow in his face.

"This is a crossbow. It is used by the army. Honestly, where did you get it?"

Yan Laoer helplessly began to make up again: "Whose family is it? It was passed down from generation to generation, and the arrows are all together. They are light and easy to carry and can shoot far. I spent a long time with them before I agreed to sell them.

Give me."

"How can such a powerful military weapon be available to ordinary people?" Yan Huaiwen didn't believe it.

"That person may have an unusual ancestor, maybe he was a general or something." Yan Laoer said.

Anyway, he bit the one he bought to death.

Yan Huaiwen was so angry that he fell backwards. He was ignorant and unskilled.

Smuggling arms is a serious crime.

"Hey, isn't this the treasure you won, dad?" Yan Yu looked like she wanted me to catch her: "You're still reluctant to let me see it, huh! Hei Bu Liu Qiu, what's so rare about it!"

Yan Huaiwen narrowed his eyes and waved to her: "Erya, come here."

Yan Yu came over.

"Do you know where this thing comes from?"

"I know! Daddy won it..." She suddenly covered her mouth, looked at her dad, and whispered to her uncle: "Uncle, my dad won't let me talk to anyone."

"I won it!" Yan Huaiwen gritted his teeth.

He didn't know whether to be happy that he didn't buy the crossbow, or to be angry that his second brother's gambling habit seemed to have been around for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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